All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1197: Back to the same...

However, the angel race didn't care much about it. There was a holy place behind them, so these experiences in the outside world were just experience.

And Han Chen gave the angels a way of compensation, which was to rescue the angels.

This is the method he researched in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and for him it is just a side-by-side approach, but it is of great significance to the angel race.

Although it is useless for the angel tribes in the gods' realm, such methods are very important for those who are qualified to go outside the gods' realm.

They are not without similar methods within their own clan, but they are too restrictive.

Now add a means to save angel souls, although not everyone can do it, but it can also give them a lot of help.

The angels who have obtained such a means are naturally willing to continue to make friends with the earth without complaining.

In just nine months, all 18 Tianzhu Mountains had collapsed, and blood flowed into rivers beyond Tianzhuyuan.

Well, although in God's Domain, the blood will not be preserved for a long time, and will dissipate in the form of spirits, but the killing intent that soars to the sky can be felt even if it is seen in the video.

When most of Tianzhu Mountain collapsed, the remaining six were no longer able to support and began the process of natural collapse.

After losing these supports, the earth is also exposed to the outside world.

If the original earth had entered the outside world, what they would have to face would be a joint attack from many forces, then these forces can no longer unite.

I just got all my brains out, how can I unite now?

Although their interests are above all else, they cannot completely ignore the ideas of their subordinates.

What's more, in the previous battles, their losses were not small.

Even if the lean camels are bigger than horses, they no longer have the strength to crush the earth, which is equivalent to standing at the same starting point as the earth.

The earth’s crisis was resolved in a chaotic manner.

Although the earth will be in chaos for a long time in the future, and all kinds of wars will not stop, these are just a kind of suffering for the earth, not a destructive threat.

"Now that the pinnacle forces of the outside world no longer pose a destructive threat to the earth, then there is no need for me to stay too much."

Han Chen took Wu Yuan to continue their trip.

The people on earth also saw Han Chen's approach, and felt...horrified by Han Chen's approach.

What Han Chen did was for the earth, and such a method was not evil.

What they were shocked was that God's Domain could be attacked in such a simple way!

When the whole world becomes selfish, then only one Mars is needed to ignite the entire dark jungle.

If the earth really accepts the rules of God's Domain, what will their future be like?

If they follow this selfish rule and agree that everyone believes in the truth, will they become pawns on the chessboard like them?

Even, are the so-called truths used to restrain their existence?

Han Chen didn't know how much impact it had on the earth, but he went to look at the second genius boy on the earth known as Han Chen.

His name is Jiang Tao, his father is a soldier and his mother is a teacher.

In the case that most of the past occupations have disappeared, these two occupations still remain.

Of course, the number of teachers will gradually decrease.

Under such a family education environment, his childhood life should be spent in rigid rules. After all, his parents are the kind of strict self-discipline.

But he didn't feel too much restraint, because he liked reading.

He has liked to read those history books since he was a child, and read those plot books.

For parents, how can there be more pleasant hobbies than children like reading?

After the advent of God's Domain, he was also the first batch of orphans to enter the Sky City because of his parents. Since then, his daily life has been spent in learning and training.

Because of the relationship between the God Domain Watch, he can easily observe the various conditions of life.

So his past has always been "watching".

When Han Chen left the earth, there was a wave of thoughts on the earth.

This wave of thought has affected many people, including Jiang Tao.

As a result, his world became strange.

He found that all kinds of people were not thinking about what Han Chen meant, they were studying the mind, just because it was what Han Chen called.

The blind worship of Han Chen almost caused disaster.

Later, China also dispatched an army, and gradually calmed down the riot.

At that time, he was in a daze. He felt that the people in this world were very strange. How could they be so susceptible to other people’s influences. They kept arguing for some trivial theories all day long. If it was for their own ideas, then forget it, but The reason for their quarrel was just to prove that they were right.

He wanted to change everyone's thinking, but at this moment he suddenly thought that when he was born with this idea, he would become the same person with everyone.

He felt distressed about this and posted that post on the Internet.

The post is just the beginning. He understands that if he cannot make the things on the post a reality, then his post will only be overwhelmed by everyone.

No one cares about the wailing of a loser, no one listens to a loser to reason.

It is precisely because of his success that many people are awakened.

These days, he saw the constantly refreshing news on the Internet and felt distressed again.

"The law of nature is the law of nature, and the law of nature is irreversible, but it is really difficult for people to continue to agree with this concept of what has happened these days. Is the real face of the strong?" Jiang Tao watched the video with a wry smile.

"The strong is respected, this sentence itself is correct, but people who use this sentence to overwhelm others will look too cowardly."

A man in black casual clothes and a beautiful woman in a tufted blouse appeared opposite him at some point, "Just like a real rich man doesn’t need to show off his wealth, a real school bull doesn’t need to ridicule and find a scumbag. Like the sense of existence, they don't need to satisfy their vanity through these boring things.

The same is true for the strong. The real strong will not put this sentence on their lips. Only those who are eager to get the approval of others to satisfy their vanity will regard such words as truth. Then teach it to others, for fear that others will not know how strong they are.

The real respect for the strong is done by doing it, not by speaking out. "

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