All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1237: Ancient palace

Chapter 1237 The Ancient Palace

Amidst the glare, there was a deafening noise from the spiritual level.

The brilliant white light finally drove away the darkness.


All the darkness was forced to compress and turned into a black spot, but that black spot was extremely tenacious. After this muffled sound appeared, the darkness swallowed wildly, swallowing all the white light cleanly.

Re-shrouded the entire restricted area of ​​life.

"Wu Teng, you abandoned my ancient palace, and now you dare to break free of our seal on you, it seems that you have completely become our enemy. The sins you committed back then turned the whole plain into a place of secret atmosphere, we Using your five internal organs to be sealed, did not expect that ten thousand years have passed, you would steal the sky and change the day, and you directly took over the seal of the ancient formation! Also offering sacrifices of the ancient emperor to others privately, it is a serious crime."

"Ancient wilderness, why bother with **** mouths! I know the winners and losers! One day, I will be reborn from the ruin, dig through the veins of your ancient palace, and overthrow your ancient emperor! Hahaha! Wait, then!"

"Zhuzi! Looking for death!"

"Ancient palace! Zhaoyue, cut!"

A magnificent bell sounded from the sky, and after twelve tones that rang through the sky, an ancient text appeared in the sky, Fah!

One word said, cut!

This text seems to contain the divinity of the thunderbolt, and the place where it falls is annihilated and turned into powder.

The black light flashed.

This piece of sea water has turned into a desert. It is not an exaggeration to describe the vicissitudes of life. From then on, there is no open sea in the sea of ​​chaos, only the outer desert.

This is a later story, not for the time being.

However, it is said that Han Chen and Wu Yuan were transported to the ancient battlefield by coincidence. They encountered a lot of time turbulence in the process of the legend of the great formation. Although there was the help of the void elves, there was time torrents, and there was no The huge space-time abyss that they have seen, so much so that the two magic weapons came out and almost destroyed most of the mythological suits they had previously stored.

After seeing a piece of void white for the last time, after the void spirit and Wu Yuan, Han Chen also fainted.

Han Chen seemed to have a long dream. In the dream, he saw the earthly squad, met Alizee, met Li Long, met those playmates who had grown up since childhood, and some enemies with distinctive personalities. .

He also dreamed that he attended his own funeral. There was a person at the funeral, Wu Yuan. She kept using a pacemaker to give me heart resuscitation...

Han Chen woke up from his dream and raised his eyes to the sky. In the dark sky, not even a cloud layer was visible. Wu Yuan and the void elves were lying beside him.

It was only four or five days later that Han Chen realized from his despair what kind of place he had been.

There are deserts, broken walls, destroyed farmland and villages everywhere.

The sacred energy here is much richer than the civilization of the sacred realm where he is. But most of the gods here have experienced varying degrees of pollution.

As the Xuanwu ancestor said before, he fell into one of the hundreds of millions of battlefields on the ancient battlefield.

And these divine energy are the people who died.

He looked inwardly at his spiritual power and physical power. Although there was still a mythical biological level, his divine power was exhausted.

As a last resort, he continued to use the breathing method taught by the ancestor Xuanwu to absorb the contaminated divine power.

Four or five months later, although Han Chen used different medicines for Wu Yuan and the Void Elf every day, there was no sign of recovery for them.

The divine energy in his body has been greatly improved through the ancestor's secret method. After two or three rounds of tempering, it is now more solid than ordinary mythological creatures.

And Han Chen also raised the control of the mysterious energy to a new level based on the inheritance of the Xuanwu ancestors.

If Han Chen suddenly breaks into his body during the battle, even the Eternal Realm will have a headache.

Suddenly the sky became black and gray, and the clouds reappeared in color and became ten colors.

Han Chen felt a little bit.

A ray of light sparked from his animal bag.

The dazzling light flickered, making it impossible to look directly at it, making the desert covered with yellow clouds.

"Ten color clouds, could it be Huang Mengmeng who wants to advance!"


Ten colored clouds give birth to ten colored thunder and lightning! With a loud noise, the sky split apart.

Fortunately, there are deserts and battlefield debris here, and no creatures appear at all, so the creatures' attention is not drawn.

"Hey! I'm going to be promoted! Ask a fellow Daoist to protect me." Although Huang Mengmeng is still milky, she has learned a lot of vocabulary.

Even fellow daoists said it.

If Wu Yuan heard it, she would have laughed.

When he thought of this, Han Chen looked sad. In the past few months, he tried various methods to wake Wu Yuan and the void elves. If it weren’t for a trace of soul induction, he thought both of them had fallen. .

Without saying anything, Han Chen immediately showed the form of mythology.

At present, his mythological form has also undergone a lot of changes. Because of the absorption of a large amount of contaminated divinity, his mythological form gradually shows a black and gold color, and the image of the whole person has also become a solid state of black and gold. , The twelve black and gold wings on the back showed up, able to block half of the sky.

Standing in the sky with a serious look.

Among Huang Mengmeng wrapped in ten colored thunders, it seemed that two beams of light were impacting each other, and suddenly a black shadow in the sky rushed over.

"Friend Daoist Han, this is the nightmare of the Daoist Tribulation. It is the heart demon that our monster beasts must experience when they are promoted to the mythological form. You need to help me block it for a while."

The dazzling light among the ten colored thunder lights suddenly said.

Even without Huang Mengmeng's shouts, Han Chen would take action.

Shaking the twelve black gold wings behind him, Han Chen moved forward, his divinity emanating from the palm of his hand, and quickly wrapped around the black shadow.

"Jie Jie..." The dark shadow suddenly flashed, and directly penetrated the palm of the divine composition.

From those dark shadows, there were a lot of negative influences. The dead relatives, friends, etc., seemed to be killed by the wronged souls.

Han Chen's expression was stunned, and he never thought that this demon could be so difficult.

"Friends of Daoist, please note that this nightmare in the outer world is a divine thought to become a divine. In the event that the central divine being lost in the process of my journey, I will seize my house. Please be sure to stop one or two.

That Huang Mengmeng called out again anxiously.

Han Chen shook his twelve wings and shook his fist heavily at the inner demon. Shattered the void and emptied most of the nearby yellow sand, exposing the ruins of ten thousand years old.

But after the wind and dust, that dark shadow, still jealously smile, seemed to be unaffected.

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