All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1191: The end of the abyss

Ten hours later, Han Chen left the blood clan and then sent an email to Li Long.

The content of this email is also very simple. It is about some people on the earth who secretly reached an agreement with the blood race. This is also a list obtained from the prince.

Han Chen did not expect him to get the list of everyone, but at least he could clear some cancers.

It doesn’t really matter to reach some agreement between two rival races, but what do you mean by secretly doing this? Isn’t it about gaining profit by selling human intelligence?

Therefore, Han Chen didn't mean to forgive this kind of racial cancer.

Even if there is a legendary existence among them, there is no reason to forgive him.

It doesn't matter to him to deal with the follow-up work.

Those who have betrayed the earth, even with the help of other races in God's Domain, their souls can be reincarnated in the territories of other races, at least they will not be able to appear on the earth.

Under China's strong pressure, other countries dare not protect these people.

In fact, China is the only country that still holds credibility on the earth.

Because as the use of Gods Domain watches becomes more and more popular, people can easily get the most time-sensitive and true news of the entire earth on it. Because of this, countries that often use fake news to play with their citizens will soon be lost. The trust of the people.

Although Huaxia also has such a phenomenon, but fortunately it is backed by its peers, so it appears that Huaxia is the most credible country.

If it weren't for being suppressed by China for fear of becoming a mess of sand, those countries would have fallen apart long ago.

Without mentioning this matter, Han Chen went to the remaining area of ​​the abyss after bidding farewell to Prince Bruch.

Now there are only 30 floors left in the territory occupied by the abyss demon. Even in the remaining 30 abysses, there are constant wars, not only cannibalism, but also invasions from the major races of God's Domain.

Under the influence of racial disasters, the abyss demon continued to retreat.

If it weren't because they still had the advantage of the environment, the Abyss Demon would be gone now.

Coming to the sky above the abyss, Wu Yuan looked at the abyss demons who were fighting underneath: "Now they are facing the enemy, and they still have free time to kill each other, and they deserve to be annihilated."

The Abyssal Demon is originally a more annoying creature, especially the wisdom that can extinguish intelligent life, which makes the intelligent life camp abhorrent.

However, now facing the invasion of the outside world, the abyss demons still do not keep their hands on fighting each other.

"Abyss demons are not stupid, and abyss creatures are not stupid, but they think differently from ours."

Han Chen said, “For us, of course we must unite in times of disaster. This is our instinctive thinking. Of course, many people will lose their composure in times of crisis and choose to surrender to the enemy in order to survive. But such people ultimately Nor will it end well.

But it’s different for the Abyss Demon. After the Abyss Demon is transformed by the Abyss, the originally selfish character becomes more extreme, so they will not consider the racial environment. All they need to consider is themselves, even if they act together. , But also to obtain benefits.

Such a character would be fine if it played a downwind situation, at best it would be a problem when sharing the spoils, but now it would become a fatal flaw in a headwind situation.

Since the destruction of the abyss has become a foregone conclusion, of course they have to find a way out for themselves. If they fight directly with the legions of God's Domain, it is undoubtedly a mantis arm. No matter how many games are won, the victory is only the process, and the failure is the result. Only then will there be a chance to survive in God's Domain.

So they are fighting each other desperately now, also to make themselves break through at the last time as much as possible. As long as they can break through and become a legend, there is still hope of entering God's Domain to survive. As for how many people will be lost in the process, that is not Their business. "

Wu Yuan felt a bit of chills: "selfishness is really terrible."

"Selfishness is not terrible, but terrible is stupid."

Han Chen shook his head, "The creatures of God's Domain are also selfish. At least they understand that following a reliable strong will have a greater chance of survival. The strong they follow do not necessarily have invincible power, but at least they can Protect them in the face of most crises.

Abyssal creatures are different. They only follow the strong, because they know that the only outcome for disobeying the strong is destruction, but the price of following the strong is to become cannon fodder. Those strong will not take the lives of those ants. In my eyes, I may even worry that the ants will rebel against themselves after they grow up.

The most ridiculous thing is that the vast majority of abyssal creatures have no chance to rise up at all, even if they have talents, they can't rise up, because there will be no opportunities for growth, but even so, they are unwilling to resist the strong because they are against the strong. The fear has been carved into their souls. "

The strong is respected, sometimes it seems to be a truth.

But more often, this is just an excuse used by the strong to suppress the weak.

Since the strong is respected, then you, the weak, must obey me obediently.

If you have no strength, you must bow your head obediently.

The weak felt that what the strong said made sense, so they gave up resistance, even if they could unite to overthrow the strong, they still worried that the sacrifice would be themselves.

It is precisely because of this prisoner's dilemma that after the initial glory, the abyss demon gradually declined.

The emergence of racial disasters was only a fuse, pushing the wheel of history forward for a certain distance, but it did not change the historical development.

The destruction of the abyss is inevitable, not accidental.

In the past, the existence of the abyss was only a sparring role for the major forces in God's Domain, but now, even their sparring function has gradually faded.

The last time the abyss invaded Tianzhuyuan, the reason why it was able to fight for hundreds of years was also because Tianzhuyuan fought on its own. Although they did not attack each other, they did not fight together.

Because they know that the invasion of the abyss caused them, that is, property damage, they hope that this loss can be borne by their teammates.

Even if they really had an accident, there were forces other than Tianzhuyuan to help.

Therefore, such an abyss has really lost its deterrence in the past.

In order to win hope for himself in the difficult situation, Abyss decided to sacrifice all the accumulation in the past and use his best to open up his own future in Zulong.

But this is the case, the mighty ones of God's Domain did not interfere in the abyss.

Because this is what they expect.

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