All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1228: Mother Emperor Ring

The brood of the Zerg, once again produced more than 1,000 Zerg warriors, to kill the humans.

After making these tall warriors, the brood immediately turned and escaped.

With a wave of Mengmeng, Wu Yuan and Han Chen jumped into space together and came to the way to escape from the nest.

"It's over."

Wu Yuan’s eyes were full of excitement, but she didn’t relax a bit during the battle. There are countless examples of being overturned by opponents in God’s Domain because of her complacency. Many times, a single mistake may take months or even a whole year. Accumulation becomes a bubble.

Wu Yuan was able to grow so quickly because she did not make similar mistakes.

Under the perception of the state of deification, Wu Yuan could feel that the "health value" of the Zerg brood was continuously reduced, and under the burning of flames, it was still continuously decreasing.

Immediately afterwards, the vitality of the other party filled up again.

In God's Domain, whether it is a player or an NPC, they can restore their life, physical strength, and spiritual power through potions.

The way the Zerg brood restores its own life is of course to consume its accumulated energy.

However, when the Zerg Mother Nest set foot on that nebula, it was destined that its consumption would definitely far exceed its own accumulation.

"Yuanyuan, prepare to use the ultimate move."

Han Chen's body incarnates the shadow, and merges with the entire nebula into one.

The battle between the two sides has been going on for a long time, and Wu Yuan has also accumulated enough combat experience and is very proficient in the use of mythological state.

In this case, the value of the other party is lost.

"Red Lotus Explosion Flame Blade!"

Wu Yuanping raised the staff in her hand, and a fiery red lotus bloomed in front of her. The red petals burned the Zerg warriors in front of her. At the stamens, a beam of flames containing powerful energy shot out suddenly, directly hitting the Zergs. The mother's nest blasted a huge hole in a huge Zerg mother's nest with a diameter of more than 300 meters.

Immediately afterwards, this hole began to repair itself.

It's just that some green light is attached to the wound, inhibiting the speed of recovery.

One of the effects of natural spells: suppression treatment.

However, it is obvious that the effect of inhibiting treatment does not affect the Zerg brood too much, but only affects the speed of treatment.

At this time, Han Chen's figure appeared beside the Zerg brood.


A large amount of energy in the mother's nest of the Zerg was extracted by Han Chen, and then countless energy began to flow into Han Chen's sword of Night Demon.

This is a skill that Han Chen has been using and discovering since he first entered God's Domain. With the increase in the number of uses, it can no longer be described as pure and pure.

The massive energy was stolen by Han Chen, and then turned into his own power.

Although this time is very short, if it exceeds the time, the stolen energy will be returned, but it is enough for Han Chen.

"Stacked stars!"

The huge power poured into the sword of the night demon under the effect of stealing, and then burst out in an instant, cutting the entire Zerg brood into two halves.

The health value is zero, and the Zerg brood is killed.

The power just taken not only steals the mother's nest to restore its own energy, but also steals the energy that the Zerg brood uses to protect itself and maintain its vitality.

Then, under the effect of [Standing Stars] continuously stacking 9 times of its own limit attacks, the Zerg brood, which had already fallen into a weakened state during the war of attrition, had now lost its life.

After the death of the Zerg brood, the Zerg warriors began to run around.

Wu Yuan quickly shot, and a flame barrier rose up on the edge of the flame world, preventing all the Zerg warriors from escaping, and swept them all.

After the death of the Zerg brood, the body began to slowly escape between the stars, and then Han Chen launched the [Gathering Technique] to collect some of the parts.

A red bead fell into Han Chen's hands.

[Gathering Skill] is a very basic skill. It can be used in the real world to turn the monsters killed into materials, used in the domain of God, and it can also increase the probability of monsters dropping materials, but used in this ancient battlefield, Han Chen has a whole new insight.

In the battle in the deified state, dead enemies will directly transform into the basic particles in this universe. Even if these particles are recombined, it is impossible to form the original life.

The aura that radiated during this escape was his own experience value.

But any life that grows to the level of mythology, its own body is a precious treasure, and it becomes a basic particle and disappears, which is a shame.

Therefore, the Eyes Domain specially developed this [Gathering Technique] in order to allow these particles to be retained as much as possible during the process of dissipating.

None of the basic skills in God's Domain are useless.

What he obtained is the [Zerg Brood Core], which is the most important part of the Zerg Brood, and the fundamental energy output transformation, which is equivalent to the function of the human heart.

After getting the core of the Zerg Brood, Han Chen injected part of the divinity he collected into it.

The quality of the core of the Zerg brood seems to be very good. The divinity that can be accepted is equivalent to the sum of the accumulated divinities of 300 artifacts.

Then, Wu Yuan injected part of her mental energy and began to fantasize about the situation she wanted.

"The core of the Zerg brood can be equivalent to the role of an energy center, so it is used to improve one's vitality and spiritual power. This conversion efficiency will be higher. According to the equipment system in God's Domain, the most suitable for conversion should be It's a ring." Han Chen reminded.

Different parts of equipment have different effects. Most of the effects of ring parts are to increase your life limit and increase your energy limit, which is equivalent to improving your own battery life. Even if it is an additional special effect, it is like [ Twins] The same life-saving ability.

If Han Chen forcibly transforms the brood core into other weapons to increase his attack power, it is actually not impossible, but this is a great waste of divine nature.

His divinity can indeed be wasted casually, but the core of the Zerg brood is not so common.

Wu Yuan also knew the importance of such things, so she followed Han Chen's suggestion and transformed the core of the Zerg brood into a ring.

[Zerg Mother Emperor Ring]: The upper limit of life is increased by 50%, and a part of the magic power can be stored. The stored magic power will increase as the quality of the ring increases.

There is not much explanation. The first is that this mythical-level equipment is just an embryo, it has not been fully formed yet and has room for improvement, and the second is that for their realm, those easy-to-understand text descriptions, It is no longer necessary.

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