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Chapter 1233: From the ancient battlefield...

"Well, it should be the power of faith." Han Chen said after pondering.

"Unexpectedly, we had already come into contact with the ancient battlefield before we entered the ancient battlefield. Fulongbo, the restricted area in front of us, must be related to Xuanwu. The guy Xuanwu may have ran to the ancient battlefield." Wu Yuan Guessed.

Huang Mengmeng on her body feels restless every time Wu Yuan mentions Xuanwu.

"The ancient battlefields seem to be different from our cultivation system. We gain strength through the promotion of life and spiritual levels, but the ancient battlefields become gods through the power of faith. I heard that these civilizations are often more united than ours. , Which has incomparable power. Moreover, something bad seems to have happened recently..."

Han Chen explained while flying towards the inside.

"What's wrong?" Wu Yuan said in her throat.

Huang Mengmeng felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why do you think God's Domain wants to'please' me to the ancient battlefield? To put it bluntly, that is the ancient battlefield needs me, why do you need me? Isn't that the power of other civilizations surpasses the power of God's Domain, making God's Domain feel dangerous and needs to be mobilized? More super powerful combat power goes to the front line."

"Ah, are you in danger?" Wu Yuan knew that Han Chen had to do this, but she still couldn't help worrying about his safety. Maybe this was love.

With this shaking, Huang Mengmeng fell off his shoulder.

Wu Yuan angrily patted Huang Mengmeng, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"There will always be danger. As long as we are fully prepared and make a few more sets of mythological suits, even if it is dangerous, it will not be difficult for your husband and me." Han Chen said in front of it relatively calmly, but in the following sentence Some rascals.

Suddenly the devilish energy in front rolled over, and the true devilish energy crazily emerged from the ground, instantly enveloping Han Chen and Wu Yuan, and this blow made Han Chen a little confused.

"What is this?" There is a strange energy in that true devil energy, which is not pure true devil energy.

This weird breath touched Han Chen's shield, but got in as if there was nothing. Han Chen was shocked and hurriedly guarded his mind.

"Han Chen, take care of yourself!"

Wu Yuan was anxious in her heart, and hurriedly shouted, Wu Yuan herself was immediately hit by the Void Elf's magic, and quickly disappeared into this space, which made Han Chen feel quite stable.

After entering Han Chen's body, this colorless and odorless weird aura quickly swam through the dantian as if looking for something, and soon entered Han Chen's spiritual world.

Han Chen secretly said that it was not good. For a second, his body clothes were torn apart, and he entered the mythical state directly. The surging divinity filled his whole body, all the black true magic energy was pushed out, and the whole body was bathed in the divine light.

After Han Chen entered the mythological state, he used the spiritual power of the myth level to finally converge the weird breath to a corner of the spiritual world, and use the spiritual power of the myth level to confine it.

Then the mythological form was lifted, and a drop of sweat crystal dripped from the center of his eyebrows, showing the danger just now.

"Han Chen, what's the matter with you?" Wu Yuan was in contact with Han Chen's mythological form shock wave at close range, and was almost hit by Han Chen. Fortunately, the void elves crisis situation transmitted herself into the void, and waited until Han Chen lifted the mythological form. Dare to come out.

"The closer I get to the restricted area, the more I feel the dignity of the ancient battlefield. The colorless and tasteless aura just now can only be suppressed by my mythological form." Han Chen said lightly.

But what happened just now is really dangerous.

But all this is to keep her woman from worrying.

"Then can we not go to the ancient battlefield?" Wu Yuan would only show such a girlish appearance when she really cared about Han Chen, with a beautiful face and red eyes.

"We cultivators will never give up chasing once they know where the avenue is." Han Chen couldn't help holding the soft and pleasant person in his arms, squeezing her pretty face, and soothing for a while.

Through the observations just now, Han Chen found that most of the true devil qi is no problem, and only a few of them imply this colorless and odorless aura.

After a while, after diving into the deep sea, Han Chen had his first experience, and then conquered three or four colorless and odorless auras.

Finally, I saw a dark stone stele appeared in front of him, with the words Fu Longbo written on it.

When Han Chen and Wu Yuan were wondering what the material of the stone tablet was, the ancestral Huang Mengmeng walked over and swallowed the stone tablet in one bite.

"Hey!" Wu Yuan and the Void Elf both wanted to stop Huang Mengmeng, but Huang Mengmeng burped at them.

Seeing this scene, Han Chen suddenly had a strange thought, what would happen if Huang Mengmeng directly swallowed those five colorless and tasteless auras?

"You help me protect the law and give me Huang Mengmeng." Han Chen said suddenly.

According to the previous idea, Han Chen showed a state of myth, and then forced a trace of colorless and tasteless aura out of his body.

Sure enough, when Huang Mengmeng saw the colorless and odorless breath, his eyes flashed and he was very excited. He patted his chest, opened his tender mouth, and inhaled it directly.

The strange aura that could pierce through the myth-level creatures was swallowed directly into Huang Mengmeng's stomach without a trace of struggle.

Wu Yuan on the side was stunned.

To know how dangerous it was just now, just look at Han Chen's transformation into a mythical form.

"What the **** is this?" Wu Yuan was a little confused.

"It should be Huang Mengmeng who is able to restrain this strange aura. Judging from the information currently known on Earth and God's Domain, we cannot grasp what this substance is. But its characteristics seem to be the opposite of the divine nature of our cultivation."

"The attributes are the opposite? Is it true magic?"

"No, they still use a divine system for True Devil Qi, but for this strange substance, I am afraid that only after going to the ancient battlefield can we know the reason." Han Chen said after hesitating.

The next journey went smoothly. With Huang Mengmeng's help, there was no way for the strange information to hurt Han Chen and the others.

I don't know how long I have been walking, mainly because it is too dark around me, which seems to be able to blur people's feelings about space and time.

Suddenly, a huge black rock appeared.

"The magic weapon of the cave!" Han Chen and Wu Yuan looked at each other.

Huang Mengmeng beside him yelled cheerfully. After Han Chen and Wu Yuan blinked, they had already appeared in a yellow and clear space, and the walls were exuding dazzling light like gold.

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