All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1254: Conspiracy and counter-conspiracy

Chapter 1254: Conspiracy and Counter-conspiracy

After about a stick of incense, everyone gathered again.

That divine essence pill was finally distributed to Jin Pangli, and currently he has the best chance to hit the middle-level mythical form.

Sun Xue has just advanced to the Intermediate level not long ago, so she doesn't need it. Sun Xue just picked the Gengjin long sword.

Zhao Wenwu took the dragon sunglasses that made him suffer a lot.

The landscape painting was finally assigned to the hornet.

Smiles appeared on everyone's faces, and they were generally satisfied.

"Captain Han, this time obviously someone is in charge behind you. Before you leave the customs, someone outside spreads rumors that you have gone crazy, and this makes Feng Xiu, the jumping clown, so rampant."

Jin Pangli spoke first.

"Yes, and the goal of those people is very clear, it seems to be to annex our team." Zhao Wenwu also said.

"Well, this time, it is very likely that the last time our guards had a grudge with Feng Hai's Master Feng." Han Chen also nodded.

"It seems that we need to pay more attention in the future. This time, it seems that our casual repair team has been targeted by the Feng Hai family. And we only have three months left to complete our team mission. When going out for missions, we will take action against our team, this has to be guarded." Sun Xue added.

Everyone in the team agreed with Sun Xue's analysis. Still be careful to sail the Wannian Ship.

"Hey, I have a good plan." Han Chen smiled slightly, motioned for everyone to come closer, and announced the plan.

"What, let's do the opposite, go to the most remote place to perform the task? Doesn't this expose us to danger?"

"Yes, if the opponent dispatches some high-level soldiers and guards squads, or even the old monsters of the eternal realm, will we not be too late?"

After listening, everyone frowned, and then Han Chen explained that the worries in everyone's minds disappeared.

"Actually, the old monsters are very unlikely to make a move, mainly some high-level teams. If the old monsters make a move, the other three families will not ignore it."

Han Chen finally concluded that, especially after hearing Director Hu talk about their situation that day, he was even more sure that the current eternal realm old monsters are more afraid of each other than they are on the surface.

At this moment, a white light floated, it was a sound transmission note.

Han Chen said, "As soon as we concluded, others have already urged us to pick up the team mission. It's really fun."

The eleven people present at this moment all smiled and nodded tacitly.

Because the task was urgent, they had no time to delay, and everyone passed the mission hall of the Guards in the afternoon.

However, this task requires communication with Director Hu first.

Director Hu seemed to have anticipated the arrival of Han Chen and others, and mysteriously invited Han Chen into a room.

The others stayed outside.

Entering the secret room of Director Hu, there is a long underground passage with granite on both sides, obviously a lot of hard work.

"Friend Daoist Han, don't dislike the simplicity. There is really no way. As you know, our four families are not monolithic. This tunnel is used to defensively retreat to the enemy." Director Hu said while leading the way.

"I'm serious, we can understand these things." Han Chen said calmly.

"Friend Daoist Han understands it. This time I will introduce you to a senior in our clan. With my personality guarantee, there will be no problems. On the contrary, we may also ask Daoist Han." Director Hu revealed. A little bit about this trip.

"Wow, is that so? I'm still convinced that Director Hu is a man." Han Chen replied with a scheming approach.

Convinced of a ghost, if Huang Mengmeng hadn't followed, with Huang Mengmeng's talent and magical powers, there would be no problem in retreating. Otherwise, where would you dare to follow you in the tunnel?

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Han has broken through the middle stage of mythology." Director Hu asked tentatively.

"It's just a fluke." Han Chen is more generous in this respect, after all, with his current mythological form and mysterious aura, even in the face of eternity, there is a chance to counterattack.

However, this time the proposal to go to a more marginal place to perform the task is actually to facilitate Huang Mengmeng to collect the secret atmosphere.

Because Han Chen had no way to cultivate through the mysterious aura.

Only Huang Mengmeng can feel it, or go directly to those battlefields formed over thousands of years to collect.

But these two would be very dangerous without Huang Mengmeng.

After all, on some battlefields, the dead heroic spirits cannot be reincarnated, they will still remain there, and there are even some monsters whose strength far exceeds the form of mythology.

Now both Huang Mengmeng and Han Chen can grasp the mysterious aura, if those ghosts also have one or two mutated rests, wouldn't he be even more dangerous?

Just thinking about it, suddenly the cave in front slowly expanded, and then a few steps forward, it suddenly opened up and turned into a huge underground hall.

Hehe drilling sound came from the hall.

Han Chen was quite curious, to know that most of their cultivators were cultivating alone, and it seemed a bit strange for so many people to practice together.

"Are so many of you cultivating together?" Han Chen asked.

"Yes, we have collected some exercises from some indigenous people. Now our Hu family's high-end strength is seriously insufficient, and we can only improve one or two through these broken exercises. But we still hope that Daoist Han can keep it secret."

Director Hu led Han Chen to walk quickly along the edge. The cultivators here seemed to be the army of the earth, with strict orders and prohibitions.

It seems that the Hu family has mastered the secrets of the indigenous religious enlightenment.

"In this way, you are really thinking about danger in times of peace." Han Chen added.

But Director Hu did not answer.

Going inside several halls, passing by Gongfa Hall, Pill Medicine Hall, Wanbao Hall, etc., it can be seen that the collection here is also considered rich. It complements the superficial Hu family.

At this time, Director Hu led Han Chen into a room, which looked very dim. Han Chen felt Huang Mengmeng in the void through a trace of spiritual contact, and he was relieved a lot.

After walking in, I saw a man in general armor standing in front of a table, looking at a picture of Tianyuan City and Hehuan League facing off.

"Father, Daoyou Han has already been brought." Director Hu suddenly said, Han Chen only then knew that this was the father of Director Hu, no wonder he looked at the other side's silhouette and seemed familiar.

"Oh, Daoist Han is here, please sit down. I heard my son Hu Jun mention you, Daoyou Han has reached the middle level of mythological form at a young age, young and promising. To be honest, this mission is still I want you."

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