All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1219: Taste of the Void Elf...

"This, is this a myth?"

Mengmeng was stunned. She didn't expect Wu Yuan to become a myth so easily, and in this form, it was too unreal.

Myth, is it so easy to break through?

And it was made with some "wrong" theories. Could it be that God's Domain's theory is wrong?

Are you kidding me? This is too messy.

"You are a born myth, but you sigh that it is so easy for others to become a myth?"

Han Chen cast a glance at Mengmeng.

"Who said that I am a born myth, intelligent life cannot be born a myth!"

Mengmeng retorted instinctively, and then covered her mouth in horror.

Han Chen said: "There is no need to conceal it. There is no need to conceal it. I knew from the time you gave me those void runes. In order to get rid of the fate of becoming a mascot of their own clan, the void elves were able to truly be independent. Always thinking of ways to cultivate an eternal state, you should be a test subject!"

Now that they have been guessed, Mengmeng no longer hides it.

"Yes, the biggest wish of our Void Elf clan is to get rid of the status of pets in God's Domain. Because our value is too high, but we don't have enough frontal combat ability, we want to create an eternal state. Difficulty, it is easy to be oppressed, and there is no opportunity for growth.

Therefore, our family thought of such a way to choose a darling of the void elves with the highest qualifications, and then infuse knowledge about mythology and eternity into the souls of newborns, and then choose a civilization that may be detached, and allocate detachment opportunities. . "

Han Chen understood: "So, Wu Yuan is actually the most talented person you chose?"

If you don't count the memories of the dark descendants, Wu Yuan's talent is indeed extraordinary.

Mengmeng shook her head: "It's not a choice, it's remission."


Han Chen was a little strange, "Do you believe in luck?"

Mengmeng explained: "If a time manipulator can play with time casually, can continuously change the time dimension of a space, and freely control the past and the future, then the eternal state is born to counter the existence of the time manipulator.

Because it is right to fight against distortion and chaos, in the system of God’s Domain, the myth, that is, the only realm, is not affected by time distortion. There is no way for any time or other ability to have any influence on uniqueness. The eternal state can restore all the chaotic time within the range of one's perception to normal. In the face of the eternal state, all time must be unified.

Because the void elves have no eternal state, we don’t know exactly what this state is, but we have made a guess. Since the eternal state is an eternal existence, this eternity can cross the time dimension, even if the soul is annihilated. It can also be resurrected in the future.

Then, whether the future eternal state can affect the current eternal state, after all, in any eternal state's life, there is no experience of being affected by time. "

There is no experience of being affected by time in any eternal life.

Because of the time manipulator, there may be such a paradox.

If an eternal state is affected by the time manipulator when it is very weak, and then an existence exactly like himself is born, then when the mighty person becomes the eternal state, then his own time copy becomes eternal. The realm, or will it be annihilated by the power of the eternal realm?

In other words, even if this eternal state has not become an eternal state in the past, in theory, it will be affected by the time manipulator.

However, in fact, there has never been any such example.

Because the power of any eternal realm has never had the experience of being affected by time when he was weak, not even the experience of pause and backward flow.

Therefore, some people have made the following two guesses: First, a life that is too deeply affected by time cannot break through to the eternal state, because his body is marked with the "time imprint". Before he can break free from the time imprint, he must Cannot break through.

If you can get rid of the imprint of time, time will be unified.

Another guess is that the time eternal state can make the time you see is unified, and all the chaotic time returns to order. This "seeing" refers to seeing with all your own perceptions, but reaching this state, for Time does not use analysis and judgment like human beings, but a real feeling.

Just as humans who are digitized can perceive space, they can perceive the existence of time as they become eternal.

When they "see" the past, the past time is unified.

Just because one's own power is basically to restore time to order, the eternal state cannot reverse time, nor can it change the past.

Becoming an eternal state, that is time unity.

"We pin our hopes on the second guess, and our clan is the clan that is best at controlling space. Therefore, the strong people of our clan use their own strength to twist the space to the limit. This twists the space to the limit, and even My consciousness was annihilated, and I almost lost my memory, let alone my strength.

After the absolute distortion, no one can control my whereabouts, no one can know where I am going, and no one knows whether I am in the past or the future.

Under the distortion of the limit and the unity of God's Domain, I was teleported to the place closest to my destiny and the person who had the most influence on time and space. "

Mengmeng looked at Wu Yuan seriously, "This person is you."

Wu Yuan understood: "In other words, if your hypothesis is valid, then as the me who has the most influence on time, is it likely to become an eternal state in the future?"

Mengmeng nodded: "Yes, when the fate of the two of us are entangled, then your opportunity to become the eternal state is also an opportunity for me to become the eternal state."

Han Chen was also stunned.

He had long thought that the void elves are not simple, and Mengmeng is not a simple character. He must be attached to Wu Yuan.

But I didn't expect that this request would turn out to be like this.

In their theory, since the eternal state can be unified in time, when a person can become the eternal state in the future, it will also affect his own past.

Under this theory, whether a person can become an eternal state is actually a fixed destiny.

If the future can become the eternal state, it is destined to become the eternal state.

"Although I really hope that your plan will succeed, I hope that this theory is wrong."

Han Chen smiled bitterly, "If a person can become an eternal state is fixed at the beginning, then such a life would be too boring."

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