All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1218: Wu Yuan, myth

This time, the melted ground did not turn into magma, but turned into a white mist, which then disappeared with the wind.

When the ground began to melt, those mechanical puppets began to flee immediately.

Han Chen said to Wu Yuan: "Yuanyuan, your realm is only one step away from the myth. What you lack is not the understanding of the law, nor the understanding of the soul, nor the state of mind. The process from legend to myth is actually A process of becoming a time anchor."

"Become a time anchor?" Wu Yuan was startled.

"The myth is unique. In all times and all spaces, no matter how parallel space is born, no matter whether the time manipulator accelerates time or countercurrent, it cannot change the myth. Although the myth cannot affect the space I see, it can fix the time I am in. And space."

Han Chen said, "The essence of God's Domain is actually a huge mythical realm. Why doesn't the method of God's Domain's ascension method have outside cultivation, but can be upgraded by spawning monsters? It is because this is a completely unnecessary process. God's Domain can give you what you want. Everything, you only need to be able to comprehend what God's Domain really wants you to comprehend. In other words, God's Domain does not need you to learn how to make money, it only needs to let you learn how to use money."

Mengmeng was stunned: "This analogy is really appropriate. Are you afraid of misleading people?"

In a sense, this is correct.

Beings from God’s Realm, if they reach a place like the sea of ​​chaos, there is probably no way to improve themselves through cultivation, because they have no experience in cultivation at all. If they want to cultivate, they can only learn from the beginning, but their The level of life is already very high, so there will be a phenomenon of being unable to cultivate.

However, God's Domain does not require you to learn to practice.

Whoever makes your realm sufficient, God Realm can give you the power you want.

This is like a billionaire cultivating a child. I don’t need you to learn how to start from scratch. I only need you to learn how to make good use of the wealth you already have.

Maybe this will make the foundation unstable, but life is too short to take off from a higher place, why do you have to start all over again from the foot of the mountain?

What's more, God's Domain needs only people who can use power.

If you feel that your foundation is not stable, you can slowly replenish your foundation when you become a myth.

Mengmeng hurriedly stopped and said, "If you teach this way, it is easy to teach people badly."

"Are you trying to say, is this knowledge wrong?" Han Chen asked.

"Of course, the myth is not that simple." Mengmeng nodded.

"There is no wrong knowledge, no absolute truth, only the teaching whether it is in line with the current situation, just like the three laws of geophysics, although it was later proved by the theory of relativity to be incomplete, or standing at a high enough place to look down When the time comes, you will find that this is wrong, but this does not mean that this cannot solve the problem."

Han Chen said earnestly, “Mighty people in God’s Domain stand too high, so they get rid of all the wrong knowledge, but if the knowledge is not wrong, it’s just that there are certain limitations. What? Legends have legendary roads, and myths have mythological roads. You let a legend accept the truth of eternity. I think this is the biggest absurdity."

Mengmeng still feels incredible: "But, since we know the right path, why should we go astray? Wouldn't it be troublesome to correct our ideas in the future?"

"I don't want to say too many reasons. If I really want to say it, it is that Yuanyuan's current needs only become a myth." Han Chen said seriously.

Mengmeng was silent, and her different ideas made her unable to understand Han Chen.

Wu Yuan didn’t take it seriously: “The knowledge we learned in elementary school was overthrown in junior high school, and the knowledge we learned in junior high school was overthrown in high school. In fact, it is everywhere. We have to learn from one stage of the stage so that we can grow more solidly. What's more, if the knowledge taught by those powerful people is correct, why can't every intelligent life become an eternal state?"

Mengmeng was completely speechless.

That is, Han Chen and Wu Yuan would dare to question this way!

There is also the concept of respecting the strong on earth, but they have not forgotten to fight against this rule.

Even temporary obedience is ultimately for resistance.

Human beings are inherently rebellious creatures, and the earth has just implemented it more thoroughly.

To others, doubting an eternal state is a very rebellious behavior. People are so much stronger than you. Why do you doubt them? Can you compare to them?

But for Han Chen, isn't this normal?

If you don't doubt the existence stronger than yourself, how can you surpass the other party?

Of course, this is not a brainless suspicion, but based on rational judgment.

Wu Yuan continued to observe the battle between the mechanical clan and the meteor beast.

After the ground melted, the machine clan puppets began to flee, and the melted ground began to continuously transform, as if transformed into some invisible wind, sweeping the entire void.

The magma shell armor of those mechanical puppets, under the erosion of this invisible wind, gradually turned into dust and began to annihilate continuously.

Blocks of mechanical puppets turned into dust, as if they had no ability to resist.

Han Chen explained: “This is the state of myth. You can make yourself digitized, or you can say that you have become quantized, so that the battle between the two sides becomes the consumption of energy, although there is still energy restraint and energy The composition structure has an impact on power, but these are secondary to the star behemoth."

If Han Chen's current life is 10, then the life of the star behemoth is more than one trillion, which is not a level of existence at all.

With such an absolute attribute gap, Han Chen had no possibility of killing the star behemoth.

The same is true for the mechanical clan, the overwhelming mechanical clan puppets, like locusts, are eroded and destroyed in an instant under the erosion of the wind of annihilation.

"The anchor of time, digitization!"

Wu Yuan thought about Han Chen's remarks, even if Han Chen's theory was wrong, at least it would not contradict herself.

"If the two are fundamentally one and complement each other, then becoming a myth means turning one's soul into data, and then using these data to become coordinates in the stars of the universe, so that the outside time can be ignored Changed?"

"Data? Is my memory and thinking considered data?"

Thinking of this, Wu Yuan's body suddenly radiated a powerful force, and then her body and soul had wonderful changes, and her whole person seemed to become lighter.

A powerful breath radiated from her body.

Wu Yuan, now has become a myth.

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