All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1216: Sue of the Meteorite Behemoth...

"Everything is for survival!"

Wu Yuan thought that after the mechanical clan got back the energy fire, she immediately gave up fighting Han Chen, and then chose to deal with the meteor behemoth.

If it is a human being, it is possible to make the same choice, but if it is Wu Yuan, who dares to calculate himself, since he can break the jar and throw the table, why should he choose to compromise? To die together, even if it is to survive, it is to survive from the dead.

However, in the concept of the mechanical race, only one's own life is the most important.

Even if he made the posture of lifting the table before, it was because his life had reached the end, and only in this way could he regain hope.

Now that my hope has come back, why bother to die?

It makes no sense! Is it bad to be alive?

The reason why life is life is to survive.

Why can't artificial intelligence be called life, but the machine family can? It is because artificial intelligence is not meant to live.

However, for Han Chen, the most precious thing about life is that it is the carrier of everything, the carrier of family affection, love, happiness and suffering, because these things must be alive to be felt, so they need to be alive, otherwise, life That is, a blank sheet of paper.

The machine family is different, it only seeks life.

If it were not for the lack of time span, they would not take risks at all, because it violates the principle of life.

When taking risks, survival is the priority.

For them, nothing is more important than life.

"If I were replaced by someone else from God's Domain, I would definitely not pin my hopes on me. You must do everything possible to get rid of me so that you can fight without distraction, even if you pay a certain price. This is sensible behavior."

"But the machine race is different. It is absolutely rational and sometimes irrational. It can judge if survival is the priority. If it rushes to me at this time, its mortality rate will be infinitely close to 100%, so it does not It may be shot against me, unless there is outside interference."

"Even if it knows that I can threaten it, the only thing it can do now is to obediently become my pawn, because such a choice is the only choice for it to survive."

Absolute reason is alternative irrationality.

"Is there any way to make up for the third weakness?" Wu Yuan asked.

Since the second weakness is not absolute, there are still some surprises, so are there some surprises in the third weakness?

"Maybe! But this really doesn't need to be considered."

Han Chen said, "Being positive, fighting against the harsh environment, this is the instinct of life, and it is also the reason why life is called life. The reason why the machine is not called a program, not artificial intelligence, and It is regarded as life because the machine race is also fighting for life.

Things that are more meaningful than life belong to human standards. It may be right, or wrong, or the direction of life evolution, but it may also be the root of life’s fragility, a dead end, and a self-defeating one. Dead end, so who can tell the future? "

What the earth is exploring now is actually the path of the soul.

Of course, spiritual practice cannot be combined with reality.

However, this is a way out of the instinct of intelligent life.

Wu Yuan nodded. The root of the machine race's growth and promotion is the fear of death. Of course, it is not necessarily fear, but it can also be said to be the desire for life.

But in any case, the advancement of the machine clan is still based on this.

If you lose the third weakness, then you lose your motivation to strive for improvement. That's why Han Chen said that this is not necessary, because such a mechanical clan really has no threat.

The loss of the third weakness of human beings can be made up with emotions, but there is no way to prove the feelings of the mechanical race, so weaknesses are also the source of progress.

"If it is the third weakness, then most of the races in the universe will have this weakness! This is not unique to the machine race, right?" Wu Yuan raised another point.

Han Chen shook his head: "The pursuit of life is not necessarily the pursuit of eternity. In China's national concept, parents who give up their lives for the sake of future generations are everywhere. Although this is also a kind of survival, it is more than just pursuing their own life. , There are still many surprises.

God's Domain did not tell us what the life essence of the machine race is, but one thing is certain, that is, God's Domain does not know what method to use to determine that the machine race has no plans to multiply descendants. Of course, if it is a long-term separation of procedures , Will become two different mechanical clan beings, but the mechanical clan will not deliberately promote this kind of thing, nor will it deliberately oppose it. "

Sage Yue originally opposed Han Chen's incarnation into Zulongxing, and he also had this consideration.

The external avatar created in that form, if separated from the body for a long time, it is easy to form a separate life, and then threaten the body.

The machine clan doesn't care about this, whether it creates a new life or not, it is the same for the mechanical clan anyway.


A huge magma ball burst, hundreds of machine clan puppets were directly blown into fragments, but more auxiliary engineering mechanical clan rushed forward to collect those fragments and remove the useless parts. The part that can be processed and utilized is remade into new puppets.

There are now a million puppets of the mechanical clan, and a few hundred are just trivial.

However, a mere million mechanical puppets are also insignificant in front of the star behemoth.

The earth began to melt, a lot of ground turned into magma, countless lives turned into ashes, and thousands of mechanical puppets directly turned into nothingness under this terrifying power.

At this time, Wu Yuan suddenly felt a strong will spread, and the pressure from the life level made her feel that her breathing was about to stagnate.

Her brain became sluggish, as if her mind was about to stagnate.

At this time, a clear stream came in from the palm of the hand, making Wu Yuan's mental state a lot better.

"Just now, what was that?" Wu Yuan swallowed. She had never thought that she would suddenly feel terrified because of a will.

"The meteor behemoth has awakened. It's my fault. The guide in the Gods Domain Watch says that when you encounter a star behemoth, run quickly. Only the eternal realm can contend. I thought I was talking about the strength of the star behemoth. Thinking of just swiping past, without even seeing our gaze, it can be so terrifying."

Han Chen's face also has some paleness, but under the paleness, there is a strange excitement, "However, this is interesting. Playing the game according to the strategy is the least interesting."

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