All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1196: Total War

In the next three months, the earth witnessed the terrifying power of the gods beyond Tianzhuyuan.

A large number of troops invaded the abyss, and under the attack by all forces at all costs, the remaining abyss was directly occupied in just three months.

On weekdays, the lofty legendary existences have now appeared in a few thousand at once, almost making the people on earth think that it is the age of "legends are not as good as dogs, epics are walking everywhere".

However, someone reminded: This is the elite of God's Domain.

The God's Domain is huge, but not everyone is qualified to explore the entire God's Domain. People with this ability have basically left the God's Domain.

Even in the records of the Angel Race, God's Domain has not been seen.

Maybe those in the eternal realm know the limits of the gods, but they don't say it.

Just as people on earth call the galaxies that humans can observe as total galaxies, the forces in God's Domain also regard the limits they can explore as the main body of God's Domain.

Within this range, the number of legendary ranks did not exceed 10,000.

Outside of this range, even Han Chen didn't know what was there.

But he understands one thing, that is, what he sees is only the tip of the iceberg.

There are not many strong myths here, because the myth that is too strong has been sent away. The biggest role here is to cultivate the strong and serve as the cradle for the birth of the strong.

However, this is not necessarily unique.

According to the historical records of God’s Domain, at least no detached person has been born in the last 100,000 years. Even if a mythical existence is selected by a detached person to make breakthroughs in the outside world, there should not be too many such people, so Han Chen suspected that God's Domain should not only have this method to attract new members.

After all, a complete system for cultivating the strong has not yet been established. At this stage of the experiment, it is normal to open up more testing grounds.

But this has nothing to do with Han Chen for the time being, he is only concerned with the range of his own eyes.

Those top powers in God's Domain fought to fight for control of the Abyss Tianzhu Mountain, causing huge damage, and countless lives fell in the abyss every moment.

However, the source of the abyssal breath has also been largely destroyed.

The remaining abyssal creatures, except for those who had already traveled to the Ancestral Dragon Star in advance, had been beheaded to death, after all, this was a war between the forces of God's Domain.

In order to prevent the fishermen from benefiting, they of course have to eliminate the fishermen.

The earthlings and the forces of Tianzhuyuan are like spectators watching movies, watching the battles through intelligence agents.

Countless people on Earth were stunned.

[These veteran forces in God's Domain have been in business for thousands of years, and it is said that some of them have a history of hundreds of thousands of years. The people in power of these forces should not be too stupid. Why did they do such stupid things? , Is it possible that the benefits they can obtain will be greater than what they are paying now? 】

In God's Domain, everything is the priority of interests.

Therefore, these veteran forces should consider everything from the perspective of interest.

But the reality is just the opposite. They have already lost countless troops in order to fight for the opportunity, and they are still investing continuously.

The fight for fragments of law may be important, but is it worth their investment?

Although the opportunity to become a legend is precious, it is not so valuable!

After shutting down for a few months, the earth side has gradually concluded the reasons.

[This can be explained by the prisoner’s dilemma. I won't discuss how big the opportunity here is. After all, time has not given us the answer yet, but this opportunity can be provided to many, many people, allowing many epic existences to become legendary opportunities. 】

【How many opportunities are there and how much their success rate can be improved, this point we will not discuss for the time being, now we only know one thing, that is, the benefits are too wide. 】

[Perhaps those behemoths have already seen that the gains they gained through this war may be far less than their losses, but they have to fight, because if they don’t fight, this opportunity will be Give in to others. 】

[Even if luck is good enough, a new behemoth will be born, a new pinnacle power turf, of course it must be obtained from these old power turf. 】

[So, instead of saying that they are fighting for this opportunity, it is better to prevent such an opportunity from falling into the hands of other forces. After all, they are already in the top position. The special rules of God's Domain do not allow them to dominate and hinder. Latecomers are on the way up, so all they have to do is to prevent latecomers from catching up. 】

[Maybe they will suffer a lot of losses in this battle, but those top powers and ordinary forces, if they want to go further, they must also participate in this battle, so that in the battle with the peak forces, their losses are also Equally huge. 】

[When everyone suffers the same loss, the pinnacle powers are still at the top position relative to other powers, so that their biggest goal is achieved, they are still the strongest group, weak The person is still under their feet. 】

[Maybe there will be leaders of power who can see this situation and can see that in this environment it is the best interest to be alone and not to participate in competition, but even if they can see it, can it be those peak powers? Will they let them not participate in any competition? 】

[No one wants the appearance of the fisherman. If there is a force that is very wise, then I am sorry, everyone is the first to fight you. 】

Such analysis posts immediately became mainstream posts on the earth.

Countless people continue to maintain the mentality of eating melons, but those leaders who are slightly stronger are beginning to reflect seriously.

It turns out that these people are fighting desperately, not for profit, but for ranking.

They are fighting for their own position.

When everyone participates in the competition, everyone's loss will be greater than the gain, but if you don't participate in the competition, then others will gain more than you.

So this is a famous prisoner's dilemma, a prisoner's dilemma that happened before their eyes.

Those giants with a long history, of course, understand this truth.

But even if they understood, they had to jump in.

Not to mention those forces that have not yet grown to their peak.

"It seems to have accidentally pitted the angels in."

Han Chen felt a little embarrassed to see the angel clan joining the battle. However, the angel clan had no need for these fragments of the law, but was forced to get involved, indicating that he was not a fisherman.

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