All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1236: Kowloon to Phoenix

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-six chapters of Nine Dragons turn to Phoenix God

"Go down, I have something to say with the avatar of the essence and blood." After the middle-aged man had done all this, his body was no longer as solid as before. With a wave of his hand, the big formation opened a door.

Han Chen turned around and clasped his fists, then walked out of the gate.

When he came to the gate of the formation, where there was a stone monument before, Han Chen sat down holding his breath and began to consolidate the divinity he had just absorbed according to the secret method shared by the middle-aged man.

After another five days, Han Chen recovered from the process of concentrating cultivation, and his divinity became more and more condensed, and he had already recovered from the consumption five days ago.

Han Chen contacted Wu Yuan through God's Domain Watch, and the two met outside the restricted zone of life, and they moaned and lingered.

"Why is Huang Mengmeng's master so generous and gave you these three treasures?" The redness on Wu Yuan's face has not faded, she looked at Han Chen in a daze.

"What are these things in the eyes of people in the eternal realm? In addition, their Xuanwu clan is the oldest biological group, how can there be no inheritance." Han Chen said non-committal.

"What is this red pill?" Wu Yuan asked curiously.

"What I saw in the spiritual imprint of a middle-aged man. This is the Nine Dragons Turning Phoenix Pill. It is said that after taking it, a person has the ability to resurrect from the dead at the last crisis. It is extremely scarce, you can eat it." Han Chen cannot Said suspiciously.

"This is a life-saving pill!" Wu Yuan exclaimed.

"Yes, it's just right for you." Han Chen explained, "You are my inverse scale, I naturally don't want you to have an accident, but this time going to the ancient battlefield, you will definitely encounter unexpected dangers. If you have this The **** pill will save my life, so I can let go of my hands and feet and do a big job.

"Yeah." Wu Yuan suddenly heard Han Chen's sincere confession, making her feel a little confused.

"This Bing Slaying Axe was left first. According to the spiritual brand of a middle-aged man, this Slaying Axe was originally a series of seven axes, each composed of the purest attributes. The one in my hand is of the fire attribute. , Only when the seven axes are gathered and the axe formation is set, even the Eternal Realm can fight back!"

"Isn't that a mythical suit?" Wu Yuan exclaimed again, but she secretly said in her heart that the owner of Huang Mengmeng couldn't even look down on these, so what secret treasure he left Huang Mengmeng.

"It can be understood from this angle." Han Chen didn't turn around for a while.

"What is the last black branch?" Wu Yuan asked curiously.

"This ordinary black branch has no record of the middle-aged man, but it can be put together with the other two god-defying treasures, there must be something extraordinary." Han Chen also wanted to know the black branch. Effectiveness, but has never been known.

Another thing that made Han Chen more concerned about was that the middle-aged man said that he was a sacrifice from the beginning, so who would they sacrifice to? Whoever has this ability can enjoy the heart worship of the eternal realm!

Just as the two of them had to say something, suddenly the black devil's energy flashed, forming a tornado, surrounding Wu Yuan and Han Chen.

It was dark in front of them, and when the two opened their eyes, they had already entered the ancient formation in the life restricted zone here.

"Two people, time is running out. They have discovered that I have used the ancient secret method here to teleport the life forbidden area from the ancient battlefield to this side. I think there will be old monsters coming to me soon." The tall middle-aged man has become transparent.

"What, so fast!" Wu Yuan's face was pale.

"I will immediately unlock the power of the ancient formation for you, and send you directly to the ancient battlefield! Although for others, the ancient battlefield is a meat grinder-like asura field, but for those who practice my clan's exercises, That is the best place for cultivation." The middle-aged man did not give the two a chance to react.

"Going to the ancient battlefield? Isn't that a self-inflicted trap? Our mythological suits haven't been finished yet. Isn't it going to be slaughtered over there!" Wu Yuan exclaimed.

"Hey, do you have any misunderstandings about the ancient battlefields? The ancient battlefields are vast and vast. Only a city is the size of your earth, a plain, and even mythical creatures flying and shuttle take decades, even hundreds of years. In addition, the civilizations there are intricate and complex. Even weak civilizations can use the way of faith to become gods and fight in their home arena of faith. What you are facing is not an ordinary mythical creature or an old monster in the eternal realm. The large-scale legion, their beliefs are gathered into the front line, and the strength can be three to ten times the usual!"

The middle-aged man, while madly pinching the tactics, resisted the surging black divinity falling from the sky!

Those black divinities belonged to the owners of the original large formation, but because they were shot across several planes, their power seemed extremely weak.

Maybe the other party just wanted the Xuanwu ancestor here to stop it a little, and didn't expect much effect.

"Hey. Believe my father!"

After receiving the inheritance, the big fat baby rushed out in despair, threw herself on Wu Yuan's chest and fell asleep.

"Mengmeng... his divine foundation is still too weak. When I passed on to him the spiritual talent of my clan, it was already unbearable. Two of you took care of me along the way." The ancestor Xuanwu glanced at the child affectionately, and then Continue to say, "I stimulate my energy through the ancient formations and send you over. There is great fortune waiting for you! Good luck to you!"

There was a loud bang.

The sky was enveloped by the black divinity, as if he had opened his huge eyes, like a heavenly law mastering the rules of a session. When he opened his eyes, he shot out a black light, and hit the ancient formation fiercely. There was a loud bang.

The black god's energy was terrifying, and Han Chen estimated that even if he turned into a mythical creature, he might not be able to receive such a huge energy.

"Is this the eternal state?" Wu Yuan muttered to herself.

"Goodbye." Han Chen and Wu Yuan said goodbye to the middle-aged man.

Yaoguang once again surging on the heart of the Xuanwu ancestor, trembling and trembling, temporarily illuminating the entire sky, so that the black divinity was retreated.

This must be the Xuanwu ancestor finally using the divine light to make the other party retreat, giving Han Chen and Wu Yuan a greater opportunity.

The dazzling light continued to dazzle, covering the sky, the sea, and it fell directly to the deepest part of the ocean floor.

Pure whiteness will blindness.

Han Chen and Wu Yuan only felt that their sight was taken away, they blinked, and then their figures disappeared from the white light.

"Ancient Palace, I am not afraid of you! Come on!"

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