All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1202: Respective calculations

Han Chen's eyes narrowed: "Are you threatening me?"

The meaning of this machine clan is obvious. Although you want to plot the meteor behemoth, since you need to calculate this kind of thing, it proves that you have no power to fight the meteor behemoth that has awakened.

You can control the awakening degree of the meteorite behemoth, and I can't do it as freely as you control, but if I do my best, awakening the meteorite behemoth can still be done.

When the meteor beast completely woke up, everyone died together.

Seeing Han Chen’s eyes, the machine race immediately made a judgment: human beings are a creature with strong self-esteem. Sometimes they will let go of their self-esteem for the sake of survival, but sometimes they will give up survival and interest for the sake of self-esteem, which is a very contradictory. Creatures.

It is precisely because of the existence of such contradictions that the machine clan cannot fully calculate human behavior patterns.

Because you can’t tell whether the other party will choose to act according to the best interests, or choose the worst outcome for the sake of temporary self-esteem.

However, because of too much knowledge of human data, the machine race quickly made a judgment and replied:

"I am not threatening. I have lost the existence of the energy fire. I cannot directly convert the high-level energy. But in this ancient battlefield, although the energy is very abundant, most of the energy is low-level energy. The only option now is to go back to the clan and receive a new kind of fire.

According to my judgment, the probability that I can safely return to the ethnic group is about 0.3%, and the probability that I can save my consciousness and return is about 0.7%. If you want to block it, then the probability that I can return to the ethnic group is less than 100%. One in 10,000. "

This one part per million is an unexpected factor.

What if there is a master of the machine race nearby? What if there are human enemies?

There are so many unexpected factors in the cosmic starry sky. Although they are inconspicuous in the vast universe, they are something that can be calculated for the machine race.

So, for this machine family, the best choice is not to take this risk.

It can choose a better solution.

"For me, if I want to survive, I must have more energy. The role of energy fire is to convert low-level energy into high-level energy. It is also the biggest thing I can survive and return in the ancient battlefield. Guarantee, if I lose energy and fire, my best choice should be to compensate for quality with quantity."

The Mechanical Race continued, "According to my calculations, if I can risk getting enough energy from the meteor beast, then the possibility of my return will be greatly increased, so I am not threatening you, but stating a fact. State my choice."

Its tone is very pertinent, analyzing the problem from the perspective of interest and emotion.

Even Han Chen couldn't escape the loophole.

You've driven people to a dead end, don't you allow them to fight back?

The machine clan silently calculated in his heart: "According to this possibility, the probability that the other party will accept it is 89%, which is not enough, but I can't do more."

Not everything has a perfect solution. The way the machine family solves problems is also very limited and limited by its own capabilities.

So, this is the best result.

Facing the sincere suggestion of the machine clan, Han Chen just replied indifferently: "Oh!"

"You don't accept it?" The Mecha Race was a little surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to reject it so quickly.

"If I agree, it should be the best result for you!" Han Chen said.

"It's for both of us." The Robot Race corrected.

"A win-win situation? If cooperation can be a win-win situation, will there be wars in the world?"

Han Chen shook his head, "Win-win is the most naive thing in the world. Maybe it exists sometimes, but we can't put all our hopes on win-win. After all, God's Domain and the Machine Race belong to opposite camps, and the two sides are in conflict. The source comes from the competition for resources and territory.

Obviously there is no need for dead people without fighting, so why do we have to fight? There are many things in this universe that are unreasonable. When you see in the data that your machine family does not solve the problem completely according to the optimal solution, I thought you would be one of such special cases, but it is true. When facing you, there are still some small disappointments, which is really a pity. "

The machine tribe quickly translated Han Chen's words.

Its language quickly translated the logic: I don't trust it.

It is not only distrust of the enemy, but also distrust of the so-called truth, the so-called possibility of a win-win situation.

He is more willing to use his own hands to solve problems.

"In that case, go to war!"

The mechanical clan replied lightly.

As we spoke, a large amount of the earth began to crack, and countless magma spewed into the sky from the ground. However, hundreds of thousands of various mechanical beasts have appeared between this piece of heaven and earth, and of course there are also a few humanoids.

From the perspective of combat, the human form is not suitable for combat.

In the beginning, there were only a few hundred mechanical tribes. The hundreds of thousands that have appeared now are the mechanical tribes who have used their special abilities to turn those planetary fragments attached to the meteor behemoth into a part of the meteor behemoth’s body. Lost the material on his body.

Therefore, the main material or external armor of many mechanical beasts is now the same material as the "skin" of the meteor beast.

When a giant meteorite attacks something on the surface of its body, it rarely attacks its own skin, so this approach is undoubtedly the best way to reduce its own damage.

During the period of negotiation just now, the machine clan has used the fastest speed to obtain materials from the meteor beasts, and used these materials to build a large number of puppets.

Obviously, it did not pin all its hopes in the negotiations just now.

There is a saying in China: You can't get it through war, and you can't get it at the negotiating table.

Therefore, only when the two parties have the force that makes the other side feel jealous, will there be a basis for negotiation, otherwise, it is only the weak begging for mercy.

Pinning the hope of survival on the benevolence of the enemy is undoubtedly very stupid.

Looking at these mechanical beasts made into external armors with various speeches, Han Chen couldn't help but exclaimed: "As expected of the mechanical clan, the base cars in the Red Alert are simply weak compared to you. At this production speed, No wonder God's Domain will abandon the development path of science and technology. Compared with yours, our science and technology can't get ahead at all!"

"You humans always like to say unnecessary things."

The Mechanical Race said coldly, "Meteor Giant Beast is about to wake up, now is your only chance."

"Sure enough, I'm still threatening!" Han Chen's eyes also cooled.

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