All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1223: Angry meteor behemoth

To reach the realm of mythology, that is to open the door to the time domain.

This is like becoming a legend, which is equivalent to opening the door to the field of rules, and you can step on the road to control the rules step by step.

Time is a special rule, but there is still no concept of deviating from the rule.

It's not that time is frozen, but that Han Chen's time is too fast.

Space is a relative concept, and so is time.

This is the first time Han Chen has used it. After he stabbed the sword, he only felt that this one seemed to open a certain kind of boundary and approached another higher place.

He remembered the blow that the Lord of the Stars had smashed the deep sea suit with one move.

That is from the crushing of the time domain, the Lord of the Stars has not become a myth, but it is not that he cannot break through, he is just unwilling to break through.

His ability to use the power of the myth realm comes from the myths of the fall of the wind and rain stars, but a person who can control the power of the myth level, is he really a myth?

In the past, Han Chen might believe this, but when he himself became a myth, he would not be so naive.

This sword beyond the limit has been able to affect time.

Under the tear of time and space, all obstacles are no longer a problem.

The black sword air pierced through the huge body of the giant meteorite beast, and penetrated from the other end, and a small crack appeared in the body of the giant meteorite beast.

"The loss of health is less than 1/10000."

Han Chen, who was originally complacent about his move, waited to see the other party's status change, and his blood immediately cooled down.

He kind of understood why he couldn't provoke the opponent without reaching the eternal state.

My own trick is indeed very strong, but the opponent's "blood" is too thick, even if the opponent's entire body is punched, it is just equivalent to an ordinary person being pierced by an acupuncture needle.

It may hurt a bit, but if you want to talk about the real injury, it depends on where you hit.

The giant meteorite beast is a terrible monster that will swallow a star as it grows. Such a terrible monster is pierced by a sword. This level of damage is not painful or itchy at all.

"Almost forgot to do business!"

Seeing that the opponent's injury was ready to heal, just as all the monsters in God's Domain whose blood volume had not returned to zero would gradually make up for the missing parts of their bodies, Han Chen immediately threw out the mechanical race core in his hands.


Without resistance, the core of the mechanical race was thrown into the wound with the energy and fire, along the wound and into the body of the meteor beast.

After doing this, Han Chen immediately began to flee.

It was the overwhelming wind and flames, chasing him, Han Chen's black wings stretched out, coming and going freely in this energy storm.

The meteor beast continued to chase Han Chen. It knew that as long as its attack hits once, it would be able to kill the ant.

At this time, a warning message suddenly came from its body.

A large amount of energy in its body began to be missing, and the massive amount of energy stored in the body was rushing towards a certain place, and the rapid flow of energy made the meteorite beast vigilant.

In the body of the giant meteorite beast, the core of the mechanical clan is continuously transforming the power from the body of the giant meteorite beast through energy fire.

The efficiency of mechanical clan absorbing and transforming energy depends on the distance between the two parties, and also on the number of energy-absorbing puppets produced by itself.

Similarly, it also depends on the energy concentration.

A very simple truth, how can the efficiency of absorbing solar energy on the earth be comparable to the efficiency of absorbing solar energy directly on the sun?

But this premise is that one must be able to withstand the high temperature of the sun.

Under the dual action of the core of the mechanical clan and the energy fire, the mechanical clan’s efficiency in absorbing and transforming energy is very high. The converted energy quickly seeks material from the body of the meteor beast, transforms it into its own puppet, and absorbs energy. , And was quickly refined into high-level energy.

Under such super close range and super high concentration, the conversion efficiency of the machine family is undoubtedly the highest.

The rapid flow of energy made the meteor beast angry.

This hateful ant actually steals his power again and again, which fills its heart with anger.

In that case, let this ant die!

Countless energy began to burn, and a large area centered on the core of the mechanical race began to break away from the body of the meteor beast.

"No, it turned out to be killing me and part of its body!"

The mechanical clan who quickly understood the intention of the meteor behemoth began to panic.

The method of the meteor behemoth also exceeded the expectations of the mechanical race.

It originally thought that it should have a chance to escape, as long as it draws enough energy before the meteorite behemoth can make the correct response, and then leaves the body of the meteorite behemoth in the shortest time, so that it has a certain probability Escape to life.

Although this probability is relatively small, it still exists.

Between death and a small probability of survival, the machine race naturally chose survival.

Even if it knows that it has become a human pawn, it doesn't mind.

In the survival rules of the mechanical race, one's own life is the top priority of everything.

As for the method of killing the enemy together with a part of his body, it is a method of wounding the enemy ten thousand and hurting oneself eight thousand.

However, the meteorite beast was angered.

Among the algorithms of the mechanical family, the most sensible way for the Meteor Behemoth is to spit out itself from the body like a sputum, but it understands that the Meteor Behemoth does not necessarily act rationally.

Intelligent life has such a thing as hatred.

The anger of being played with by the ants caused the meteor beast to kill the ants who dared to play with itself even if it was a part of its self-destructive body.

Yes, it has regarded the machine race and human beings as a group.

Can't kill that human being by himself, and can't kill this machine race?

"No, Meteor Giant Beast, you can't kill me, as long as you are willing to let me go, I can stop all my actions and never offend!"

The mechanical tribe tried to communicate with the meteor beast, but the communication failed.

In the survival wisdom of the machine race, there is no such thing as hatred. There is no hatred, but only benefits. Therefore, when calculating other races, they will encounter problems when they encounter calculations about emotions and reason.

The behemoth meteorite is also an intelligent life, but it is different from the intelligent life of God's Domain, so in the case of repeated provocations, it finally chose to vent.


The destructive force exploded, bursting the core of the machine family and the place where the core of the machine family was located, turning everything into the most basic stream of particles.

At this moment, a black long sword fell.

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