All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1226: Wild and domestic...

"How is this possible?"

Mengmeng only feels that the knowledge she inherited from her memory seems to be messed up. This is simply a matter of subverting common sense.

"No, it should be more than that."

Mengmeng still shook his head, "If it's that simple, you can create mythical equipment. In the past, no one would have thought of it."

It’s so simple to make artifacts, and those people in the past eat plain rice?

"Of course some people thought of it in the past, but they thought too much."

Han Chen shook his head, "Divinity is inherently difficult to collect, and it is not very easy to store. Even after it is obtained, it is generally used as a consumable quickly, so everyone is working towards maximizing profit. Consider it from a perspective. For example, if the divine natures just now are replaced with other unique realms, they will probably be used as a one-time killer after collecting more. This can achieve the maximum use effect.

Even if you don’t want to be a one-time killer, enough divinity itself can create alternative artifacts, but the shelf life is relatively short, but when dealing with the gods of the way of faith, this problem does not count. What, anyway, there will be a steady stream of divinity as a supplement at any time. "

Mengmeng thoughtfully: "So, in fact, your use of divine methods is actually a waste?"

"It's not a waste for me, because my existence time is too short. If the body of the meteor beast is used as the main material, after entering the God's Domain for data, it will be able to create an artifact embryo, and then spend a certain amount of time to refine It’s a mythical piece of equipment, but I don’t have the time."

Han Chen said, "So, I can say that I combined an embryonic artifact with something that can be used as an alternative artifact, and then made a new artifact. However, this artifact is not complete yet. It needs a certain amount. Time comes to grow, so the price/performance ratio is very low, and the only advantage is that it saves time."

So it's not that no one has never thought of this approach in the past, but this approach is too extravagant.

This is equivalent to taking an artifact as an accelerator for forging artifacts.

How can a finished artifact that can exert its power to forge an unfinished artifact? This is simply a prodigal behavior.

Use this artifact directly to get more loot, isn't it fragrant?

On the contrary, Wu Yuan was very excited: "If it takes ten or eight years to forge a piece of equipment, then I feel that this time is not worth it!"

It has been more than ten years since God's Domain came to the present. She is not an impatient person, but patiently depends on what happens.

Why wait for a few years if there is a finished artifact?

Therefore, this is the values ​​of Han Chen and Wu Yuan, the values ​​of the prodigal son.

Mengmeng is also a little helpless: "Forget it, anyway, the artifact is in your own hands. Whatever you want to do, you can do whatever you want. It is your own business to waste divinity."

At this time, she suddenly saw that Han Chen took out another group of things.

"This, these..."

Mengmeng feels that her mind is about to turn around. She can see that these things are all divine, but when did the divine become so worthless?

In this regard, Han Chen can only sigh: "No matter how difficult it is to catch prey in the wild, once it becomes domesticated, it starts to become worthless."

Divinity is really precious.

But why is it difficult to obtain, because when fighting against the gods of the Tao of Faith, the power used to fight against the gods of the Tao of Faith is the divine nature. Even if angels are sent to fight, they also need to consume divine power. In a war of attrition Defeat the gods of the way of faith, then the opponent's strength is basically exhausted.

So if you want to gain divinity, you must use special methods.

And Han Chen, almost created a precedent for family gods.

It may be difficult to catch an eye in the wild, and it takes energy to arrange traps. After all, pheasants cannot be caught at the speed of humans, but a chicken farm can raise thousands of chickens. That is to start domestic breeding. The scale effect afterwards.

The quality may have declined, but the quantity can make up for it.

Han Chen in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, but he was canonized for fun without having to do anything else. If any **** dared to mention something to him, he would just die.

He wants those gods to present the artifacts in his hands. Isn't it easy?

It only needs a sacred decree to go down.

This kind of thing is truly unprecedented. After all, the two sides are in a hostile position, and they are trying to eliminate each other. Where can they find a way to cultivate and grow the other?

Before leaving the Sea of ​​Chaos, Han Chen also killed a lot of gods, especially the high-level gods, but the divinity gained by cleaning up those high-level gods is far inferior to those housed gods. After all, this There is no loss of divinity at the time.

Therefore, Han Chen really has no shortage of things like divinity.

"Of course, this robe is not complete. If the behemoth of meteorite falls, then the uniqueness of the behemoth of meteorite can be revived on this robe, so this artifact will be perfect."

Han Chen is still a bit at a loss, "But it doesn't matter. In the next time, we can also slowly discover the function of this robe, look for enemies on this ancient battlefield, practice with various enemies, and watch by the way. Can you find some other suitable materials for refining."

Mengmeng is already speechless for Han Chen's behavior.

You still want to let the meteor beast fall? This courage is a bit too big.

Fortunately, you can't do this kind of thing temporarily, otherwise, it may be a catastrophe for the entire ancient battlefield.

In the eyes of mortals, the gods above all are equivalent to a group of hens who can lay eggs, and only this lunatic can do the behavior of using enemies as tools.

And Wu Yuan agrees with this proposal: "Okay, okay! I still lack three pieces of equipment. It seems that we have to find three more mythical enemies so that we can gather all the equipment. Now, can I put together a set of suits! Do you know the principle of a mythical level suit?"

Mengmeng: "..."

Is it not enough to just get a brand-new myth-level equipment? Did you start playing the myth suit so early? Is this human greed and ambition?

Human beings are indeed a very terrifying creature. Human greed may lead to their own destruction, but it will also become the driving force for human progress.

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