All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1193: I did it

The collapse of Tianzhu Mountain shocked the entire Tianzhuyuan.

The countless creatures in Tianzhuyuan looked up at the collapsed Tianzhu Mountain and felt shocked.

"This, what is this?"

"Could it be that outside forces are going to intervene here?"


"However, the destruction of Tianzhu Mountain shouldn't be a very difficult thing? Why did this happen? And there is no sign?"

The powerful people of Tianzhuyuan sent people to check it out, trying to find the source of the collapse of Tianzhu Mountain.

However, nothing was achieved.


At this moment, the second Tianzhu Mountain collapsed.

Before they had no place, they were sneaked in by outsiders and destroyed a Tianzhu Mountain.

But since they were prepared, there has been no chance for the outside world to succeed.

But now, Tianzhu Mountain has fallen one after another.

The sudden accident has attracted the attention of countless strong people.

After 5 hours, the third Tianzhu Mountain collapsed.

The successive collapses of Tianzhu Mountain made the powerhouses of Tianzhuyuan unable to sit still, and they went to find the Lord of the Stars and the Moon Sage.

When it's okay, they most hate these strong people pressing on their heads.

But when the day collapsed, they hoped that such a tall man would bear it.

But the reply they got was only two simple words: "It's okay!"

All right? Why is it all right?

Tianzhu Mountain has collapsed three, plus the one that was secretly damaged before, and now four have collapsed. How can this be called okay?

But can they still question the Lord of the Stars and the Moon Sage?

Just kidding, if people are willing to reply to you, it will save you face. Believe it or not, if you provoke them, they will slap you to death with a backhand!

However, many people settled down and waited for the development of the situation.

There are even a few people who are looking forward to such changes.

Those are the spokesperson forces that are supported by outside forces. They all have backers behind them, so even if forces other than Tianzhuyuan step in, they don't need to worry too much.

The only thing they need to worry about is that they have to submit to the Lord of the Stars in order to survive.

However, this kind of sin is not guilty of death, and at most it will punish them to do some labor.

When Tianzhu Mountain first collapsed, forums on the earth were also talking about it.

[The collapse of Tianzhu Mountain is a lack of humanity or a loss of morality, please see...]

【piss off! What age is it now, and this kind of title party is still popular? Now our earth disaster is approaching, and the powerful forces outside Tianzhuyuan are like clouds. It is only because of the rules and restrictions he said that they can't intervene here. For example, the collapse of Zhushan today is equivalent to losing a layer of protection. 】

[That said, everyone, get ready to divide your luggage! 】

[Split a piece of woolen luggage! If forces outside of Tianzhuyuan invade here, then none of the people in Tianzhuyuan will be spared. Speaking of it, the things that our planet has done to death over the years have indeed been done, and I think it's time for us to accept the severe beating of society. 】

[It’s not always true who hits everyone! Everyone think about it carefully, if the mythical power is truly invincible, then if there is no mythological power, should all of them be destroyed? But the big guys in the strategy team who had gone out before, most of what they saw was that the forces did not exist at the myth level. 】

[Although I don’t know what the rules are, but I think this should be our vitality. 】

[By the way, didn’t Mr. Han come back some time ago? I heard that I took my wife on my honeymoon. Is the boss going to stand up and preside over the overall situation? 】

After some discussion, the wind on the Internet began to turn to Han Chen.

Some people even suspect that what happened today is related to Han Chen.

After all, Han Chen disappeared for a few years, suddenly appeared again, and then there was such a big movement, it is hard not to let people link the two together.

And Han Chen, who looked at the direction of public opinion on the God Domain watch, felt relieved.

In the past, when the earth encountered a crisis, the Internet was usually full of sighs. Many people were spreading desperate speech and discussing the feasibility of whether the earth could survive the crisis.

But now everyone's discussion has become a lot more objective.

And even if he knew he was back, he didn't put the hope of saving the earth on him.

Because everyone has learned to save themselves.

As the saying goes, it is better to ask for yourself. Although the boss is the backbone of the earth, it is not everything on the earth. Everyone is used to dealing with dangers by themselves.

Wu Yuan frowned and flew to Han Chen's side: "Why can't I still find a place with weak space? Why is it so easy for you to find a weak place?"

What everyone didn't know was that when everyone was worried, the two people who were the instigators were still here to discuss the issue of space nodes leisurely.

Han Chen said: "Don't worry, I am also a myth now. It is normal to have some means you can't understand, but your realm is close to me. As long as you are willing to look for it patiently, I believe you will be able to find the weakest. Location."

Wu Yuan pouted, and continued to search for the space node.

And Han Chen posted a post on the Internet: [Don't panic, I did it. 】

At this moment, countless players who followed Han Chen's account suddenly received such a message, they showed a burst of surprise, followed by ecstasy.

[Big Brother Han finally cheated the corpse! 】

[The old man has chanted the soul-recovering spell for so many years, and the boss finally recovered his soul. 】

【what? Isn't it the role of the old man's ingots and candles? 】

[Tumble, baby cow! Obviously it is the function of this series of packages such as the bell, the wooden sword, the villain, chanting the spell, and then calling the soul. How dare you and other fanatics take the credit with this seat! 】

Looking at these comments, a black line appeared on Han Chen's face, and there was an urge to hit someone along the network cable.

After so many years, the personalities of sand sculpture netizens have not changed.

I thought that everyone should become more mature, but I didn't expect that I just posted a post and immediately exposed everyone's nature.

But to his comfort, such a personality is really 108,000 miles away from belief.

However, Han Chen's post has really settled many people's hearts.

Although everyone was wondering why Han Chen wanted to do such a thing, and why he could do such a thing, out of trust in Han Chen, everyone did not ask.

The earth has gone through countless crises in the past, all of which were led by Dao Han to solve it. If Dao Han could not be trusted, the earth would have been dead.

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