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Chapter 1190: The Dilemma of the Kindred

The first thousand and ninety chapters of the plight of the blood family


Prince Bruch said excitedly, "God's Domain has never been a good place. This is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. All unnecessary things will be eliminated here. We have chosen to enter the God's Domain for 100,000 years. The dark camp is also famous, but it is such a giant, there is not even a detachment, what is the need for such a race to continue?

We occupy a large number of territories, we have destroyed countless races, we enjoy boundless resources, and we have a huge population, but all of these come at a price. God's Domain hopes that there must be strong ones among you.

But destiny made a joke for us. In these 100,000 years, our blood clan gave birth to some princes, which is also a myth, but why didn't a detached one appear!

If we can no longer appear detached, God's Domain will definitely take our things back. "

Wu Yuan was on the side, looking at the blood prince with excitement, not knowing what to say.

There is no sympathy for wars between races.

If you want to sympathize with each other, you must first have the strength to beat the opponent down.

What's more, even if the opponent is declining, it will not happen overnight. The blood race is now in full swing, and its strength far exceeds the comprehensive strength of the earth.

The weak sympathize with the strong. Where does this come from?

Han Chen said: "Then how do you plan to cultivate the detached?"

Prince Bruch was stunned, but still quickly replied: "As long as we can have more land and resources, and have more places to train younger generations, and let the blood race continue to grow and develop, the chance of our birth of talent will definitely be To become higher, I believe that sooner or later, we will be born with detached ones."

Wu Yuan couldn't help but said, "You still want to continue to develop? But don't you know that your current predicament is caused by too much power?"

She had already sorted out the conversation between the two just now. The territory owned by the blood race was too large and occupied too many resources, but it did not cultivate the strong.

Since you can't cultivate the strong with these resources, we have to give the resources to other races.

This is the logic of God's Domain, this is the truth of God's Domain.

If you want to have the qualifications to reason with God's Domain, you must first be able to wrestle with them.

"Of course I know!"

Prince Bruch said, "But what can we do? We have now embarked on a road of no return. We have offended too many enemies in the process of development. If we give up what we have already obtained, we will lose our preservation. Race qualification."

Wu Yuan just wanted to say something, but was stopped by Han Chen.

"Just like in the past, in order to develop the economy and people's livelihood, Huaxia cut down a lot of trees and exchanged natural resources for development opportunities. Do you think Huaxia leaders don’t know how to protect the environment? But if we are not strong enough , Then even the ability to preserve China is lost.

Later, China Huaxia dared to grow more and more to be qualified to talk about protecting the environment, and in terms of protecting the environment, China Huaxia did the best in the world. "

Wu Yuan let out a faint sigh.

She also understands this truth, after all, sometimes people are really helpless.

Having absolute strength and being at ease is the dream of many people and many countries, but after all, it can only exist in fantasy.

The blood race is like this, why is it not like this on the earth?

China’s biggest dream is peaceful development, but this dream is always just a dream.

As long as the greed in human hearts does not disappear, this dream will always be out of reach.

"Actually, I can show you a clear way." Han Chen said.


Prince Bruch was a little skeptical, "This is good for your planet?"

Whether Han Chen can think of a solution to their family's plight, he doesn't know, but what he knows is that Han Chen must have his own reasons for doing this.

After all, he has been living in God’s Domain and I don’t know how many years he has died. His first reaction is that this is also normal. This is a very simple logic. It is not good for you. Why do you do?

It is not a race without the Virgin's Heart bursting, but such races have been extinct.

That's why he had the question like just now.

"In fact, the plight of your blood race can be divided into two aspects, one is that you urgently need the strong, and the other is to save your race."

Han Chen said, "You have enough mythological powers. I don't need to worry about this. There is no fixed formula for the training of escapers. Otherwise, God's Domain has long adjusted itself to a model suitable for cultivating transcendents. Is it still your turn to discover?

But if it only guarantees the continuation of your race, there is actually not much problem. "

"this is very simple?"

Prince Bruch was taken aback. Could it be that this plan is very simple, but it's just that they want something wrong?

"Even the lowest-level zombies among your dark races, and the kobolds that even the orcs don't want to recognize, have survival value in the realm of God, why can't you?"

Han Chen smiled and said, "Even in the Novice Village where I just debuted, there are many vampires in the periphery, plus many vampire servants, so you don't actually have to worry about the genocide. As long as you are valuable, you won't Be destroyed."

"You mean, do you want us to live in this way?"

Prince Bruch was angry.

Of course he knew the truth, but if the vampire clan used this method to survive, what's the difference between it and extermination?

"No, I mean, what you actually need is not a way to stop the extinction, but a back road, a back road that can still exist after you fall from the altar. If you turn into a wild area Regarding it as the worst back road, then the back road I can provide you can be better."

Han Chen explained, “For example, our earth civilization actually likes the blood lineage very much. It has a very good affinity with the human lineage, and it is easy to advance, and the attributes are not bad in all aspects. Although there are some shortcomings, it is for warriors and assassins. For these two professions, the blood lineage is already considered the top lineage, so even if you fall, we should try our best to preserve your lineage."

"What do you mean, we want our blood to become vassals of your earth?"

Prince Bruch's face sank like water.

"If you don't fall, then treat it as I didn't say it."

The corners of Han Chen's mouth curled up, "But if you are really gone, do you think I have to ask for your consent here?"

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