All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1213: Lift the table

People who can grow up to be qualified to come to the ancient battlefield are not the kind of innocent children who pin their hopes of survival on begging for mercy.

People have already threatened you with your most important things, how can you be merciful?

So this machine race, knowing that he wants to get what he wants, there must be a place that can threaten the opponent.

He chose, of course, the behemoth meteorite.

Such a choice is reasonable. No matter what purpose this human from God’s Domain holds, he must not dare to face the behemoth meteorite that has fully awakened. Otherwise, why would he **** his own energy fire and then lead himself to Come here?

So he is now threatening to lift the table, and he has the confidence to lift the table.

My most important thing is with you!

Isn't it reasonable for me to lift the table?

The underground does not break open cracks, and the lava is gushing toward the sky. The whole world is filled with a large amount of flames. The magma falls like raindrops. The creatures that live on the surface of the starry sky are all scattered and fleeing, avoiding this. The scene of the doomsday natural disaster.

This is just a game between big men, but it is a devastating disaster for them.

Han Chen had been moved by such scenes in the past, but after experiencing more, he became indifferent.

He has officially become a myth in the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars, and even this process does not have any active factors of his own.

Because his realm has become more and more like a "god" instead of a person.

His biggest wish is to be a "person", but doing whatever he wants is really a very extravagant thing, he can only make himself as much as he wants.

Now, if he wants to be moved by these so-called innocent creatures, he is really too hypocritical.

"Well, it’s getting closer and closer to the time when the behemoth of the meteorite awakens. Most of the behemoths in the starry sky have the ability to block space, and the behemoth of the meteor is no exception. When the behemoth of the meteor is completely awakened, even if you want to It’s too late to escape, not to mention that your speed should not be better than the meteor behemoth."

The Mechanical Race continued to threaten, without any voice fluctuations, "I just want to get back something that is useless to you, but important to me, please don't be embarrassed."

In its calculations, this approach has a high success rate.

After you lower your posture, you will have a high probability of satisfying the boring vanity of human beings, and greatly reduce the possibility of the other party making irrational decisions due to emotional factors.

As long as the other party maintains sufficient sense, it is very likely to agree to his terms.

In addition, everyone is now threatened with death. The threat of death is enough to calm down many powerful people and seriously consider the feasibility of their behavior.

However, in the face of the threat of the machine race, Han Chen's mouth just sneered: "So you want to threaten by lifting the table in front of me?"

The eyes of the mechanical race flashed red continuously, obviously analyzing the meaning of Han Chen's words.

Human beings are very special creatures, and sometimes what they say cannot be understood literally, but they must be understood in reverse according to their tone and environment.

Obviously, this is one of the very complicated situations.

Although it will not make the calculation of the machine family lose its meaning, it can at least consume a lot of the calculation power of the machine family.

In the current mechanical clan, most of the computing power is used to calculate and deal with the more threats that the Meteor Behemoth and Han Chen may bring.

At this moment, a black long sword pierced the core of the head of the mechanical race.

Although the puppet body of the mechanical race had anticipated such a possibility, it could not figure out why Han Chen made such a decision.

"Sure enough, it's just an ordinary machine clan, which acts completely according to calculations. A mechanical clan without surprises is simply a process of practicing." Han Chen, who killed a body of the mechanical clan, felt a little regretful.

When the players of God's Domain reach the legendary level, they have already begun to comprehend the rules. The process from just becoming a legend to title level is actually a budding from comprehending the rules to growing into a towering tree, and finally forming a perfect level of rules. The process of the field.

Of course, this so-called perfection does not mean that it has been so strong that there is no way to continue to improve, but that there are no flaws.

You can use more powerful or subtle means to restrain the perfect field, but there is no way to find flaws at the level of rules.

The self-justified rule has no flaws that can be defeated by the weak.

The legend that has reached the title level, in the perfect field, you can easily use ordinary skills to play 300%, 500%, or even 1000% of the ability, by the way, cause more than 200% of the piercing effect. At this level, The confrontation between the two sides is more of the manifestation of the rules.

After Han Chen entered the myth, he seldom shot.

But whether it was with the aid of the Night Demon suit, to play the myth-level combat effectiveness in advance, or to explore after becoming a myth, Han Chen had a deeper feeling for the myth.

Although the memory of the Darkborn that he acquired was a true god, but in the process of innate awakening, the part about myths has been sealed, especially the strong people of the mythical level want to go further in the gods, there are not so many. The enemy is for you to upgrade.

Therefore, if you want to continue to ascend, you must leave the domain of God.

But how can God's Domain allow a player who has not become a myth to get information about outside of God's Domain? So this memory was directly erased.

One thing Han Chen knew was that the Darkborn went to a dangerous "dungeon", returned from a battle and became a true god.

Then... ushered in the destruction of Aqua Star.

In the eyes of God's Domain, although a true **** already has existential value, its value is also high and low, and cannot be generalized.

A mere myth is not enough for God's Domain to change its own rules, and it is impossible to let God's Domain release the water and blue star, let it fend for itself!

Then, the Aqua Star was destroyed, most of the traces of social life were erased, and the entire planet returned to the primitive age.

And when Han Chen got the information, the civilization that returned to the primitive era would be re-spread with the fire of civilization and grow into a new civilization among the ruins of the previous civilization.

Aqua Star, and Earth, are just different names.

Han Chen chose to obtain the memory of the Darkborn, it was a coincidence and fate.

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