All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1225: Robe of Fury

Wu Yuan's fingertips kept getting closer to the flame, but she found that Han Chen hadn't stopped herself.

With Han Chen's reaction power, his slow movements, if he wanted to stop, would definitely be able to stop him, so Wu Yuan felt relieved and boldly touched with her fingertips.

Wu Yuan's face changed when she touched the flame.

A complicated and complicated flow of information entered her mind and impacted her soul.

"Send to me!"

Wu Yuan's soul screamed and expelled the complicated information.

After expelling the information, Wu Yuan's face looked a little afraid.

The information flow that entered my soul for a moment, even in retrospect, made people feel a bit scared and dare not touch it again.

"These divinities are all drawn from the power of faith."

Han Chen explained nonchalantly, "Since you want to accept the power provided by the power of faith, you must accept the backlash of the power of faith. Therefore, many gods who follow the path of faith will gradually lose themselves in the complex beliefs. , The gods from the God’s Domain system, regardless of whether they are righteous or evil, at least insist on maintaining themselves, and are not willing to let themselves get lost in this belief."

"Then you didn't remind me just now?" Wu Yuan complained.

"On this impact, the impact on you is not as great as watching a movie and just watching a title song, and even if you can restrain your curiosity, I want you to touch it once. This is to get The only way to power is also a small price."

Han Chen smiled indifferently, and then dragged the holy flame with his palms, and entered the part of the behemoth that had been cut off. "Now, you can imagine the style of the robe you like, but because The attributes of the Meteor Behemoth itself are limited, and the robe you fantasize about is better to favor the fire attribute.

When this holy flame entered the body of the meteor beast, Wu Yuan could feel that she seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the flame.

She quickly sketched the style of a robe in her mind.

When the style of the robe in her mind took shape, the huge body of the meteorite beast began to shrink gradually, and gradually became the shape outlined in her mind.

This is a fire-red flame pattern robe with a white background. The red flame pattern on it seems to be full of vitality, showing vigorous vitality.

"Rage flame robe, I didn't expect you to remember the appearance of the first purple robe."

Han Chen was a little surprised. This was Wu Yuan's first purple outfit. Although it had already been eliminated, the time she spent with Wu Yuan was not short.

And during that time, it was also the time when the earthly teams got together all day.

When Wu Yuan thought, she wore the raging robe on her body.

The overwhelming bright red flame swept the surrounding starry sky for millions of miles, leaving Wu Yuan in the sea of ​​fire, as if she was the master of the flame.

"What are the capabilities of this piece of equipment?"

Wu Yuan manipulated these flames into various forms, some into birds and beasts, and some into mountains and rivers, as if into a world of flames.

A world of flames full of vitality.

However, this is not a means of combat.

Han Chen said: "A newborn can't see what kind of abilities he can have in the future. The same is true for a newly born mythical equipment. Maybe he has some potential himself, but he wants to use the original ability of this equipment. , It still depends on your own cultivation and exploration."

Wu Yuan nodded, expressing understanding.

At this time, she saw Mengmeng looking like a ghost, and she couldn't help but feel a little strange: "What's wrong? It's just a piece of mythical equipment, why are you looking like this?"

"do you know?"

Mengmeng said loudly, "If myth-level equipment is so simple to get, then the mythical equipment in God's Domain has already been flooded, okay, but in fact, even if it is a myth-level powerhouse, generally you can only get one. A lot of myth-level equipment is still the natal equipment that I cultivated."

Han Chen smiled and said: "Is it easy? This is part of the body of the Meteor Behemoth! How can it be simple? You look down on the Meteor Behemoth too!"

Mengmeng said: "Do you think you can hide from my eyes? I can see that the body of the meteorite behemoth, as the main material of this equipment, can indeed exert a very powerful effect, but even without the meteorite behemoth With his body, you can still create mythical-level equipment, but it's weaker than it is now."

Although she is very young, her inheritance memory contains the powerful memory of the void elves and endless knowledge.

Although it is not comparable to the accumulation of those super clans, this kind of common sense knowledge is still known.

Equipment of the myth level is very rare in the entire God's Domain.

That is to say, the proportion of mythological equipment of the elves will be higher, but in the entire God's Domain, most of the mythological experts use themselves to cultivate mythological equipment.

That is to raise the legend to the level of mythology.

Although this process is difficult and takes a lot of time, if a piece of mythical equipment can be obtained, then this effort is worth it.

But Han Chen created a mythical equipment so easily, which is incredible.

If this kind of thing spreads out, then the entire God's Domain will be shaken by it.

Although there is no body of a star behemoth, there may be some gaps in the quality of mythological equipment, but since it has become a myth, is it so difficult to improve on the basis of becoming a myth?

"The greatest advantage of human beings is creativity and imagination."

Han Chen explained, "In fact, the most important part of the so-called mythical equipment is only uniqueness, and the Meteor Giant Beast is born with the only realm of life. While stealing a part of the body of the Meteor Giant Beast, my The talent [steal] also steals a part of the soul."

"But since it's the only realm, there is only one meteorite behemoth in this universe."

Mengmeng said, she was not talking about the meteorite behemoth family, but the meteorite behemoth just now. Han Chen took part of the meteorite behemoth, then this part is no longer the meteorite behemoth.

"I know, so I replaced it with something unique."

Han Chen said, "When I was in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, I discovered that the power of faith can change many things and can also create many miracles, and divinity is one of them, so I collected many artifacts and extracted many divine things from them. Researching and discovering that these gods can actually do anything theoretically, of course, the more difficult and illogical things, the greater the consumption. So, I used them to fix the uniqueness of this part of the meteor behemoth ."

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