All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1232: Air annihilation

"Yes, God." Old Monster Wu said, and took out an earth-yellow tortoise with a four-cornered head from his Universe Bag. The upper body was damaged a lot. It seemed that he had experienced the baptism of many years.

"This is a Buddha image passed down by our ancestors. Our ancestors have always said that our ancestors did not sit in the seat, but practiced in more mysterious places and searched for the avenue. As long as we worship this statue sincerely, we will have one in ten thousand. A chance to be bestowed by divinity. A trace of divinity in me is also bestowed from this idol, but since the rise of mankind in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, it has hunted my people too much, and it is almost dead."

Old Monster Wu said this with a sad expression.

Old Monster Wu finished talking about how he met Fu Longbo, and after somehow obtained a trace of ancestral blood on Fu Longbo, he bred this gifted egg according to the spirit hint contained in the ancestral blood.

But because Luan Xinghai's divinity is too low, it may be premature, and it is coveted by other sea beasts. The old monster Baqi is the egg that covets the old monster Wu, and it will fight.

After hearing the descriptions of these two creatures, Han Chen and Wu Yuan went away, three months have passed since then.

On this day, the sea was overwhelming, sweeping the clouds in the sky, lightning and thunder, dark blue gloom covering the entire sky, suddenly a long roar!

Han Chen laughed happily in the depths of the sea.

Wu Yuan felt something in her heart, and she flashed into the middle of the sea. At this time, the sky thunder was of no use to her, after all, she was in a low plane.

"Is it done?" Wu Yuan asked Han Chen, who looked at Han Chen with a calm expression that could not be concealed.


Han Chen swept lightly, and the clouds, sea water, and thunder light in the sky were swept away. At this moment, a white, misty, star-like spherical light cluster appeared out of thin air in the void.

The life fluctuations in the light cluster are hundreds of times that of three months ago.

I saw the light ball stepping up and down on the void, jumping up and down, like a baby just starting to learn to walk.

An electric arc flashed behind Wu Yuan, and a flash of lightning flew around the light group.

Waiting for the brilliance of the light ball to slowly dissipate, revealing a khaki-yellow hairy head, the most peculiar thing is that a third eye grows in the middle of this head.

"Destroy the method in the air!"

Both Wu Yuan and Han Chen whispered.

It's no wonder that the two were surprised, knowing that the Air Destruction Method, as a growth space skill, has the ability to see through all the void.

It can increase its own void ability by 100%, and it can also avoid the turbulence of time and space when traveling through the void, ensuring that it will not be harmed by the turbulence of time and space.

And this sky-defying void ability, unexpectedly appeared on this earthy yellow furry little animal!

Suddenly, a lightning bolt came quickly in the white sky.

"Five-colored thunder!"

Wu Yuan took a breath!

Five-color thunder, the most terrifying thunder calamity among the legendary sea beasts transforming into a robbery!


Five-colored thunder light flashed across Han Chen's face, and he saw his face calm and without fluctuations. Although Wu Yuan knew that Han Chen was already a mythical creature, this five-color thunder was not simple.

Don't capsize in the gutter.

One cloud after another flew over, and the sky gradually formed a five-colored thundercloud. The thunder light was overwhelming, like a river of Styx splashing from the sky, the thunder pillar exploded the void, causing the void within a five-kilometer radius to split.


The white light seemed to feel bad and let out a cry of weakness.


The five-color thunder pillar violently bombarded the white light!

The void split, the sea water poured in, and the violent fluctuations stained all creatures and objects with five colors of light.


When it was said that it was too late, Han Chen roared towards the sky, and a magic jue was shot out. Suddenly a turquoise net appeared in the invisible and colorless sky, directly wrapping all the five-colored thunder nearby.

"Tie the fairy rope!"

Wu Yuan saw this artifact at a glance.

"Yes, I picked it up at random from those NPCs when I was wandering in God's Domain. At that time, I found it useless. I just felt that its material was very special and had the effect of arresting thunder and lightning. Later, it passed through my divine suit method. Refining, now it has the characteristics of accepting heaven and earth divine thunder."

Han Chen smiled slightly, and while talking and laughing, the scary five-colored thunder in the sky had turned into a ball of five-colored lights and was imprisoned in the immortal rope.

After being urged by Han Chen Fajue, he received the magic weapon of God's Domain.

The earth-yellow light group is full of spirituality. After the five-color thunder and thunder, it turned into a fat doll with earth-yellow hair. It seemed to feel the power of Han Chen to reach the sky and the earth, and it affectionately surrounds Han. Morning rotation.

"Wow, it's so cute." Wu Yuan saw the five-colored thunder disappear instantly, revealing such a cute furry thing, and the girl's heart burst suddenly.

"Huh!" The Void Elf felt left out, and arrogantly hid in the void.

"Since you have a relationship with me, then I'll call you Huang Mengmeng." Han Chen grasped this guy's little head and told it to stop this affectionate movement.

Han Chen couldn't bear this intimate relationship yet.

You must know that in order for this Huang Mengmeng to be born smoothly, he invested almost 80% of his previous hunting divinity in him, and even the body of the star behemoth that was killed before was almost lost.

It can be said to be no less expensive.

But the thought that Huang Mengmeng made up for the risk of lack of high-end qualified follow-up talents on the earth, which made Han Chen a little relieved.

We must know that the earth civilization has only just begun to cultivate, and the cultivation of talented disciples is far inferior to other civilizations in God's Domain. If the earth civilization is allowed to develop savagely, it will be invaded by other civilizations in God's Domain sooner or later.

Now that Huang Mengmeng, who has the blood of this Xuanwu returning to his ancestors, will definitely grow into a new terrifying mythical creature in the years since he left.

You must know that Xuanwu is famous even in the ancient battlefields, and some ancient books on the earth have recorded Xuanwu's ability to pass the sky and the earth.

Huang Mengmeng, who has returned to his ancestors, must have a aptitude for cultivation.

Thinking of this, Han Chen showed a relieved smile, and after leaving a low-level pill for Wu Yuan and Huang Mengmeng, Han Chen went into seclusion for a month.

In a deep sea filled with darkness, the deeper the seabed, the darker and darker, and the strange black magical energy is constantly erupting here, forming monstrous waves that wrap the vicinity of this sea area tightly.

A suit of Tsing Yi, a piece of white light and a piece of yellow light from above and below flashed in, unaffected by the chaotic magic here.

This is the approximate location of Fu Longbo provided by Old Monster Wu.

Before Han Chen had discovered a trace of strange energy remaining in the Xuanwu statue, he felt a trace of the breath that he had felt on the ancient battlefield from those bodies.

"The remaining aura on the idols seems to be a bit like the sayings circulating in the gods." Wu Yuan can not be affected by the black devil qi with the power of the void elf.

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