All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1229: The mystery of the ancient battlefield

After getting the Zerg Mother Emperor's ring, the two stayed in the ancient battlefield for another five years.

Here, they met all kinds of opponents in the universe.

The flow of time in ancient battlefields is also internally different. In most places, the flow of time is the same as that of the earth, but in some places, the flow of time is much faster than that of the earth.

Here, even the weakest enemy has title-level combat effectiveness. There are countless powerful enemies with mythological level and combat effectiveness. Even true gods, they have encountered many, and even once felt eternal. Breath.

However, the God's Realm camp also had an eternal realm sitting in the ancient battlefield. After the two sent out a signal for help, the crisis was lifted.

Although I don't know what happened, this is what happened between the eternal realms.

After 5 years here, the two began to return to Earth.

Now Wu Yuan has a full set of mythological equipment on her body, and the raging robe in it has grown into a real artifact, and its quality is close to the natural staff in her hand.

In addition, the two men also beheaded some enemies, and then refined a few pieces of mythical-level equipment from the materials that fell from these enemies, and prepared to give them away after returning.

Among them, the [Heart Demon Ring] refined from the soul of the Heart Demon clan is the most suitable equipment for Xia Mengsi, which can greatly improve her illusion continuous ability.

Although the earthly squad is disbanded, even if it is on the opposite side, the relationship between everyone will not be cut off so easily.

With good things, Han Chen first thought of the world.

Even from the perspective of the future of the race, Xia Mengsi, who can create such an amazing skill as [Race Disaster], is the most worthy of investment.

According to the agreement with God's Domain, the return of the two cannot disturb anyone, and the news cannot be made public, except for their relatives and friends.

The purpose is to observe whether the earth is still progressive after the loss of Han Chen.

Although the last observation has yielded enough results, it is still far from enough for those with great power.

Nowadays, apart from China, the top powers on the planet are the Western Cavaliers Alliance and the Rice Congee Alliance. Even the Liberty Alliance has been disintegrated and became a part of the Cavaliers Alliance.

Alizee has reached the title level, and occasionally appears on the battlefield of God's Domain, but will disappear without a trace after taking the shot, as if she has made up her mind not to intervene in the affairs of the Cavaliers Alliance.

Alizee’s heir Norwen, stuck at the title level for too long, decided to follow Alizee’s example, chose a new heir as the leader, and then left the Cavaliers League, unless he had to take action. Otherwise, it won’t happen easily.

China’s military leaders Li Long and Ziyue advanced to the title level, and Jiang Tao also became the title level as a rising star. The three title level seats made China’s position as golden.

And as a special professional dragon maiden, Li Long's strength is the top existence under the myth.

After all, it is equivalent to using human skills to control the power of the dragon. Maybe this road is very difficult, but when he succeeds, he will be the strongest in the same realm.

But now Huaxia’s army has begun to break into pieces. The last time God’s Domain was tossed by Han Chen, there were scenes of charcoal everywhere, and it could no longer withstand the toss of large-scale battles, so everyone can only continue to collect resources. Conduct small-scale battles in the resource area.

The abyss has gone to complete destruction, but a part of the passage from the abyss to the Ancestral Dragon has been preserved. Some experts in the Gods’ Realm descended to the Ancestral Dragon through this passage, and then set off a **** storm on the Ancestral Dragon, but Most of these people did not come back alive.

The reason is also very simple. After Han Chen tossed the Zulong star last time, the Eternal Devouring Beast has recovered to a high degree. Those who can detect the existence of the Eternal Devouring Beast have been found and killed. Very few protect their lives.

Among them, there are some good people on the earth who have entered the Zulong Star just like death, but because of the lessons learned, the people who have entered the Zulong Star are still honest.

After Han Chen and Wu Yuan went to meet their parents quietly, they did not rush to return to the ancient battlefield.

The two of them sat in a separate space opened up by the Sky City. No one could see them, but they could see the scene outside this independent space.

Wu Yuan didn't ask Han Chen why he didn't rush back, because Han Chen would have said everything.

"Yuanyuan, have you discovered the truth about the ancient battlefield?"

Han Chen suddenly said something astonishing.

Wu Yuan was startled, and then looked down at the Shenyu watch.

"There is nothing to cover up. If you really need to cover up, I should talk to you about this when you were in the ancient battlefield, instead of talking about it after returning to the scope of this God's Domain." Han Chen said.

With his current state, it is not impossible to block the signal of the Gods Domain Watch.

It's just that it's one thing to be able to do it, and it's another thing to do it.

He has no plans to resist God's Domain now. On the contrary, he can get a lot of useful information from the God's Domain watch and keep in touch with his family and friends. Why should he block it?

Wu Yuan was surprised: "Have you discovered the truth about the ancient battlefield?"

The two obviously entered the ancient battlefield at the same time, but from their own perspective, the two of them have spent the past five years fighting and killing. In addition to seeing all kinds of scenery, the unknown The situation is really black.

But Han Chen was able to see the truth of the ancient battlefield. Is the gap between the two so big?

Han Chen saw Wu Yuan’s loss and comforted: “In fact, it’s nothing remarkable, but people’s thinking often falls into misunderstandings. At the beginning, the major ethnic groups opened up the battlefield and exploded 3000 galaxies, turning them into the first. The state of the nebula, this war has continued until now, but after we entered the ancient battlefield, we discovered that apart from the wandering races, we did not see anything special."

Wu Yuan wondered: "Since there is nothing special, why can you see through the truth of the ancient battlefield? And we have only passed 5 years, and only saw the tip of the iceberg in the ancient battlefield."

"Sometimes I see too much, but it is easy to be confused."

Han Chen said, "Don’t you think it’s too easy for us to kill the enemy there? Even if there is cuteness, I can escape calmly, but there is still no danger. Even if I encounter an enemy in the eternal realm, I can still go to God's Domain. The mighty one asked for help, so we escaped easily, so..."

Then, he glanced at the God's Domain watch that opened the communication with the old man guarding the tower, and said to Wu Yuan earnestly: "The ancient battlefield is actually controlled by God's Domain, and it is ready to be used as a forward base for expanding the God's Domain."

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