All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1198: We want to make progress

"Han Chen!"

Seeing the figure of the incoming person, Jiang Tao quickly recognized it.

After all, Han Chen's reputation on the earth is very high, and many of Han Chen's classic battle cases have also been recorded as classic teaching.

Coupled with the stereo projection function of the God Domain watch, there is no gap between the portrait and the real person.

Seeing a legendary character appear in front of him like this, Jiang Tao also felt a little trembling, which was an excited tremor.

After all, this one is the number one legend on earth!

He grew up listening to the legend of the legendary character in front of him, and even the environment in which he grew up was created by this legendary character.

For this person who supports the earth and the sky, he has nothing but admiration in his heart.

Even if he is called Han Chen's second place, he doesn't think he now has the qualifications comparable to Han Chen.

But he calmed down quickly.

Now the legendary character is answering his questions, he must seize this opportunity.

"I heard from the big brother Han, that respecting the strong is an excuse for the strong to restrain the weak?"

Jiang Tao said, "In other words, the boss doesn't agree with this sentence?"

"No, I still agree with it before, even now, I can't refute it."

The juice doubled in Han Chen's hand, and then a straw appeared out of thin air, "When the disaster on the earth just came, my first reaction was to find a way to live and protect the people around me. When this is done. After that, I tried my best to make the people around me live well, then I established a power of my own, and then I was treated as a so-called hero.

All of what I have done is based on strength, so if you want me to refute this sentence, it is a bit uncomfortable, a little bit chaotic and abandoned. "

Having said that, Han Chen smiled naturally and handed me a dagger to Jiang Tao.

"Level 0 black quality dagger?"

Jiang Tao was startled after the dagger. He didn't know why the boss had such a dagger around him.

Han Chen said: "The level of this dagger is very low, but when we first entered God's Domain, this dagger played a great role, because at that time we could not use higher-level weapons. My strength grew, and this kind of junk equipment was gradually eliminated.

I want to be stronger, so I need higher-level, better-quality equipment, and only offensive weapons can’t meet my needs. I need armor to improve defense, and I want boots to increase speed. , I need a ring to improve attributes, I need a mask to hide my identity...

This dagger is our courage to face monsters. It will definitely not work without it, but if you just rely on a dagger and want the world to be invincible, let's wash and sleep! "

With that, Han Chen took out another purple-quality dagger.

"This is the vampire dagger I have used. Well, the original one has been damaged in a battle. This is just a phantom. This dagger, a purple weapon at the time, has been able to arouse the entire human race. I am envious, because it can make you rampant in the newbie city.

So at the time, epic weapons were called artifacts!

An epic weapon, you can regard it as the belief that the strong is respected, because this belief can support you to become stronger and can support you to defeat many powerful enemies, so we will think this belief is very important, even now, I It cannot be denied its importance. "

Having said that, he stopped and then started to make juice.

Jiang Tao came to understand: "However, epic weapons are no longer useful to the boss."

"It's still useful, such as giving favors, such as selling money."

Han Chen put down the juice, and the cup automatically filled up again, "I'm not lifting the bar, I just want to say that even now, for me, epic weapons can also serve as the value of amethyst coins, and they are also useful, but , I will not be moved by this level of weapon, nor will I feel that owning it is something worth showing off."

Jiang Tao fell silent.

A purple epic equipment, its existence is also valuable.

However, for the legendary existence, it is no longer worth showing off.

If this piece of equipment is like respecting the strong to Han Chen, then Han Chen hasn't completely abandoned the idea of ​​respecting the strong, but he no longer regards this sentence as a precious thing.

It's like cold weapons entering the era of hot weapons, and they may still play a certain role, but it is naive to expect cold weapons to deter others.

Seeing Jiang Tao fell into silence, Han Chen said to himself: "Actually, the so-called law of the jungle is equivalent to the basic law of this world. If you are unwilling to bow to the law of the jungle, you will definitely suffer from it. We His ancestors have been challenging this law, never won, and never conceded.

We still have no way to defeat the law of the jungle, just like we can't leave Amethyst Coins, even if we leave Amethyst Coins, alternative currencies will appear. The collapse of currencies in the past has caused many people to jump off the building and change another. Currency will cause social unrest.

Just ah! We still have to make progress after all.

We are still far away from the era when there is no money. It is so far away that many people can't see the distance, and think this is like an out-of-reach fantasy.

However, for the vast majority of people, wouldn't it be the same very long distance to replace the black quality weapon in their hand with a colorful mythical weapon?

When a person grows up and replaces his own equipment into a myth, the society becomes a currencyless society, or a civilization transforms into a brand-new appearance, this is an unattainable distance, but this is not the reason for us to give up , Even if there is really no hope, at least, we can strive towards this goal. "

Jiang Tao was shocked: "Have you reached the point of challenging the rules?"

He only now understood what the gap between himself and Han Chen was.

It is not the difference in strength, but the difference in levels.

He feels that it is already very difficult for him to work hard for his future and for the improvement of the earth, but the boss is crazy enough to challenge the rules?

Is this crazy?

"Don't lift me too high, it's easy to fall."

Han Chen waved his hand, "I don't want to challenge the rules. I don't have to follow the rules, nor do I need to violate the rules. In fact, I am in a period of confusion now, because I don't know how to get a higher level of equipment. , I don’t even know what the more advanced equipment is."

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