All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1215: The three major...

Seeing the energy fire return to his own hands, the mechanical race was dull.

But it quickly figured out why Han Chen did this.

"Do you want me to deal with the meteor behemoth?"

In addition to this reason, it can't think of other reasons.

Why did this hateful human take away its energy and fire, then came to this place, and then returned it so easily?

Quite simply, this hateful human is to use him to deal with the meteor behemoth.

Han Chen admitted easily: "Yes, that's right!"

The red lights in the eyes of the mechanical race kept flickering, but eventually they retreated with the energy fire, and then began to transform a lot of energy.

A large amount of magma and the materials on the surface of the star behemoth were quickly processed, and then transformed into one after another mechanical puppets, with various materials.

Then a large amount of magma with a temperature of more than ten thousand degrees, the heat energy is converted into its own energy by the mechanical clan, and then converted into higher-level energy through the energy fire.

Looking at this higher efficiency than the Red Police Base, Wu Yuan was stunned in secret.

"It clearly knows your plan, why is it still in the middle?"

Han Chen's figure disappeared, but the voice reached Wu Yuan's ears.

"The machine clan has three major weaknesses: its computing power is too powerful, which should have been an advantage, but it is precisely because the computing power is too powerful that it is difficult to calculate the unknown, just like it can guess that I have Back hand, but because I don’t know what my back hand is, I can’t calculate it. Humans can guess, but the computing power is too strong and there are too many things to guess."

If it is an enemy in God's Domain, run away in such a situation.

Otherwise, wait for death?

Do not enter every forest, this is common sense!

Since others can play with you, they can solve you. It is better to go home as much as possible, at least in this way, there is still the possibility of survival.

But in the calculations of the mechanical clan, the probability of going home is too low, so it has to take a risk.

After all, the success rate of adventure is still there. The meteor beast can be used as a trap to ruin itself, and it can also be used as a tool to threaten opponents.

"The second weakness is that there is no concept of time span, and the optimal solution is always selected. The two are integrated. Because the computing power of the machine family is too powerful, it often follows the optimal solution when doing things. The success rate is greater than 51%, and when calculating gains and losses, it exceeds the other 49% of the gains. The machine family will choose to take risks because this is the optimal solution.

If I have a 90% chance of obtaining equipment that can double my strength, but there is a 10% chance of directly letting me die, then I will consider whether I must obtain this piece of equipment to double my strength What about the equipment? If I have to face a death crisis, then I will take the risk. If there is no life and death crisis, I will give up. If I consider more points, I may also consider the possibility of encountering this opportunity in the future and the future success rate.

The choice of the machine clan is different. It really gives priority to its own survival, but there is no time span. Therefore, in the concept of the machine clan, increasing the strength is to increase the chance of survival. Therefore, in this choice, most of the machine clan will choose Take an adventure.

The death rate of 10% is only now, and there is no concept of time span. They don’t think there is any difference between death now and danger in the future. "

"That’s the case, that is to say, if you use this to calculate the machine family, it is almost a Bailing, because it will only follow the optimal solution, so as long as its optimal solution is controlled, then it will not have any turnaround. Is it possible, because it won't make options other than the optimal solution?" Wu Yuan understood.

There is no concept of time, and there is no difference between death now and death in the future.

This may not seem like a big deal, but it is very important to people on earth.

Young people on Earth will run rampant. Middle-aged people will begin to cherish their lives, old age will begin to divide. Some desperately want to extend their lifespan, while others don't care.

Some people who were afraid of death when they were young felt that they had enough money when they were old.

Because of emotions and changes, it is difficult for humans to be predicted.

But the machine race is different. It doesn't understand the difference between dying now and dying in the future, living longer, so it chose to chase Han Chen and then fall into the trap.

Likewise, because it calculates the optimal solution to Han Chen, it won't make unexpected choices.

"Remember, it's most!"

Han Chen corrected, "There are 9,999 mechanical groups in 10,000, and they will choose the best solution for a lifetime. If there is an option with a cost-effective profit of more than 51%, 49% will not be selected. However, the remaining mechanical group may be There is a possibility of 1% or even 1‰ to choose unexpected results."

"The ratio is so small, the possibility of unexpected results is so low, there is no way to happen!" Wu Yuan disdainfully said.

"No, this possibility is worth our attention!"

Han Chen is very serious about this kind of thing. "Not all probability statistics can be trusted. It is true. It is like the probability of a car accident when a person crosses a road is very low. The probability is too low to be impossible, but can this be an excuse for us to run rampant and cross the road unscrupulously?

A car accident when you just cross the road is not a random event. It depends on the driver’s carelessness and your own carelessness. We can’t control our own factors, but we can adjust our safety probability by ourselves. If we fully believe in big data Statistics, it will be yourself sooner or later that will suffer. "

Wu Yuan nodded, agreeing.

She didn't like to calculate too many things in the past, or only like to calculate how to use her own strength, so she rarely paid attention to the opponent.

After all, when one's strength is enough, many things don't need to be calculated.

But now the two are in the starry sky of the universe, and it is a very dangerous ancient battlefield, so many things are impossible without calculation.

Absolute strength can crush everything, but before you have absolute strength, it is best to be careful, otherwise you will never have the opportunity to have absolute strength.

"So, what is the third weakness?" Wu Yuan asked.

"The third weakness, survival first!"

Han Chen replied, "The greatest pursuit of the Mechanic Race is to survive, even if it is to improve itself, it is only to increase the probability of survival. After all, for the Mechanic Race, the difference between death now and death in the future is not big, only to improve their own strength. , Is to improve the probability of survival.

Humans may give up their lives for things like hope or feelings and do things that are counterintuitive, but the machine race will not. "

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