All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1230: Return to Chaos

The first thousand two hundred and thirty chapters return to the chaotic sea of ​​stars

"What, isn't God Realm going against the sky!" Wu Yuan was shocked and her chest trembled slightly.

"There are not many contacts at my level. I can't tell you the details, but God's Domain has the heart to unify the universe in the next big game, and the top races of God's Domain are planning ancient battlefields and other civilizations..." Han Chen paused when he said that.

"You mean that God's Domain has no time for him to take care of him, and it must relax the controls on our earth." Wu Yuan's eyes were blue and crystal-like in the lake.

"It's more than relaxation. After I made a big trouble in God's Domain last time, which civilization do you think can have the ability to unify God's Domain? There are ruins everywhere, and we will not have to rely on our earth civilization, and our earth civilization is the most resilient One of the strong civilizations is bound to rise!" Han Chen said calmly.

"Ah, silence!" Wu Yuan jumped up high and hurriedly prevented Han Chen from continuing.

You must know that they are still wearing watches distributed by God's Domain. If this matter is let the old folks of God's Domain know, what should they do if they come to encircle the earth's civilization immediately.

"Hey," Han Chen suddenly screamed towards the sky, as if afraid that those old guys would be dozing off and could not hear clearly, he deliberately said loudly, "I want to give up the opportunity to unify the universe and destroy my earth civilization. To unite the universe and unite civilizations to develop together is just between your thoughts. Know that there are many people who want to destroy my earth civilization, but you are definitely not the current one! One day with my Han Chen, I want to encroach on earth civilization , You guys just don't think about it!"

This long howl, resounded throughout the world!

Carrying a mysterious rune, it floats to the depths of the universe and falls to every corner of God's Domain.

The various civilizations in God's Domain shook, the bells rang, and all civilizations called for an urgent call. The old monsters and ancestors who hid in the fairy mountain and the sea of ​​God all came out of the mountain and gathered together to discuss for seven days and seven nights.

But everything was silent again. In the face of Han Chen's arrogance, no civilization in the entire God's Domain came out to refute, not even a single blaming.

Han Chen didn't hear a retort from other civilizations on the earth, and showed a slight smile. The next day he bid farewell to his parents and went to Luan Xinghai.

Wu Yuan looked at the slashed figure in front of her, shaking more and more. Nine days ago, Han Chen actually passed the God's Domain Watch and directly challenged the entire God's Domain civilization, and none of the mythical creatures in the God's Domain stood out to refute.

Even after so many days, Wu Yuan was still in shock, and the deer banged in her heart, walking high and low, just like a stage beauty walking catwalk.

"What's the matter?" Han Chen glanced at Wu Yuan. Today, she wore a clean Nine Thunder Sky silk shawl, exuding wispy thunder arcs, and a thin piece of clothing was placed on her body, setting off the exquisite and graceful figure more and more. Fairy.

"It's nothing, by the way, the Chaos Sea we went to, didn't even the teleportation array have been destroyed?" Wu Yuan's face blushed, and she was still dreaming about a happy life with Han Chen. She was suddenly asked by Han Chen. After a trance, he changed the subject hastily.

"Because of the large-scale production of mythological equipment, the divine nature in my hands is also consumed a lot, and I need to go to Luan Xinghai to collect some." Although Han Chen was a little confused, he did not pay too much attention.

"Yeah." Wu Yuan didn't ask too much when she had something in her heart.

Han Chen passed through several tribes, some inexplicable storm centers, and some thunder and lightning forbidden areas. Finally, it took him a month to find the ancient formation in a virgin forest full of title-level monsters.

With Han Chen’s skills in the formation, he repaired the ancient formation with three strokes and five divisions. Han Chen lost his magic on the ancient formation, and the colorful rays of light burst in an instant. The two looked at each other and walked into the light together. in.

Chaotic Star Sea, an unknown island.

There is a gloomy atmosphere here all year round. Local people say that there have been Yin soldiers from the underworld here, and even the title-level ghost king.

Therefore, it is seldom populated here, and even large-scale sea beasts are rarely seen here.

Suddenly the surface of the sea was tumbling and surging, and the originally azure water suddenly turned dark green, like a dyed vat.

Exudes a fishy smell.

In a short while, a fountain of Nuo-Da was formed, and a snake-shaped head with a tumor was protruding from the center, and six or seven heads popped out in a hurry.

There is also a **** neck.

"Old Monster Baqi, you dare to steal the eggs of my direct descendants. If I don't shame you down today, I won't be named Wu!"

As he spoke, the sky turned black, and a mouthful of the black pot lid fell from the sky!

"Old Monster Wu, didn't I just ate your egg? You chased me so far! You are also a descendant of the ancient mythological creature Xuanwu, don't you have any face?"

"You are still a descendant of the ancient mythological creature dragon, and you won't see you flying into the sky! Stop talking nonsense and eat me a Yantian Shenfeng Fist!"

The black pot lid in the sky turned wildly, forming a huge storm, rushing over like a black top!

The sea is dry!

The earth cracks!

The old monster Baqi was not to be outdone, and the stench of dark green water sprayed into the sky!

The two forces slammed together! The center was so terrible that the sky and the earth were cracked, and the sea was flooding wildly.

The two creatures have red eyes and are about to bury each other in the sea water here.

But it didn't affect the cold mist that couldn't be removed all the year round. Suddenly, a white light flashed in the mist, as if a sword aura immediately split the cold mist.

Old Monster Baqi and Old Monster Wu were shocked and unspeakable, staring dumbfoundedly at a man and a woman walking out of the cold mist.

The man wore ordinary Tsing Yi, his appearance was not good, but there was a spirit that made them frightened.

Female, fairy spirit fluttering, her face is beautiful, like a fairy in the sky.

Old Monster Baqi and Old Monster Wu are also dominating one side at any rate, with a trace of the divinity of mythological creatures on their bodies, so they naturally swept towards the two of them unkindly.

But they didn't feel anything from these two people.

There are only two possibilities for not being able to feel the energy fluctuations. One is that the opposite is an ordinary person, but the two of them can come and go freely from this cold mist. How can they be ordinary people? Then there is only one conclusion!

The two creatures glanced at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes, "Mythical creature!"

A true mythological creature!

"Where is the chaotic sea of ​​stars?" The man who walked out of the cold mist did not fear the poison of the boss and the storm of the boss.

Walk out calmly.

This person is Han Chen from earth civilization!

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