All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1208: Encounter the machine clan

"Prudence and bravery are never opposites."

Han Chen smiled slightly, "When I was in the Sea of ​​Stars, I was bored most of the time. Although the daily political affairs and sword training have not fallen, but I don’t need sleep, I always need to find something to do. When I killed those high-ranking gods, it was not that I didn't get their soul fragments."

There is a soul-locking tower, if he doesn't even have this consciousness, then he will be for nothing.

"Besides, look at this information."

Han Chen opened a certain paragraph in the document, "The body of the meteorite beast is as solid as a rock, with magma flowing in its body, which acts like human blood. The temperature is as high as tens of thousands of degrees Celsius. In some places, the temperature even reaches hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands of degrees Celsius Liquid and gas at tens of thousands of degrees Celsius are completely different concepts.

The only way to kill the giant meteorite is to pass through the layers of magma, smash the skeleton of the rock in the body, and finally reach the core of the giant meteorite, which is already the heart of the rock, destroy or remove the heart of the rock. This process is very dangerous and tricky, even in the eternal state, it may not be able to succeed. After all, the behemoth meteorite also has a self-protection mechanism and can expel aliens that enter the body. "

"But, what does this mean?" Mengmeng was a little curious.

What can this information tell us?

"Look here again. If an enemy lands on the surface of the meteorite behemoth, the meteorite behemoth will attack the enemy with its rocky tail like a mountain. If it fails, it will use the magma in the body to erupt, and the body surface The enemy burned to ashes."

Han Chen retrieved some pictures again, “The most valuable drop from wild monsters is the place that serves as the energy core, such as the heart of various wild monsters, or the core that can act as the heart function. After all, this is energy exchange. The other is the center of battle, attack or defense."

The teeth and claws of the beast, as well as the horns on the head, including the body's largest spine, are the most important places on the beast.

As a weapon, this is the best material.

This principle also works when applied to the meteor behemoth.

The tail as an attack weapon must be very important to the meteor behemoth.

Wu Yuan thoughtfully: "In other words, did you want to hit these rock tails?"

Han Chen nodded and admitted his thoughts.

In the next ten days, the two wandered around on the surface of the meteor behemoth, and also killed some monsters that did not have eyes.

Although a whole set of ecological environment has been formed here, after all, the time is too short to give birth to any intelligent life. For them, life without wisdom cannot arouse their sympathy.

People who often fight in God's Domain generally do not have any compassion.

On the 16th day, they met their goal.

"This is a mechanical clan unit."

Mengmeng directly adjusted the pictures of places millions of kilometers away to Han Chen and the two of them. On the pictures were hundreds of giant mechanical monsters, staying in a nebula, as if they were resting.

"This is a mechanical tribe. Of course, because of the unique life form of the mechanical tribe, the monsters of the mechanical tribe can also be said to be the same life. After all, for the mechanical tribe, the external body is just a shell, only internal data. , Is the essence of the machine race. Now, they should be recovering energy after experiencing a great war."

The external manifestation of the mechanical race is machine life, but its essence is data life.

But if it is an evolved version of artificial intelligence, it can't be completely regarded as such.

Artificial intelligence is actually a piece of code. All subsequent forms are acted on according to this code. No matter how high the "intelligence" is, it is not random or unexpected, and cannot do things beyond the code's ability, even if Designing a random extraction procedure is only random within the procedure.

But the machine family is different.

Although the robots do not have the emotions that humans understand, they do things randomly.

They have rational thinking and superb computing capabilities. When artificial intelligence calculates the optimal solution for a thing, it will not choose an algorithm other than the optimal solution.

Mechanical races are not the same. Under the influence of certain factors, they will be "emotional" like intelligent life.

Absolute reason does not have unexpectedness, and it is easy to be injured by emotional use. When the two are combined, there are countless possibilities for the solution of one thing.

"I didn't expect to meet a suitable goal so quickly."

The corner of Han Chen's mouth was cocked, and the ancient battlefield was very big. Even if he was traveling in the void, it might take dozens of days to meet an enemy. If you want to meet a suitable enemy, you need to bet on luck.

The machine clan he encountered now was his opportunity.

If it is under normal circumstances, the star behemoth wandering in the starry sky will not react to this mechanical clan troop, after all, this is not in its recipe, nor is it within the scope of threatening its own life. , So it will not wake up.

As for the machine family, let alone.

This is a star beast! It's a giant meteorite!

Will they provoke such a terrible monster if they eat and hold on?

"Now this mechanical clan unit is resting, and these mechanical beasts have something similar to solar light panels, which can directly absorb the ability of the void to supplement their own consumption."

"It's very likely that this mechanical clan unit has just experienced a battle."

"This is a good opportunity, not to be missed."

Thinking about this, after Han Chen told Wu Yuan, he sneaked into the void, came to the camp of the machine race, and then came to the most core place.

However, at this time, dozens of mechanical beasts simultaneously drew out their weapons, and there were no modern firearms, because this would cause additional consumption on the ancient battlefield.

The biggest advantage of guns lies in their long-range and energy-consuming power.

However, although this place is full of energy, the replenishment of materials is a very troublesome thing, so the weapons of the mechanical race are mainly energy weapons and solid metal weapons.

An energy lightsaber pierced through Han Chen's body, but only left an afterimage on the spot.

At the next moment, Han Chen appeared next to a mechanical clan, pressed one hand on the mechanical beast, and activated the skill [Steal].

A cube crystal shining with white brilliance appeared in Han Chen's hands, reflecting the seductive brilliance, which could almost sink intelligent life into it.

Han Chen just put it away lightly.

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