All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1194: Fall from the Abyss

Han Chen didn't explain too much, but let everyone wait and see.

However, a group of legends on the earth stood up to help Han Chen explain something: "On the surface, the earth is now in a calm stage, but forces outside of the realm of God have occupied many layers of abyss, and wait until they are completely stable. When they come down, they will use the abyss as a springboard to start a war with the people on earth in the abyss.

So although we don't know what the big brother means, we can be sure that Han Chen only advances the date of the decisive battle at best. "

After speaking, many real information was released online.

Today's people on Earth have long been beaten by God's Domain. Although there are some sand sculptures in their words and deeds, their hearts have actually matured a lot.

After seeing the information, many people's doubts disappeared.

At least they understand one thing, even if Tianzhu Mountain is not destroyed, many forces in the earth and God's Domain will start wars in the abyss.

If the earth loses the abyss, the opponent will invade Tianzhuyuan through the abyss as a springboard.

If this is the case, then muddling the water may be a better choice.


Another Tianzhu Mountain collapsed.

At this time, people's concerns began to change.

[Have you noticed one thing? That is that many powerful people have come to observe Tianzhu Mountain, but everyone has not seen any signs of damage to Tianzhu Mountain, as if the collapse of Tianzhu Mountain just now Collapse accidentally or naturally. 】

[Yes, this is a very abnormal phenomenon. Could it be that the place where Tianzhu Mountain was destroyed was the outside world? Or is it something we can't see, even the top of Tianzhu Mountain? 】

[Your news is too backward. Some curious experts have tried to fly upwards along Tianzhu Mountain, but the space there is distorted. No matter how you fly upwards, you will eventually fly down. Tianzhu Mountain has no difference between up and down. of. 】

Successive incidents have made everyone realize that this incident is not that simple.

If Tianzhu Mountain can be destroyed in another place, what does it mean?

Is there such a group of people that can destroy this place at any time?

Is it true that those big people, as long as they want to put the earth in danger, the earth must go through crisis?

It's not that they like conspiracy theories, but they have been beaten up too much.

After discovering that Tianzhu Mountain could be destroyed in places other than Tianzhu Mountain, they could not tolerate their thoughts.

It didn't take long for the earth to discover something again.

There are 4 abysses suddenly missing!

This is exactly the number of Tianzhushan destroyed.

This discovery caused an uproar on the entire earth. Why did the four abysses lose contact but the four Tianzhu Mountains collapsed at this time?

At this time, Han Chen's account sent another explanation:

[The contact between the earth and the various races of God’s Domain is inevitable, and the period of stable development has ended. The space blockade of Tianzhuyuan used to be a barrier to protect our development, but as we improve, it has become a restriction for us. The cage of development, we must break it. 】

[I have no control over what direction the earth’s future will go. I can only do one thing now, and that is to prevent the situation here from slipping in the worst direction when all races are watching us. God's Domain may be a mess, but at least the earth is not the one attacked by the group. 】

Today's people on Earth have improved their overall psychological quality.

As long as they are not those who blindly brush monsters and level up, most people can tell why they are in the current situation, so they understand the dangers now.

It was just that suddenly facing such a situation, everyone was a little confused.

One thing Han Chen said is correct, that is, the earth has no way to escape.

And the worst situation is that the earth has just entered a wider world, and it is immediately beaten by all parties. If it can muddy the water, it may be a good thing for the earth.

As a result, countless people on earth began to pay attention to the development of events.

Soon, they discovered one thing, that is, those missing abysses were not really missing, but fell into the realm of God.

The abyss can lead to any place in God's Domain, so on the spatial level, the abyss can be said to be at a relatively high place, which is the "high" of the spatial level.

Now, lost the abyss of support, and began to "fall" gradually.

The direction of the fall, of course, is the vast land of God's Domain.

The four-layered abyss is like four huge meteors, landing on the ground outside the Tianzhuyuan, destroying countless creatures and the environment on the surface, and also causing huge shocks.

Some good people went to check, and then discovered amazing facts.

The essence of these abysses is actually a aggregation of some special laws.

When the abyss falls into the realm of God, these laws can almost be revealed to everyone in the form of textures, that is, they can be captured by everyone's naked eyes.

Such a discovery caused the madness of countless people.

What is even more crazy is that there are fragments of the law.

You know, the law is something that can only be possessed at this level of legend. In other words, for countless creatures, now is a good opportunity for them to approach the legend.

Even if it has become a legend, it is possible to go further in the understanding of the law.

Those forces outside Tianzhuyuan, in order to be able to compete for the opportunity to observe the stripes of the law, and the fragments of the law, began to fight, outside the Tianzhuyuan, in just three days, completed preparations and declaration of war. After a series of preparations for the battle, **** conflict broke out immediately.

Those lords who are stuck on the edge of the legend, desperately strive for such an opportunity.

If such an opportunity is missed, I don't know when I will get it again.

Many people have also discovered that this is actually a conspiracy, but whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, they are willing to jump in.

Their lives are gone, and they can be resurrected again, but if such an opportunity for understanding is missed, it may make them regret for life.

It is even worth taking a fragment of law at the cost of life. After all, even if it is resurrected after death, the fragment of law will not disappear.

Those large forces with a lot of legends can't help but intervene.

After all, it is said that no matter how many strong people are at this level, there are no too many. What's more, as the boss, if you hinder the promotion of the younger brother, then you will not want to recruit younger brothers in the future.

What's more, if they are unwilling to fight, then if this opportunity is snatched by others, their status will be affected.

So no matter what the purpose of this chaos is at the beginning, they have to jump down.

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