All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1257: Hong Jia Hong An

Chapter 1257: Hong Jia Hongan

But after listening to Han Chen's words, Feng Sen's heart to vomit blood was all there.

Han Chen knew what the other party meant, but pretended not to see it, and generally talked to Wu Yuan intentionally or unintentionally, "You said I look good, or the big white chicken looks good?"

"Puff." The casual repairmen all around couldn't help laughing. Especially the Han Chen team laughed out all the grievances of the past.

Han Chen looked back, Feng Sen had already run out of sight.

"Friend Daoist Han, I know your mana is strong, but before we cooperate, we still have to converge." Director Hu gave a wry smile.

This Han Chen is really a thorn, which makes people love and hate.

"Ahem, does Fellow Daoist mean to reduce the number of squad missions?" Han Chen said calmly.

"That won't work, it's all regulations, I can't control it." Director Hu immediately refused.

"That's not it. Please give us the task Yujian quickly. It is best that these three tasks are on the border, so that we can finish it in three months, and then we can go directly to your place." Han Chen no longer speech.

March was indeed relatively hurry. Fortunately, Director Hu himself, soon got some short and quick tasks for Han Chen.

Of course, although it was fast, it was mainly because one of them was hunting the top-tier sacred beast and demon core, and the risk factor was particularly high, because the area he went to was an icy area.

Another task is to help a native to resist the crisis of a foreign enemy invasion, but this foreign enemy is probably the Hehuan League.

"Team Korea, we directly took over the task of dealing with the Hehuan League this time, will we soon become a thorn in the eyes of the Hehuan League?" Jin Pangli asked conservatively at this time.

A group of ten people soon Fuzhong.

"What's the problem with this? Originally, we were seeking wealth and wealth. We now have only three months left. Even if the aboriginal place is Longtan Tiger Den, we have to go in. And I have heard about this native dragon from some places. Aboriginals and mysterious dragons are very good. They are the only race closest to the dragon in the entire plane." At this time, the hornet, the ground snake, came into play.

"Otherwise, what I heard is that the secret of the earth dragon is some branch bloodlines." Sun Xue, who had been cold and cold, said suddenly.

"In short, this mission is indeed very risky, so you should prepare as soon as possible." Han Chen concluded, "Friend Jin Dao, you take a few team members to purchase some detoxification and recovery medicine."

"The rest are free to move around for half a day. We will leave at noon tomorrow." Han Chen ordered.

"Leaving at noon? The casual repair team I joined temporarily all set off in the middle of the night, so that it is not easy to attract other people's attention and can reduce a lot of risks." Zhao Feiwu appeared to be more mature and serious.

"Hey, I just want the four big families to take a good look at how my Han Chen team got out of the main city of Tianyuan City." Han Chen said with piercing eyes.

Hearing what Han Chen said, it really makes sense, anyway, a storm is about to come, and they also want to hunt down the teams of these four major families to obtain more training resources.

I hope the more core players come, the better.

So everyone rested for a night, and when noon arrived, everyone gathered and came to the mission hall. When they came out of the mission hall, it was a huge teleportation formation.

The teleportation formation was sitting on an old man with the top-level cultivation base of the mythological form. He only heard the old man say, "I am the old man in the mission hall who is in charge of the teleportation formation. You can call me Hong An. Task, but you still need to pay fifteen sacred stones..."

"What, fifteen sacred stones? Isn't that half of our team's annual salary!" At this time, the careless hornet almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, which is too bad.

"Huh, don't get angry like this. This is a rule. But since your team is performing the mission for the first time, 15 sacred stones can be temporarily owed, but after you come back, you need to pay the relative value of the treasure or the sacred stone. Able to enter the main city." Said the old man who claimed to be Hong An.

"Never mind, please, please open the teleportation formation by Elder Hong." Han Chen secretly said in his heart, it seems that the Hong family is in charge of the teleportation formation.

Hong An took a deep look at Han Chen, and then began to arrange the transmission energy required for the teleportation formation, and with a wave of his hand, he hit seven or eight divine stones on the teleportation formation.

"You all go in the teleportation formation."

When everyone went in, the old man counted his methods and decided to fall on the teleportation array, and the stars on the teleportation array soon shone.

Suddenly the old man Hong An said to Han Chen, "The Daoist is Han Chen? I heard Old Monster Hong talked about the Daoist and I know the magical powers of the Daoist. If you kill the people of the Hehuan League in the mission, please don't kill them. Divine Soul, bring back three Divine Souls, which can offset the 30 Divine Stones used by this teleportation. Remember, the complete Divine Soul..."

In the big formation, Han Chen was first shocked, revealing a strange look. On the contrary, the so-called old monster Hong should refer to the old man in Mai that Han Chen encountered when he entered Tianyuan City for the first time.

However, Director Hu asked himself to find the Birth Soul Flower, but the people of the Hong family had to find the complete souls of the three Hehuan Leagues by themselves. This is all about the souls. Could it be that the two eternal realm powerhouses have encountered the souls. problem?

That would be interesting.

"What's the matter?" Wu Yuan asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, I suddenly thought of something." Han Chen said calmly.

"Did you think of those vixen on the earth?" Wu Yuan said grimly. She is also worried now, because the void elves have not been awakened. If not, with the power of the void elves, you can use the teleportation array. It is directly transmitted across the plane, and only a void coordinate is needed.

Where can I spend these thirty sacred stones?

When Han Chen was said so, his face was embarrassed, and the eight team members behind also showed a knowing smile.

After a while, the great array of divine light flashed and disappeared.

Hong An looked at the empty array in front of him with a weird smile.

Suddenly, a team came from the horizon.

I saw this ten-person team, wearing all white armor, and the headed person was even more extraordinary.

Hong An said neither humble nor arrogant, "Why did Captain Feng come here?"

"Quickly tell me where the Han Chen team went just now. We suspect that the Han Chen team is suspected of colliding with the enemy. The squad tasks he currently chooses are the places closest to the Hehuan League. You have to cooperate with me." The leader is just now. Feng Sen was promoted to captain.

As soon as Han Chen left, Feng Sen led the law enforcement team to keep up. No need to think, he knew what was going on.

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