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Chapter 1235: Who is the sacrifice

I saw that the weird skull had already disappeared long ago, and the dazzling light on the long table of the sacrifice slowly dissipated its dazzling brilliance, and Huang Mengmeng was floating beside the dazzling light.

Huang Mengmeng was lovingly in Yaoguang's arms at this time.

And the sound of the shining light like a heart made Han Chen more and more frightened.

This turned out to be a golden flame heart!

"Don't look at it, in fact, I am also a sacrifice." As if the voice from the ancient times, he said in shock again.

"What, you are also a sacrifice?"

Han Chen was a little unbelievable.

"I was originally the ancestor of the Xuanwu line, and my strength has reached the eternal state. But I still can't escape the curse of bleeding. As long as we practice the secret method of our clan, most people will encounter unknown in their later years."

The golden flame heart transformed into a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a face with Chinese characters, stroking Huang Mengmeng in a petting manner.

"What's unclear?" Han Chen's heart suddenly choked.


The middle-aged man waved his arm, and a strange colorless and tasteless aura wrapped around his fingertips. This mysterious aura flashed back and entered Han Chen’s body. Han Chen had just practiced countless times in Huang Mengmeng’s body. The cultivation method, so automatically entered the cultivation mode, sucking this mysterious breath into the spiritual world, and then transforming it into divinity.

After doing all this, Han Chen seemed to understand the meaning and frowned.

"Presumably you have already absorbed the great benefits from it just now, making your mythological biological level more solid. These short days have given you decades of achievements." The middle-aged man said.

"Is there something wrong with this strange aura?" Han Chen already understood the reason for the unknown.

"Yes, after our Xuanwu clan has practiced this kind of exercise, we can quickly advance, but this kind of exercise needs to absorb this third kind of Taoism that is free from the power of divinity and belief. We call it Randao. This kind of mysterious aura generally exists in the life forbidden zone, and most of it was cultivated during the millennium battles that took place in the ancient battlefield. You can understand that the ancient cultivators were constantly grinding on the battlefield. Grinding will eventually form a subtle and unbreakable breath."

"These mysterious auras will attack the cultivators they touch. Often the cultivators below the level of mythological creatures will die upon contact. The place where these mysterious auras gather is the life restricted zone."

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky, seeming to remember.

"Could it be that there is no great power in the eternal realm to take action?" Han Chen knows the difficulty of this material, if it weren't for Huang Mengmeng, Han Chen would never enter this restricted zone of life.

"Haha," the middle-aged man yelled sadly, "you don't know that there is an ancient proverb in the ancient battlefield, that there is no reincarnation, the heroic spirit is immortal. It is this kind of mysterious atmosphere. There have been countless eternal strong people who did not believe in evil. , Or they entered the restricted area of ​​life, and most of them fell directly. So after they knew that our Xuanwu clan had this kind of practice, they formed alliances to hunt me and wait. When I was in an unknown confrontation, they were attacked. In order to torture the practice, they separated my heart, body, and eyes in ten places in the restricted area of ​​life, so that the secret substances in the restricted area of ​​life could effectively prevent me from transcending."

"Until now this person is not human, ghost is not ghost."

The middle-aged man sighed, his face became more and more vicissitudes.

"So that's it." Han Chen felt heavy. If this substance is so difficult to deal with, he will not escape the same old age as the Xuanwu clan.

"Don't worry, I have some exercises that can help you restrain the probability of the unknown. It is also the experience that our family has spent tens of thousands of years and thousands of people in the process of fighting the unknown." The middle-aged man suddenly revealed A touch of cunning.

He looked out of tune with his square face.

"What do you want me to do?" Han Chen muttered.

"Fresh!" Xuanwu ancestor said happily, "Although I didn't mean to threaten you, it was indeed because of my blood and essence that I was tired, which made you embark on this cursed road. Then the exercises are treated as free gifts. You, you and I don't owe each other on this matter."

"Next, you have to help me accomplish two things, the first is to cultivate my blood clone to the level of mythical creatures, and the second is to retrieve my body and bring my body together." Middle-aged man Finally revealed his inner plan.

"Put your body together?" Han Chen was entangled. You provoke a person in the Eternal Realm, and you are only a mythical creature level. There is no way to compare it. If you want to help, you have to worry about your own life. what.

"It's not really united together. After I have cultivated my clan's secret method by my avatar, I can use him as a psychic to communicate with the body parts in several restricted areas, and absorb those mysterious auras out of thin air. The combination of the clan’s magical array will allow several major body parts to break through the forbidden area, and finally merge into one! I will send you a great fortune at that time, allowing you to hit the eternal realm with a 50 or 60% probability!"

The middle-aged man tells his plan and plan in his heart, which in itself represents his trust in Han Chen.

Han Chen hesitated unconsciously, he was clearly calculated by this ancestor, but the opportunity he promised to hit the eternal realm really made Han Chen's heart moved.

But the implementation of this plan can be said to be risky.

And Huang Mengmeng is by his side. If someone else finds out, then he is guilty of guilt. Who wouldn't be jealous of this kind of practice in the entire ancient battlefield?

"Young man, please think about it. I am indeed very sincere to cooperate. This is also of great help to you. In addition to the opportunity of the eternal realm, I will also give you the unknown experience of how my race fights old age, which is equivalent to my The most precious secret of the clan is given to you." The middle-aged man said.

"Understood, thanks to the wrong love of senior, I Han Chen accepted it." Han Chen replied with a fist, already on the thief ship, it is useless to think about it.

"Well, yes. You can take the three treasures on this table." After the middle-aged man commented, he waved generously and removed the seals of these three treasures. "I will teach you my clan's practice experience again. Since I have lost my body and my spirit cannot support it for too long, please try to cooperate with me."

Han Chen expressed his gratitude and received the three treasures in his arms. He was happy, and soon some notes written in ancient characters appeared in his mind, which recorded the origin of this family's exercises and detailed explanations of the divisions.

There are also some details that Huang Mengmeng did not mention, and they are explained one by one. There are also some talent skills based on their bloodline characteristics.

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