All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1207: Conspiracy Behemoth

Thinking of looking for materials from the giant star beast, Wu Yuan's eyes were also full of hope.

Mengmeng hurriedly stopped and said: "You don't want to die? You actually want to fight the star behemoth? If you anger the star behemoth, you will not be able to eat.

Star behemoth! Seeing in the eternal realm, you must run away immediately!

Some powerful star beasts, even in the eternal realm, have to detour.

Han Chen asked back: "You are a Void Elf, do you still have a way to escape?"

Mengmeng said: "If the Void Elf can escape from all the difficulties, it will not be the target of being hunted down. In the universe and starry sky, although there are very few Void Elves that can threaten the existence of the void, as long as one encounters one, It may also be a disaster for me."

It's not that she is timid, it's that the situation of the void elf's survival is too difficult.

Han Chen said: "If we keep hiding like this, then we lose the meaning of coming here. We might as well hide somewhere outside the earth, so that if something happens on the earth, we can at least do it. A reaction."

Mengmeng was silent, she also understood this.

Traveling without risking any danger is impractical.

Now their safety is actually within the controllable range. If they are unwilling to take risks and try to improve their strength as much as possible, how can they face even stronger dangers?

Wu Yuan also agreed with Han Chen's approach: "Now we are the representatives of the earth. As representatives of the earth, there is nothing wrong with being cautious when taking risks outside, but if the danger can be controlled and you are not willing to take risks, then it is a timid behavior. , Such a leader cannot add points to the earth."

Han Chen smiled and said, "You are starting to be so responsible now!"

Wu Yuan patted her chest: "That is."

Mengmeng also nodded.

Although the star behemoth is powerful, if the void elves want to escape, they still have a great deal of confidence, unless the star behemoth has special means.

Wu Yuan asked excitedly: "What are we going to do?"

Han Chen smiled slightly: "Wait."

Wu Yuan's face drooped immediately.

Unexpectedly, she actually got such an answer.

It was just a sudden pour of cold water on Xing.

Han Chen explained: "The reason why we are safe now is because I have not expressed hostility to the star behemoth. Your life level is not enough, and Mengmeng is also very good at hiding. If we express hostility to the star behemoth, then What we will meet next is the anger of the star behemoth.

Therefore, we must continue to hide, until we encounter a chance that the behemoth of the starry sky will also be shot, so that we can have a chance. "

Wu Yuan nodded: "Well then!"

Han Chen is not short of equipment now, so this time the plot is also for her.

"But while we are waiting, we can also get to know the star behemoth first."

Han Chen said, "The information given to us by the old man from the tower contains detailed information about the giant starry sky beast. The surface of the giant starry sky beast is made of rock. Only the surface has soil and water, and there are a lot of ground cracks on the surface. The size is almost equal to the size of our moon, which is highly consistent with the meteorite behemoth data in the data.

The behemoths of meteorites are famous for their strong defenses. Their main food is the rock races that have the potential to give birth to rock-like life. Sometimes, once wandering in the starry sky, they sleep for hundreds of thousands of years, and only meet their favorite food or encounter Only strong hostility will come back to life, which is relatively docile to our flesh and blood beings. "

Humans define a kind of docile or cruel beast, usually by their own standards.

Being kind to humans and willing to be friends with humans is docile.

Those creatures that attack humans are cruel.

Such a classification method is obviously not suitable for all races, especially when defining the behemoth of meteorites, the rock clan expressed dissatisfaction.

The life matter on the earth is born and developed with flesh and blood and plant life, and in the universe starry sky, there are not a few planets suitable for the growth of rock life, but most of the planets are just desolate rocks, only special conditions A rock clan with wisdom can be born.

Although the growth of the rock clan is not high, it is of great value as an NPC for the training of intelligent life, and the sand clan is also a member and branch of the rock clan.

However, the relationship between the sand and the rock is as big as the difference between humans and swimming fish in the sea.

In the eyes of the outside world, they may be similar. After all, the essential composition is the same, but for the race, they are two completely different species.

For this type of life, the meteor beast is synonymous with disaster.

Once the meteor beast appears, it is the catastrophe of civilization.

resistance? nonexistent.

The behemoth of the meteorite is an existence that even feels a headache in the eternal realm, and ordinary civilization has no room to fight back in front of the behemoth of the meteorite.

The only thing they can do is after the meteor beast has eaten and drank enough, they can not hollow out the origin of the entire civilization, leaving them with some leftovers, so that this civilization can retain a trace of fire, hoping to be able to Make a comeback.

As for revenge, that's even more haha.

After people eat the life matter of a complete civilization, they will continue to enter the starry sky of the universe and enter the next period of travel, and a civilization that has turned into ruins, even if there is still a glimmer of hope, where can revenge?

Wu Yuan also checked the information: "For us, the most important thing about the Meteor Behemoth is the heart of the rock in its body, but this can only be obtained by killing the Meteor Behemoth. Can you kill the Meteor? The behemoth's grasp? This is too unrealistic!"

Han Chen shook his head: "When looking at the strategy, we sometimes have to consider the thinking of the raiders. Meteor behemoths are only eligible to provoke in the eternal realm, and only the eternal realm can plot the meteor behemoths. Therefore, kill the meteor behemoths. Among the harvests, the only thing that makes the Eternal Realm eye-catching is the Heart of the Rock, but we are not the Eternal Realm!"

Wu Yuan suddenly realized.

Han Chen's realm is only the only realm, and his realm is only half the only one. For them, things that are invisible to the eternal realm may not be unusable.

However, only the Eternal Realm can conspire with the meteor behemoth, so there is no need to write an attack strategy.

"So, what is the really useful thing for you?" Mengmeng looked at Han Chen curiously, "It's obviously the first time you have encountered a meteor behemoth, but you seem to know it well. You have found a place you can use, and your preparation seems to be more than you imagined!"

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