All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1255: Birthday flower

Chapter 1255 The Flower of Birth Soul

Director Hu's father recovered from his contemplation and showed a pair of leopard-like eyes. He is not very old, but his appearance in his 30s and 40s is obviously a masterpiece.

"Where, I don't know why I was invited?" Han Chen was humble first, then asked.

"I don't know if you have heard that the Hehuan League and our Tianyuan City are currently fighting for a sacred mine at the junction?" Director Hu's father said.

"Here I am ignorant and ignorant, I have never heard of it." Han Chen answered honestly.

"Don’t blame fellow Daoists, it’s really the weirdness that appeared in this sacred mine. Both sides have sent many talented disciples to explore, but many teams were unable to come out safely. According to our ancestors, it is very possible to have it inside. Even the things that the ancestors of the Eternal Realm are interested in, but they are also very dangerous. It has just been revealed that the spatial structure inside is very unstable, so the people of the Eternal Realm can't do it at all. Do you understand that?" Director Hu Said with a sigh.

"In this way, I understand. It's just that I was originally a mythical middle-level cultivation base. This time I am facing the top disciples of the four major families. I am not sure. And it will not help me." Han Chen replied after pondering.

"This is something that Hu Jun and I have considered." Director Hu's father and Hu Jun looked at each other and said.

At the same time, he showed a relieved expression. Now that Han Chen has asked about the benefits, Han Chen himself probably agreed to do so.

Now it's just whether interests can move Han Chen.

Director Hu gave a knowing smile and said, "Even the old monsters in the eternal realm are moved in the secret realm. There must be quite a few treasures. According to the feedback from the first group of people who entered the Hu family, whether there is anything in the secret realm. The few Shen Yuanguo must have a natural attraction to monks at this stage of yours. And ordinary casual cultivators who have no chance to participate in it, I can borrow my Hu family's quota to send you in."

"But there is one thing, after entering inside, we outsiders can't do any interference with anything inside. To put it bluntly, when you really encounter danger inside, we can only watch, and there is nothing we can do. A restricted area that cannot be monitored anywhere. You must pay great attention to this."

Hearing what Director Hu said, Han Chen's heart moved.

Originally, they planned to go to a more remote place in order to seduce all the Feng Hai family members. When they kill one by one, they will not let the Feng Hai family people pay attention.

In this way, some restricted areas cannot be monitored after entering the secret, so it is very convenient for Han Chen to do it.

Anyway, the four big families who went in didn't know who shot it.

"By the way, we need to complete three team missions within three months, otherwise our team qualifications may be cancelled. When do you plan to let our team in this time?" Han Chen suddenly remembered the team mission, so he asked .

"Friends of Daoists don’t worry. Although the secret realm has already been opened this time, most of the medicine gardens in it are wrapped in a mysterious atmosphere and cannot be approached at all for the time being. It will take three to six months to completely disperse. If the eternal realm Those old guys in, can't wait, they will probably take action, then it may be completely open in three months." Director Hu's father smiled and answered this question to Han Chen.

"If that's the case, I also allow time." Han Chen replied calmly.

Next, Han Chen chatted with Director Hu and others about the items needed in the Eternal Realm and explained them.

"What, it turned out to be a 100,000-year-old birth soul flower in the depths of the secret realm! Isn't this a great effect on soul repair? Is it because your ancestors are incomplete?" Han Chen said smoothly.

"Brother Han is an interesting person. I hope that this secret will not be exposed. Although my Hu family is declining, I still have a chance to hurt you seriously. I hope that both parties will perform their duties and cooperate sincerely." Director Hu's father seems Avoiding the question just now, only said this indifferently.

Han Chen didn't ask too much, because the soul flower is relatively simple and can be guessed without a clear answer.

But the situation of Hu's eternal state is not good.

It's obvious that they are so anxious.

Han Chen got a rough map of instructions and followed Director Hu Jun Hu to exit the underground palace.

When I went out to the mission hall, I saw that the other 9 members of the team were all here.

Wu Yuan cast a caring look, and Han Chen gently shook it to appease.

"Friend Daoist Han, since you are very busy helping our Hu family this time, I think I will entrust you with the three simplest tasks." Director Hu said kindly.

"No, we still have to deal with three more remote tasks." Han Chen said firmly.

When Han Chen said this, Director Hu took a weird look at Han Chen and his members. Seeing that no one else had any objections, they seemed to have communicated well.

"Since fellow Daoists insist, let's go to the edge of the Hehuan League to destroy one of their blood shadow guards. They use ordinary people captured from our Tianyuan City to perform blood sacrifices, and the scale is gradually increasing, and the future is endless, so hope Fellow Daoist Han will spare no effort to take a trip."

Director Hu spread out the map, then changed a circle on the map and pointed it to Han Chen.

"Yes, can I receive the follow-up tasks together?" Han Chen said flatly.

"What do you receive together? There are only 9 members in your team, and you can't do it at all. How can you complete all the tasks within three months." Director Hu was a little confused. Others hope that the longer the interval between the three tasks, the better. This preparation is more adequate.

But this Han Chen's team is just like a freak. After completing the task, it does not rest and completes the task one after another, so the risk of falling is very high.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and there was a voice with teeth grinded and spoken outside, "Who has such a big tone to receive three tasks at once?"

As he spoke, the man walked into the hall, wearing a snow-white armor, but showing a light blue breath. It turned out that there was an accessory that emitted a light blue light on his body, which looked particularly gentle and pleasing to the eye.

"Ah, it's Feng Shao!"

"Isn't this Feng Sen of the Feng Hai family? I heard that I have already joined the law enforcement team? Why did you get to the mission hall?

"According to the current situation, they are already at the top of the mythical form. At present, they should be retreating to hit the peak of the mythical form, working hard for the advanced eternal state. Could it be that something important happened?"

The noisy crowd in the hall also retreated like a tide.

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