All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1227: Zerg

Just when Mengmeng wanted to persuade Wu Yuan not to be too lofty or greedy, Han Chen replied: "The suit is not ordinary equipment, it can be combined. I have not figured out the principle of the mythical suit. , When I make more mythological equipment, you can try it."

Mengmeng: "..."

She felt that she might be falling into autism. You actually agreed to such an outrageous request, and you are considering the feasibility.

Is this world crazy?

But thinking of Han Chen's previous behavior, she suddenly felt that it was not impossible.

It is impossible for normal people to do this kind of thing that can turn the gods of the way of faith into domestic ones.

"However, based on my understanding of ordinary suits, I can understand one thing. The suit is a whole. Whether it is a deep sea suit or a night demon suit, it is a whole. Since it is a whole, then I am choosing materials. At the time, you should choose the same race as much as possible, or even the same enemy's materials."

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Han Chen slowly said, "But ordinary enemies can't meet our requirements. It is too dangerous to deal with the giant star beasts. We should do less of this kind of death."

Mengmeng couldn't help it anymore: "When have you been afraid of danger?"

Han Chen gave her a white look: "I have always been cautious."

Mengmeng stopped talking and could only get into Wu Yuan's portable space and fell into autism.

The ancient battlefield is very boring and boring. Most of the places are nebulae. This is the initial stage of the battlefield. All the matter in this star field has been marked as signs of ionic state.

After wandering in the ancient battlefield for half a year in this way.

"The world of flames!"

Wu Yuan waved the staff in her hand, countless jumping bright red flames filled the entire space, and there was a world of flames for thousands of miles.

These flames continued to dance, burning all the substances in the flame world.

Some weird creatures are constantly struggling in the flame world, and they are fighting with the flame elves in this world. After these flame elves dissipate, they will soon regroup in the world, but these bugs have no way after they die. Resurrected.

"It's been several hours, why is there still?"

Although in the realm of Wu Yuan, I can still suppress the irritability in my heart, but she doesn't like it.

Regardless of whether it is happiness, anger, sorrow, or joy, it is part of human natural emotions, and there is no need to suppress it.

As long as you don't let these emotions affect your fight, it won't hurt.

The Zerg is the enemy that the God’s Domain is the least willing to face on the ancient battlefield. As long as the Zerg’s brood is not destroyed, Zerg soldiers can be produced continuously. Of course, this will consume a certain amount of energy, and the energy of the Zerg brood It is hard to be destroyed before it is consumed.

It's better not to think about such things before at least becoming eternal.

It’s fine to fight the war of attrition honestly. Although the speed at which the Gods’ Realm camp recovers energy is not as fast as that of the Zerg, it uses energy more efficiently. Therefore, the Zerg does not have the upper hand in the war of attrition. The energy needs to be supplied to thousands of Zerg warriors.

Han Chen said: "Don't you find that when you beheaded these Zerg soldiers, you also got a promotion?"

Wu Yuan said in amazement: "Yes! It's like the experience of spawning monsters when I first entered God's Domain. Although I don't feel any obvious changes, I feel that my energy recovery speed has been improved."

At first it took an hour to restore all the magic in the body, but now it can be reduced by one minute.

The energy density in the universe has not changed, that is her own progress.

Although they had encountered enemies before, they were all unsuitable for combat, or enemies that God's Domain watch did not recommend to fight. Now this is the first time that such a serious enemy has been killed.

And Han Chen also felt that the Zerg was more suitable for practice, so he chose the Zerg as the enemy.

"The system of God's Domain was originally carved."

Han Chen said, "When the enemy is killed with the deification state, the soul structure of the opponent will be destroyed as a whole. Except for the enemy whose realm has reached the eternal realm, other lives are destroyed when the essence of life is destroyed. The material components will dissipate.

However, in the collision of the essence of life, the collision between us and the other's life is the most. During the collision, we will accept this part of the special energy dissipated by the other party. In God's Domain, this energy is called'Aura'. Not necessarily, even many races do not recognize the existence of this energy. "

The mode of spawning monsters in God's Domain is not only to allow new civilizations to accept the training of God's Domain Battlefield, so that they have a time to adapt and transition.

More importantly, we must prepare for the way they fight at the moment.

After getting used to the data-based battle, it is easy to adapt to the ancient battlefield.

Defeating a monster in God's Domain will make the opponent's aura missing part, and this part of the aura will be converted into their own experience points, and the strength of the monster lacking aura will decrease, and even the level will drop.

It's the same in the stars of the universe.

It's just that many dead monsters won't be resurrected after they die.

"Don't admit it, why don't you admit it?" Wu Yuan was a little surprised.

"They don't understand the existence of this energy, just like blind people don't understand Seven Colors, they don't recognize anything other than their senses."

Han Chen explained, "But this is not important. They don't want to admit that it is their own business, as long as this kind of thing is beneficial to us."

Wu Yuan continued to release spells to kill those Zergs. If those Zerg warriors were too close to her, she would use some wind spells to increase the distance, and then continue to use fire to kill.

The realm she comprehended at the legendary level was the natural realm. The natural realm was originally capable of containing earth, water, fire and wind, and of course it could be transformed into a flame realm.

The raging robe itself also comes with a flame field. Under the superposition of the two, all of this nebula can be covered by flames.

This is a world of flames, and Wu Yuan is the master of flames.

Countless Zerg warriors want to cross the sea of ​​fire to kill this hateful human, but they can't get close. The brood of the Zerg wants to escape under the cover of the Zerg warriors, but in front of the void elves, the space it can escape only needs You can get there in just one step.

After more than ten hours of fighting, the Zerg brood finally began to fail, and the production process of the Zerg warriors began to slow down.

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