All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1211: The threat of the machine race

Hearing this, Han Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, looking like a villain.

The machine race is indeed a race that is good at calculation.

I really underestimated it just now. I thought it was something that I could catch. The only accident could only happen to the behemoth of the starry sky, but I didn’t expect that because of some problems with my language, I was actually noticed Your true goal.

A beast with a unique plot to plot a meteorite, this is simply looking for death.

Switching to someone else, such an approach is simply too lifelong.

But in the logic of the mechanical family, since the opponent has such a life-saving ability, there may be other choices, or other hole cards.

After that, just use the elimination method to calculate.

Han Chen has theft, and even energy and fire can be stolen, so it is not impossible to steal other things from the machine race.

Even if what Han Chen wants is not directly on the machine race, it doesn't matter. For the machine clan, energy fire is too important, for Han Chen, this kind of thing is not that important, so it is the most cost-effective behavior to exchange energy fire for what you want.

However, this god's domain human beings were too calm.

It's hard not to be suspected of having everything under control.

In addition, in the information of the mechanical clan, every master from the gods domain can obtain what he wants from the gods domain watch when he comes here, so the intelligence of the mechanical clan is also unlikely.

As for cooperation, not to mention.

Then, his real plot is probably not the machine race itself.

Reminiscent of the behavior just now, Han Chen's real goal has already been revealed.

"What do you want from the meteor beast?"

The machine race asked calmly, "If I can help, I can help you, provided that you can give me my energy fire."

Energy fire is not too valuable to the creatures of God's Domain.

After all, this is a technological product. If it is used and developed on a large scale, it will suffer a great loss when facing time manipulators in the future.

Even the gods of the Tao of Faith can analyze the usage of God's Domain in an instant.

Therefore, its condition is that energy and fire are exchanged for their own help.

After thinking for a few seconds, Han Chen said: "You haven't asked me what I want, so you suddenly offered to help me. This shows the importance of energy fire to you, but there is another question, that is, how do you guarantee both parties Trust between? There is no eternal realm here, no eternal contract can be made, so there is no guarantee of what I say, and you have no way to trust me, and..."

Han Chen looked at the mechanical race seriously: "More importantly, I can't win the trust of you!"

When negotiating, people tend to pay attention to the credibility of the other party. This is normal. If the credibility of the other party is not good, or the basis of cooperation depends entirely on the credibility of the other party, then the negotiation will be impossible. No one wants to be pinched by the other party.

However, your own credit is also very important.

Both parties do not know each other. Who can trust whom?

Han Chen asked himself if he stood from the standpoint of the machine race, he would have no way to believe in an enemy who could take his lifeblood at any time.

Maybe the other party just wants to use himself?

After the value of one's own use is discovered, you can ruin the promise at will.

Han Chen will not easily tear up his promise, but this is not because he is really honest, just because his honesty has a certain value, until now he has not encountered the benefits that require him to pay honesty.

The cost of destroying promises is lower than the benefits of honesty, so why destroy honesty?

However, the machine race doesn't know! When it calculates the pros and cons, it will never calculate the vague things like honesty.

Therefore, if the two parties can really cooperate, the relationship between them should only be the relationship of interest.

Even...horror balance.

"We can each say their own conditions, and then calculate how to achieve the conditions, so that we can each get what we want." Mechanical Race said, "I am best at calculating this."

"Of course I know that what you are best at is calculating this kind of thing."

After a few seconds of silence, Han Chen said, "However, because you are so good at this kind of stuff, it is too difficult for both of us to strike a balance, because you simply cannot know what kind of cards I have, and It is impossible to know whether I will comply with my credit."

If it is from his own perspective, Han Chen may still agree to the conditions.

After all, the other party's life is in his own hands, so he has the basis for taking the initiative to negotiate.

However, Han Chen knew that when faced with a race that was good at calculations like the machine race, choosing the best result was often easier to fall into the calculation of the machine race.

Among his materials, there are also a lot of detailed materials about the machine clan.

But when the two sides really started the negotiation, he realized that the machine clan is good at calculating, what is the meaning behind this sentence.

Just a casual sentence, the other party guessed his purpose.

If you really act according to the idea of ​​the machine clan, then for Han Chen, his every move will fall into the other's calculations.

The ability of the shadow incarnation has only recently appeared, and it is normal for the machine clan to have no information.

However, most of the skills oneself possess are not impossible for those who become gods to master, it is already a matter of the depth of mastery.

Even if it is the curse of darkness, there have been no gods who are good at curses in the past.

Even Han Chen suspected that in the realm of God that he could see, that is, he and the Shadow Demon had mastered such abilities, but what if it was the past? What if it is other places in God's Domain?

Even the original owner of the Boots of the Night Demon has participated in the battle here. Who knows if the opponent's usage is different from his own?

This ability is very scarce, but it is not impossible to deal with.

It would be naive to think that you have a special ability to run across the entire universe.

Therefore, the other party has no reason to trust him at all. In addition, the machine race is originally a race that is very good at calculation, so if you act according to the idea of ​​the machine race, the result will often not be as your own.

"Actually, you have no reason not to agree."

The mechanical clan composed of rocks pointed to the ground spewing magma under its feet, "The meteorite behemoth is on the verge of awakening. You can control the degree of the meteorite behemoth's awakening. If it does, it can still be done."

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