All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1224: divinity

The sudden sword came out of the behemoth's expectation.

It originally thought that this abominable human being should have gone after the attack failed, but it did not expect that this human being would actually launch an attack at this time.

The meteor giant beast now is in a rage.

But even if it knows that humans have not left, it is estimated that it will make the same choice.

A wild beast that has lost its sense, of course, cannot use common sense to predict things, and of course it is impossible to be so comprehensive when considering things.

The horrible machine clan before had offended it severely, and if this horrible mechanical clan couldn't be resolved, there would be no way to calm the anger in its heart.

In its judgment, this hateful human and that hateful machine race are in the same group, and if you can kill one, it will count as one.

Now that an opponent has been beheaded, its anger has subsided a bit.

But at this time, it was also when it was at its lowest alert.

Han Chen's sudden sword was beyond its expectation, as if it could cut off all the sword energy, and instantly cut off the entire planet-like giant meteorite beast.

In the cut section, countless magma gushes like blood.

The Meteor Giant Beast had just smashed the Mechanical Race with a nearly broken arm, and had inevitably exited the deification state, and Han Chen did not use the myth state.

When the Meteorite Behemoth was weakest, Han Chen's attack succeeded.


Even the trembling roar of space was emitted from the mouth of the meteorite behemoth, causing the nearby universe and starry sky to become trembling.

Han Chen's figure disappeared, and he appeared in a distant place the next moment.

Then, on the part of his body that was cut off, some silver runes appeared.

This is the [Teleport] that Mengmeng gave him. It can teleport to the place where the rune is, and at the same time can teleport the item with the rune to his side.

Under the effect of the teleportation rune, this part of the body appeared beside him.


Han Chen, who succeeded in one blow, immediately greeted Mengmeng.

Although surprised by Han Chen's super efficiency, Mengmeng responded quickly and immediately took Han Chen and Wu Yuan away.

"You are so courageous, you even dare to fight the idea of ​​the meteor behemoth, and in the end it succeeded."

Mengmeng looked at Han Chen with a surprised look. She didn't expect Han Chen to actually be able to do such a thing and cut off a part of the body of the meteor behemoth.

After getting a part of the body of the Meteorite Behemoth, Han Chen immediately erased his consciousness.

Every part of the body of the strong has its own will, but for Han Chen, who is also at the level of mythology, the two sides should be equal at the level of will.

So he can easily erase the opponent's will.

Wu Yuan excitedly looked at this part of the stump that was bigger than the mountain: "Is this thing the material you used to refine the artifact?"

Han Chen nodded: "I had exchanges with Yue Sage. She once used a blueprint of mythological equipment to buy the entire Chamber of Commerce, which eventually caused a chain reaction, causing the three neutral forces to turn to the direction of Dianxing Palace. This incident also laid the foundation for Dianxing Palace to dominate Tianzhuyuan.

After I came back, I almost understood the essence of the artifact. There are two types of equipment at the myth level. One is cultivated from the equipment at the legendary level. However, the training process is very difficult and very dangerous. If there is too much damage, all previous efforts will be lost.

Another method is the origin of mythology. Mythology is the only realm. Since it is the only realm, then whether it is a part of one's body or a fragment of the soul, it is the only realm. In that case, it is created with the body of the meteor behemoth Weapons, naturally, have uniqueness, which is a natural mythical embryo. "

Wu Yuan asked: "Then what equipment do you want to build?"

Han Chen said: "I have a Night Demon suit, which is a mythical level suit, so there is no need for equipment. Now the person who needs equipment is you, so I should ask you what you want. Equipment? Or what kind of equipment do you need?"

Wu Yuan thought for a while, and said: "I now have a staff of life, which is also a mythical level equipment, so I should not lack the staff for attacking, and the staff of nature can increase in all directions. Natural spells and elemental spells are also very suitable for me.

Among the five main pieces of equipment for a person, the most important is the attack equipment, followed by the defensive equipment. I should need a robe capable of carrying spells. "

Han Chen said: "Then I will refine a robe."

Wu Yuan looked at the remains of the giant meteorite beast like a mountain, and wondered: "For such a large item, if you can create equipment, you should be able to create many pieces! Can't you build more?"


Han Chen shook his head and said, "You'll know the reason later. Whether I cut so many parts, or cut more parts, the parts cut off from a behemoth of meteors will always Only one piece of equipment can be created, not a second one."

Mengmeng curiously asked: "But, how do you build equipment? I remember you should not have the ability to build equipment! Did you learn the skills to build equipment when you were in the chaos of the stars?"


Han Chen didn’t explain much. He took out a holy flame from his storage space. The flame on the bed was glowing with warmth, which made people want to touch it with their fingertips. , But it makes people feel that this approach seems to be a kind of blasphemy.

But Wu Yuan quickly overcome this psychological fantasy, and then wondered: "What is this? Could it be a fire that can refine weapons?"

Han Chen's face turned black: "When did the alien fire refine weapons? This is not a flame. This is the divinity I collected after killing some flame gods. I don't know why, those gods of the Tao of faith, whether they are What kind of system, its original energy is biased towards the light, and most of the angels created are bright angels.

When I was in Luan Xinghai, I spent a lot of time studying the artifacts and sacred artifacts there, but I finally discovered that the most important part of these so-called artifacts and sacred artifacts is actually the divinity in them, and they have lost their divinity. Sacred weapons are just ordinary weapons. On the other hand, even ordinary weapons can be refined into divine weapons. "

"So, what's the use of this thing?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but touch the flame with her fingertips.

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