All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1217: Mechanic Fighting Meteor...

Han Chen is a very cautious person, otherwise he would not have experienced such a long time, and never died in God's Domain. This is very rare among players.

No matter how powerful you are, even if you are invincible in the world, there is still the possibility of being killed. After all, invincible in the world does not mean that you can fight the entire world on your own.

However, Han Chen never died once.

Of course not because of strength, but because of seriousness.

He will take every battle seriously, and before every battle, he will do the most comprehensive preparation possible, and then face it.

It is Han Chen who also has no lack of courage, because every time he encounters an unknown environment, Hou is always the first to come to an unknown environment.

When he had just entered the Tianzhuyuan trial meeting, he alone made a statement to all the forces.

When he made this decision, he was actually ready to die.

Therefore, the real courage is not to rush forward recklessly without making any preparations, but to still be willing to face it even knowing how much danger lies ahead.

The meteor behemoth had just awakened, and its extremely powerful will made Han Chen chill.

Even if his realm has reached the pinnacle of mythology and has touched the edge of eternity, he is still so small in front of the meteor beast.

The data of the God Domain Watch says: Under the eternal state, run away when you encounter it.

But this does not mean that the Eternal Realm has the confidence to challenge the Meteor Giant Beast, even in the Eternal Realm, it is not necessarily able to kill the Meteor Giant Beast.

Under this terrible and desperate will, anyone's escape cannot be regarded as cowardice.

Even Han Chen felt chills in his heart, let alone Wu Yuan.

Her life level is only legendary, and it is very difficult to even breathe in front of the meteor beast.

Mengmeng didn't help Wu Yuan either. It's better for her to adapt to this kind of thing.

After the meteor beast awakened, the first to be discovered was the mechanical clan.

Although Han Chen's life level is also very high, but after all, he is in a state of restraining breath, which is easy to be ignored, not to mention Wu Yuan and the void elves.

One life level is not eye-catching, the other is best at escape.


The deafening sound rang, the huge magma ball exploded, countless fire rain fell, and tens of thousands of mechanical puppets were destroyed by magma.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

One after another magma **** were ejected from the ground to the sky, and then exploded. The puppets of the mechanical clan in front of the behemoths of the starry sky were like chicken dogs.

After three consecutive fireballs exploded, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

"Is it resolved?" Wu Yuan couldn't help asking.

"In anime, I usually ask this question, but it hasn't been resolved."

Han Chen chuckled.

Sure enough, after the smoke and dust dissipated, some broken mechanical puppets began to split, some parts fell into the magma, and the remaining parts began to reassemble.

The damaged part is simply discarded, and the complete part can still be used in combination.

Wu Yuan gave Han Chen a glance: "Then should I say that the Meteor Behemoth, how could it be an opponent of the Machine Race, with such a weak attack, it will definitely die under its own care."

"Able to make a joke, it seems that you adapt quickly." Han Chen smiled.

"That is!" Wu Yuan raised her head with a proud look.

Her talent was actually not lost to Han Chen, but she didn't have the advantage of Han Chen's foresight at the beginning, so the gap has not been narrowed.

After a brief moment of pride, Wu Yuan also quickly recovered: "This is also because the pressure of the meteor behemoth did not directly fall on me. Just the will of the escape can make me unable to breathe. If you stare at me with your eyes, I don’t know if I can bear it."

The life form of the meteor beast is different from that of humans, and it is not just a matter of magnifying certain beasts, but a monster that can be classified as a separate life system.

Even if it is the gap between humans and the biological races of God's Domain, there is no bigger gap between the meteor beasts and humans.

"Meteor behemoth, it is terrible."

Even Han Chen felt a burst of pressure.

The battle between the meteor beasts and the mechanical clan continued, and magma was continuously gushing out of the ground, but the damage to the mechanical puppets of the mechanical clan was getting less and less damage by these magma.

The body of the machine family is not fixed, and its parts can be replaced according to the surrounding materials.

And this is a very rapid process, faster than any production line on the planet.

In just 5 seconds, hundreds of the same puppets can be created. Even if it is to make different puppets, it only takes a little more time.

In the process of fighting, the mechanical clan constantly used the magma on the meteor beast as its material, turning its body shell into a magma-like form.

Using magma to resist magma is the most suitable way.

Those hot magma fell on the mechanical beast with a magma shell, only softened the shell a little, and then fell on the ground.

The machine race took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to increase their own mechanical puppets in a large amount. In less than 20 minutes, millions of mechanical beasts appeared in this world.

These manipulators extended their mechanical arms and fell into the magma.

The hot magma quickly cooled down and turned into rock. It was not that the mechanical clan used the ability of ice sealing, but only extracted the heat energy from it.

The magma in the lower layer wanted to continue to erupt, but was blocked by the cooling rock in the upper layer.

The energy fire is in the middle of millions of mechanical beasts, continuously absorbing the energy transmitted by these mechanical arms, and then transforming it into higher-level energy.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yuan was stunned: "It turns out that the mechanical race can really win the meteor behemoth. Is this racial restraint, or what? Why didn't the flag I set just now work?"

Although the Meteor Behemoth is very powerful, it can only become a source of strength for the mechanical clan under the continuous absorption and transformation capabilities of this mechanical clan.

The mechanical clan that has passed the most dangerous time, under such fluctuations, the power will slowly surpass the meteor beast.

If nothing changes, the meteor behemoth is likely to die in the hands of the mechanical race.

Han Chen shook his head: "Meteor behemoths make the eternal realm difficult to exist. The evaluation of the mechanical race in the Gods domain watch is not too high. Only those mechanical races with very rich accumulation are qualified to fight us. The machine race cannot beat us in the first place, then it will never beat us."

While talking, the earth melted again.

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