All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1188: Into the abyss

"So, Senior Master of Stars, what are your plans for the future?"

Han Chen asked.

The Lord of Stars pondered for a few seconds, and said: "The only thing I want to see now is the changes that are constantly occurring. If one day, I am tired of the changes now, maybe I will choose the next civilization, and then continue to wait and see. Wonderful changes."

Han Chen was startled, he actually thought so.

Also, the current earth does satisfy the Lord of the Stars, but his satisfaction was originally beyond his expectations before he could satisfy himself.

Therefore, although the current Huaxia is very good, it is uncertain whether he will be bored in the future. After all, there have been many faults in the history of the development of Huaxia civilization. More than once, he has gone astray and detoured. What will become in the future Looks like, no one can tell.

If Huaxia really embarks on a path he doesn't like, then of course he has to choose the direction he likes.

It is really rare to be able to do what you want to do in a place like God's Domain where you cannot help yourself.

"I understand."

Han Chen left the Dianxing Temple silently, and then took Wu Yuan to the abyss.

The abyss is also a very special place in the realm of the gods. The 99-level abyss claims to be able to lead to any place in the realm of the gods. When the abyss comes, it will bring disasters.

But the abyss nowadays has gradually gone to extinction.

Race disaster is one of the reasons that contributed to the destruction of the abyss, but it can only be said to be a fuse. The most important reason is that the abyss makes the high level of God's Domain see no hope.

There is no way to verify what purpose the abyss was created at the beginning.

However, the reason why the mighty people in God's Domain acquiesce in the appearance of the abyss is definitely not because there is no way to prevent it, but because they hope that the birth of the abyss can bring some positive effects.

After all, the birth of a disaster is also one of the driving forces for human progress.

The appearance of the abyss is like a pack of wolves on the grassland, eliminating the old, weak, sick, and unsuitable for survival, and at the same time controlling the size of the flock to prevent the flock from causing ecological damage to the grassland.

But today's abyss has lost this value.

As God's Domain understands more and more about the abyss, the disaster that the abyss can cause to God's Domain is getting smaller and smaller, and even finally concluded a set of response processes.

The disaster that the abyss brought to Tianzhuyuan last time was just a cause.

The reason why the abyss invaded the real world so anxiously, even at the expense of all the foundations of the past, is because they have already noticed this.

Even if there is no racial disaster, the abyss will be eliminated by God's Domain sooner or later.

Of course, what the form of elimination will be, it may be.

The appearance of the skill of racial disaster is equivalent to the last straw that overwhelms the camel, and the process of the abyss's collapse suddenly becomes much faster.

Han Chen also wanted to understand this truth after returning from Luan Xinghai.

Sometimes you think you are the leader of the historical trend, but in the end it proves that you are only the promoter of the historical trend. The two seem to be indistinguishable, but in reality they are far apart.

If you are the leader, you can move the historical trend in the direction you want.

But the promoter, even if there is no you, another person will come out to replace you. You are just like a nail on a machine. Although some machines cannot work without a nail, the nail wants a substitute. , More is.

The biggest evidence among them is the plot of the blood race.

The blood race occupied the 15th floor of the abyss with such a fast speed. This was obviously not a whim. They must have planned to do this kind of thing.

So why can the blood race anticipate the emergence of racial disasters? The answer, of course, is that they did not expect it, or even did not need to expect it.

Because they know that the collapse of the abyss will happen sooner or later, they just have been waiting.

Now the collapse of the abyss has been advanced, and their preparations have been launched in a hurry, but fortunately they have prepared enough, so there is no big problem.

When the various forces in God's Domain reacted, they had already occupied enough benefits.

When Han Chen came to the space channel, Wu Yuan's eyes were bright: "Is this going to do something?"

If it's a mess, she is the favorite.

After Han Chen left, she was already Huaxia's strongest, but she didn't have any strong demeanor at all, but was keen on fun.

"The earth should already have control of the 12-level abyss. Because the area of ​​the 12-level abyss is too large, it has entered the stage of indigestion. If the war is to continue, a series of problems are likely to occur, so now the earth is mainly based on Focus on digestion and defense."

Han Chen's Eye of the Night Demon penetrates the layers of space and sees the layout of the space passages, "So using space passages to do things should be something you often do these years!"

Wu Yuan said without evasiveness: "I am buying time for the development of the earth. This is an upright behavior. This is a tactic!"

Han Chen chuckled and didn't reveal it.

Obviously, these spatial passages have gone through many times of fragmentation and reorganization. It is obvious that someone with a high level of spatial knowledge used this space as a toy and often sets up traps here.

Then, the two took a rough look at the overview of the 12-level abyss.

After the 12-level abyss is controlled by the earth, the first thing to do is to remove the devilish energy in the abyss, and secondly, to guide the change of the abyss environment.

If there is too much change, then even the legendary existence can not bear the consumption.

After all, the earth does not have the background of a blood family, and can only guide it slightly.

Among them, those abysses that have not yet completely removed the devilish energy have become places for spawning monsters and leveling. As the earth and the Star Palace encircle and suppress the abyss, these abyssal auras will continue to weaken, and the key objects of the earth’s development are Placed in those places that have been purged.

Those areas that have been cleaned up are mainly used as logistics bases and resource areas, serving the undeveloped areas, and becoming forward bases.

Han Chen didn't intend to promote this journey personally. He came here just to take a look and clear away some threats by the way.

The truly powerful existence in the abyss and the remaining resistance forces either have entered the Ancestral Dragon Star or are hiding in the remaining places, and there is no need for him to take action.

It's just that the blood race's process of developing the abyss is too fast, they have prepared too much and too well, so before the development of the earth has not reached the 10% level, they have already developed half of the process.

If they are successfully developed, then it is time for the blood race to fight the earth.

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