All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1201: Assignments

"You don't need to worry, you won't encounter it."

The tower guardian gave Han Chen a meaningful look, "You and your lover Wu Yuan, the two are performing tasks alone, even if there will be short-term contact with other people, it will definitely not be too much."

Wu Yuan raised her hand and said, "You haven't said whether we can come back to life!"

The old tower guard glanced at her and said: "Yes! But the cost of resurrection may be a bit high. If you fall outside, it will take at least 10 years to resurrect, and it is God's domain time."

Han Chen is silent, ten years!

In other words, if you die once, you may not recognize your hometown after returning to Earth.

"You don't need to worry about it. Whether it is you or the earth civilization, it is now a very important material in the eyes of God's Domain. From the perspective of value, God's Domain will not interfere with the development of the earth, nor will it allow any factors. To destroy earth civilization, because earth civilization does not require life and death experience."

The tower guardian comforted, "Next, each of you can choose one of the tasks sent to you. It is okay not to accept any tasks, but even if you do not accept any tasks, you cannot return to the realm of God. Yes, this is the opportunity God's Domain gives to earth civilization."

Hearing the words of the guardian old man, none of these myths appeared surprised.

They may have problems with their character and conduct, but their IQ will never be a problem.

They knew that this time the call-up order was originally issued for the earth.

Han Chen's existence has brought endless surprises to God's Domain. Since he is a person who can bring surprises, of course he must be taken care of by the mighty of God's Domain.

It's just that what Han Chen did in God's Domain in the past was a pleasing one, but what he did now would affect their observation.

Because with his return, Han Chen's influence on the earth is getting bigger and bigger.

His words and deeds can set off a storm on the earth.

What's more, he is already the cause of the storm, and I don’t know what impact it will have in the future. If he is allowed to stay in God’s Domain, the damage to God’s Domain will be second, and at most it will turn this place into ruins. , Let them rebuild.

But his influence was too great, and he continued to stay, then God's Domain observed only the changes in Han Chen and Han Chen's subsidiary civilizations, not the changes in the earth.

The two seem to be the same, but they are very important data in the laboratory.

The controlled variable method, of course, cannot control two variables at the same time, and it is still two variables that can influence each other.

So God's Domain must separate the two.

Wu Yuan raised her hand again: "Why don't I have a task reminder."

The old tower guard smiled slightly: "You have no choice."

Wu Yuan curled her lips upset, but didn't say anything.

The tower guardian waved his hand, and the mythical powerhouses had already left here. Only Han Chen and Wu Yuan were left in this independent space.

The old man of the tower said: "You two have too much weight in the earth. If you team up with others, the impact will also be great. So at least you can't team up with someone you know. It can be suitable for you. There are very few tasks, so I helped you choose the tasks."

With that, he sent a mission statement directly to Han Chen and Wu Yuan's God Domain watches.

Han Chen turned on the God Domain watch and began to check the mission.

Unlike the last time I went to Luan Xinghai, I still need to spend a lot of time investigating intelligence. This time the mission description contains detailed target information.

[Task: Ancient battlefield. 】

[Mission description: God’s realm camp, the way of faith, the gods camp, the Zerg camp, the mind demon camp, the sky demon camp, and the machine camp. At a certain point in time, there was a battle in the stars of the universe. 3000 galaxies have been broken into nebulae, and the living space corresponding to the starry sky of the universe has also become a ruin. Now this ruin is being re-established under the influence of the laws of the universe.

This war has continued until now. Eternal Devouring Beasts and star beasts often appear here. It is best to avoid the existence under the eternal realm, otherwise, there will be lives in danger.

You don't have any goals here, you just need to follow your own inner will and do what you want while you live. 】

Behind the mission statement, there are a large number of intelligence gathered by the powerhouses of God's Domain.

A lot of this information comes directly from the eternal realm.

It was only the last part of the mission statement that caused Han Chen's mouth to twitch.

He felt that this kind of explanation was almost like: This place is free for you to toss, anyway, here is already a lot of toss, so I will not give you a goal, don't you like to make trouble? Then make trouble here! Anyway, you can do whatever you want.

Wu Yuan asked curiously: "Is this machine clan the final evolutionary version of artificial intelligence? And this zerg, is it the zerg in the interstellar war? Why are there on earth?"

Han Chen corrected: “It’s not on the earth, but when translating, the automatic translation becomes the easiest creature on the earth. The expressive power of Huaxia language is the most powerful among the earth’s languages, but compared to the universe language, Expressiveness is still lacking.

The machine race here is a special kind of life between the artificial intelligence and the Cybertronians in a series of famous movies, just like life on earth can be divided into three categories: plants, flesh and blood, and fungi Again, this is the fourth type of life.

It's just that they are not cell life, and even some special mechanical groups are not life composed of atoms, but a pure state of information, and everything outside is just their carrier.

And the Zerg you mentioned is somewhat similar to the Zerg in the interstellar war, except that this Zerg is more terrifying and even more..."

Having said this, he looked at the old man guarding the tower with a meaningful look:

"Closer to people."

Closer to people?

Wu Yuan was startled, then clicked on the Zerg information and began to study seriously.

The tower guardian smiled slightly: "It seems you have done a lot of homework, otherwise you won't understand so many things without opening the information I gave you."

Han Chen only took a few seconds to open the information. Although he didn't read all the information in a few seconds, at least he could summarize all the information in a few seconds.

Being able to tell Wu Yuan in plain language can only explain one thing: he has read these materials a long time ago.

Han Chen sighed: "When I killed the upper gods during the chaotic sea of ​​stars, I also burned some things in their kingdom of gods. Then I learned why they hid in the chaotic seas of stars. By the way, also Understand these information."

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