All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1210: We can talk

The sudden shaking of the ground caused these mechanical beasts to panic.

When they hunted down this place, they had already seen that it was a giant star beast.

After all, this place is already on the edge of the ancient battlefield, how could a planet appear?

But they also understand the weakness of the star behemoth, that is, it is now falling asleep.

Could it be that the meteor behemoth has been awakened now?

When they think of such a possibility, they are just a panic.

The machine race also knows how to fear.

"The machine race is the race that is best at calculation, but no matter how good at calculation, it is impossible to count unknown information."

Han Chen, who became a shadow, recalled the weakness of the machine race.

Unable to calculate unknown information. This is the biggest weakness of the mechanical race. In fact, most races have this weakness, including the human race. However, intelligent life will make up for it through fear. In such a situation, I am afraid I would not choose to pursue it.

Even in the calculations, this approach has great certainty, but the fear of the unknown still makes people consider the possibility of encountering danger ahead.

What if it is a trap?

No, if it is in accordance with the logic of the earth, if there are no traps in front, then why does the other party have to do such a deadly behavior?

This method of calculation is actually somewhat perceptual.

In the calculations of the mechanical clan, since the meteor behemoth has not been awakened, it means that even if there is an ambush ahead, it is within the danger range that can be dealt with.

Compared with the consequences of losing energy and fire, it is obviously more cost-effective to continue to hunt down.

Void elves are too rare, and the possibility of encountering them is almost negligible.

In their exploration, Han Chen is also an enemy who can deal with.

Taken together, choosing to continue to kill is undoubtedly a better choice, which is the optimal solution in the calculation method.

Although the machine family is not artificial intelligence, it may not choose the optimal solution, but it is also a very close creature, and the probability of choosing the optimal solution is over 99%.

In particular, the success rate of continuing to chase and kill will exceed 90%, and if the success rate of choosing to return to the race to reclaim the energy fire without chasing is less than 10%, there is a 99% possibility of continuing to move towards the percentage One hundred close.

This is the biggest weakness of the optimal solution.

It is precisely because of this that the machine clan has made such an anti-intellectual behavior.

The brain structures of humans and mechanical races are so different.

Han Chen lifted a part of the restraint technique, allowing the meteor beast to be aware of the danger, but there is no fatal danger.

In this way, the meteor behemoth will make an instinctive counterattack, but it will not fully awaken.

That is, when you turn over, you slap your hand casually, which is completely instinctive.

Controlling the killing intent in his heart, Han Chen often played like this at the beginning, so now he is also proficient in using it.

A few thousand meters high mountain peaks, the rubble began to fall off, and then turned into a rock whip, a whip drew towards the beasts of the mechanical race.

The mechanical clan was attacked, but there was no way to explain it, and could only bite the bullet to stop it.

The four mechanical races rose into the air, forming a huge light curtain between each other, blocking the place where the whip landed.


A loud and deafening noise sounded at the junction, and countless birds and beasts were directly shattered by the shock wave, and the eardrums ruptured by the shock wave a little further away, and even the whole mind became a paste, and then fell weakly on On the ground, she gradually lost her voice.

The birds and beasts farther away also began to tremble, and those who could muster the courage to flee were considered the best among the birds and beasts.

For the star behemoth, this is just a pat while sleeping.

But for those living creatures living on it, it was a catastrophe.

After the first blow was blocked, more peaks turned into huge whips and fell towards this place, turning the entire plain area into ravines.

The earth cracked and the mountains and rivers shattered.

The 4 mechanical puppets responsible for blocking were destroyed, but there was also a chance to let other mechanical beasts leave, and they barely came to a safe zone.

However, they had just left here, before they settled down, a black figure appeared beside them.

The Breathing Technique is not effective for the Machine Race, so Han Chen was quickly discovered.

However, Han Chen's goal is not them either.

The powerful killing intent once again dispersed, attracting the attention of the meteor behemoth.

The earth cracked, and huge magma streams of one to several hundred kilometers thick spewed into the air from the ground. The huge smoke and masses of magma obscured the sky. Countless magma fell like fire rain, and dozens of machine races were contaminated by fire rain. It was directly burned to ashes.

Of course, the number of mechanical clan is not what it seems on the surface, maybe these killed mechanical clan is essentially only one!

When the magma rain fell, Han Chen's body quickly faded, and the fire rain passed through Han Chen's body without causing any harm.

In front of Han Chen, who was incarnate in the shadow, these attacks were completely neutralized.

"God's domain humans, we can talk."

A mechanical clan made up of rocks appeared beside Han Chen.

The body of the machine race is not necessarily made of steel, but can also be made of rock, wood, water, or some other things.

The body of this mechanical clan was made from the surface material on the body of the meteor beast when the mechanical clan just arrived, so it is relatively resistant to fire and rain. Walking in the fire and rain in the sky, even if you can’t avoid it, At least there is no danger of life.

"Talk to me?"

Han Chen played with a beautiful and attractive cube crystal with a playful smile, "Do you want to get something like this back? Then what are you going to exchange for? Is there anything in your body that attracts me, and it is What can I get by killing you?"

In his eyes, what can be obtained by killing the enemy, why should it be obtained through negotiation?

Only those that cannot be obtained after killing have the value of trading.

He already has the confidence to kill the mechanical race, so he has such confidence.

The thinking speed of the machine race is very fast, and quickly made a choice: "You attracted me to come here, the target should not be me, because you have already obtained the most precious thing in me, if you can still use the [Steal] skill You can get it directly from me, or you can exchange it with energy and fire, and I usually agree to it.

However, what you chose was to ask me to make conditions, which shows that you don't intend to get anything from me at all, so your real goal should be the star behemoth! "

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