All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1189: Go to reason

After the tour ended, Han Chen came to the abyss controlled by the blood clan.

Most of the area here has become a paradise suitable for the growth of the blood race, and the living space of life forms other than the flesh and blood life has become very narrow. If it is not for the blood race to have the opportunity to experience, let the younger generations see all kinds of different things. Race, these places will not exist either.

If their transformation is completely successful, then this will become the resource base of the blood race, and will become their training ground, as well as a place for rapid recovery after death.

Although there have been festivals between the earth and the blood race, in the civilized war, this is not an insoluble contradiction, at least it is not an endless hatred.

Therefore, Han Chen did not intend to do too much.

Otherwise, the other party has almost established a holy place.

If the two sides have a bad relationship, it will be bad.

The earth will not lack enemies, there is no need to have one more, and there is no need to have one less.

Wu Yuan was excitedly looking forward to Han Chen's actions.

During this period of time, she has also thought of many ways to curb the development of the blood race, but even if she is cute, what she can do is still limited.

After all, the pinnacle forces in the Gods' Domain also have void elves.

If the cost is too great, it is better to focus on strengthening yourself, after all, even if it weakens the opponent, you will have other opponents.

And if he is strong enough, no matter what kind of opponent he is, he is fearless.

Improving one's own strength is always more important than suppressing competitors.

The original 99th level of the abyss, known as the abyss closest to the realm of God, has now become the base of the blood race, and it is also the forward base for the blood race to attack other abysses.

In order to protect this place, even a prince of the blood clan personally sits here.

Now, here are two uninvited guests.

"Prince Bruch, introduce myself. I am Han Chen from the earth civilization. I brought my love here today. I want to discuss with you about the relationship between the earth and the blood race."

Han Chen's humility and politeness made Prince Bruch also very politely stated that the relationship between the two parties can be resolved through negotiation.

Of course, there is a small reason, that is, the sword of the night demon is now resting on his neck.

Anyone who is put on his neck by the sword of the night demon will speak well.

Han Chen said: "I'm a reasonable person. If the two sides compete for resources only, I don't bother to take care of it. But if we fight each other and kill each other, we will be greatly injured and let other races pick peaches. , That would be bad."

To be reasonable, then you put the sword down!

Prince Bruch glanced at the Night Demon Sword on his neck, felt the terrifying power transmitted by the swordsman, and said that he was very willing to solve the problem in a peaceful way.

For no other reason, he just got tired of fighting and killing.

"Our kinsmen are willing to sign an agreement with the earth. There will never be a large-scale war between the two sides. Perhaps we can join hands to deal with those forces that want to take advantage of us."

Whether it's true or not, let's say yes first.

And in the face of such a ghostly assassin, Bruch also felt very stressed.

Of course he had heard of Han Chen, the first person on earth, but he didn't expect Han Chen to possess such strength, and actually possess the strength to threaten him.

If such a terrible assassin is allowed to assassinate at will, the entire blood clan will be in panic.

How can they fight this way? Just spend all day preparing for the assassination.

He believed that Han Chen would not have done such a shameless thing, but the premise is that the earth is not in danger of being destroyed, otherwise, where is the face of the race important?

"Do you think I would believe it?"

Han Chen showed a sarcasm on his face, "Although I haven't lived for too long, don't humiliate my IQ. Let's not talk about whether such a racial truce can take effect, even if it breaks the contract by taking advantage of it. I think you should be able to bear the punishment, not to mention that although the life of a prince is important, it is not impossible to sacrifice once in the face of the development of the blood race."

His soul-locking tower can restrain the souls, not including the mythical level.

After all, the Soul Locking Tower was originally something invented by the mighty for the purpose of cultivating the younger generations. How could it destroy those who have become strong for the growth of the younger generations?

A myth-level existence dies once. Although the cost of resurrection is also high, the blood race is not unacceptable, not to mention that the blood race is originally a race with strong vitality and good at resurrection.

Han Chen beheaded Bruch once, only to let the opponent leave a little blood.

If the two sides are really fighting endlessly, it won't look good to anyone.

"Then what do you want?"

Bruch didn't panic either. Since Han Chen didn't kill himself in the first place, it meant that both sides still had room for change, and they didn't have to die.

Moreover, the existence of the myth level is already qualified to know the truth of God's Domain, and it will not reduce their evaluation in the hearts of those powerful people just because of a momentary breath.

"It has been 100,000 years since your blood race joined God's Domain. You have developed very rapidly in these years, and soon became a giant in the God's Domain. However, you seem to be a huge emerging power with a vast future. In fact Has already started to panic!"

Han Chen said calmly.

Prince Bruch was silent, Han Chen was right, the blood family had already started to panic.

One hundred thousand years, for God's Domain, it was considered a young force. The development of the blood races, coupled with their strong capacity, allowed them to surpass many ancient forces at the fastest speed.

However, this is only the surface.

"Although the holy land established by the blood race is very close to the real holy land, it still lacks a very vital factor. That is, your so-called holy land is not built by true transcendents. Your blood race has not yet appeared. A detached person." Han Chen said indifferently about the current plight of the blood race.

Prince Bruch's pale face was now even paler.

Han Chen is right. The biggest dilemma of the blood family is that there is no detachment.

It is not that there is no way to survive without the detached, but because, since you have not born the detached, is there a problem with your original promotion system in writing?

If this path of ascension originally had a culmination, then why should we tolerate such a behemoth wasting a lot of resources?

The abyss under their feet is a lesson from the past!

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