All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1202: Leave again

The tower guardian smiled and looked at Han Chen: "You are really cautious."

Han Chen's actions like this actually expressed his distrust of God's Domain.

This does not need to be concealed, and there is no need to conceal it.

God's Domain will not care about this doubt, nor will it prove itself, because God's Domain has enough power and confidence.

Wu Yuan was a little worried: "How long will we be back?"

The last time Han Chen left for such a long time made her a little worried.

Could it be that she has to leave for such a long time this time?

The distance from the earth all at once made her a little worried.

The tower guardian said: "Although the ancient battlefield is far away from God's Realm, this distance is not a big deal for the Void Elves. If you don't want to come back, you can come back at any time, but you are not allowed to enter God's Realm, nor is it allowed. To show your face on earth, in short, you must disappear from the sight of earthlings.

The flow of time there is three times that of here. With the strength of the void elves, it should take about one month to go back and forth. Take the time yourself! "

Wu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, it would be nice to be able to come back anytime.

It doesn't matter if you can't show up, just be an invisible person.

She was mainly afraid that her mother would be too worried if she left home for too long.

However, the current flow rate of time is 3:1, which is acceptable.

After all, when I was in college, I only went home once a year.

Now if you count the time, you can still meet with your family often.

However, if you die once, the reset time is ten years.

And Han Chen felt a little regretful. When he came back this time, the distance between him and many people has been much longer. Only his family and his relationship remain.

When he came back this time, he also stayed with his parents for a period of time to make up for some of the vacancies when he was away. Later, he spent more time with Wu Yuan.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and now he was leaving again.

"Well, let's say goodbye to your family and friends for the last day!"

The old man guarding the tower said, "In the information given to you, there is a detailed route map to the ancient battlefield. Gods Domain Watch can also give you guidance, let's go!"

After speaking, the body of the old man from the tower disappeared.

Han Chen and Wu Yuan returned to Earth from God's Domain, and then bid farewell to their families one by one.

He didn't say too detailed content, only that he and the two of them still had things to do, so they could not stay on the earth. Han Chen's parents also understood the child.

The greatest wish of parents is to make their children feel less wronged in their lives.

But in this world, where can everything be obeyed?

At the end of the last day, Han Chen and Wu Yuan left the earth hand in hand.

Although there are still many reluctances in her heart, Wu Yuan's heart is faintly sweet, because this time, she finally caught up with Han Chen's pace.

This time Han Chen left, and he was no longer alone.

On the way to leave, under the guidance of Han Chen, Wu Yuan began to analyze what data.

"Eternal Devouring Beast, if you can go to Zulongxing to see Eternal Devouring Beast, you may be able to learn more about the Eternal Devouring Beast."

Wu Yuan can see from the data that the Eternal Devouring Beast and the Star Giant Beast are the two biggest threats.

And she just learned that the Eternal Devouring Beast was by their side.

Han Chen said: "Actually, I intend to open up the channel with Zulongxing in God's Domain after the trip with you, and treat Zulongxing as a battlefield for experience. Of course, it must reach a certain level to be able to have it. Qualified to go, so that everyone can know our opponents in advance.

I have already made this plan, but unfortunately I was sent out of God’s Domain before it was implemented. I even doubted whether God’s Domain’s actions were deliberate. Perhaps the mighty people of God’s Domain had special considerations, so I stopped it. My approach. "

It was a bit too coincidental to get stuck at this time, so Han Chen was suspicious.

Of course, he didn't suspect that God's Domain had read his own thoughts, but he suspected that his preparations had been seen through by the mighty of God's Domain.

Therefore, his current behavior is likely to violate the interests of some people.

But as powerful people, it is impossible to forcefully suppress a small cup, so they used this euphemistic way to get themselves off the earth.

Of course, they did not do too much, and gave themselves a chance to come back.

So this is equivalent to telling you plainly that we can't hide things from you, but we don't want you to interfere with the development here.

You have caused enough impact, let it stop now!

Wu Yuan was shocked. It was the first time she heard Han Chen say this.

"Could it be that God's Domain is afraid of you?"

She asked weirdly.

Han Chen shook his head: "God's Domain is jealous of me. This should be an unlikely thing, but there is not only one powerful person in charge and management of God's Domain. I can't please everyone, and their thoughts can't be exactly the same. So while some people are optimistic about me, some people may hate me."

After all, God's Domain is not a person's God's Domain, and it is normal for those strong people to have different ideas.

Only then did Wu Yuan realize a very important problem, that is, she regarded each other as a united team, but she did not expect that everyone has a personal will.

This is a very common thinking misunderstanding, just like when we evaluate the relationship with a certain country, we often regard the thoughts of some representative people as the thoughts of the other party as a whole.

This kind of thinking is not wrong, because you can't get to know everyone one by one.

That is the business of politicians, not theirs.

But sometimes, this kind of thinking becomes a misunderstanding of one's own thinking.

The time of walking in the void passed very quickly, especially since Wu Yuan was still learning the knowledge of the outside world, so the time was still not enough.

After Wu Yuan checked a lot of information, she issued a question: "Why do so many camps regard this place as an ancient battlefield? And it lasted from a long time ago to the present? Is it because this is the junction of all races? ?"

Han Chen replied: "On the surface, the shots of those powerful people directly turned the 3,000 stars in the cosmic sky into a nebula state. If another battlefield is opened, the destroyed cosmic sky will become More, it is better to continue fighting on this ruin, so that the loss will be even smaller."

"On the surface?" Wu Yuan keenly caught the key words.

"Yes, on the surface."

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