All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1258: Icy blue region

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-eight chapters of the cold and blue region

"The place they are teleporting is the cold and blue region." Hong An's heart was shaken, but on the surface he said respectfully. Although he entered the top level of the mythical form hundreds of years earlier than the yellow-mouthed kid, the opponent is the law enforcement team. There is really no way to go to the next level.

"The cold and blue area?" Hearing Hong An's statement, the other members of the law enforcement team changed their expressions.

The icy cold and blue region is full of weird ice attribute divinities. If there is no fire bead in that place, or the practice of ice and fire attribute, it is very likely that it will directly turn into a ten thousand year ice sculpture and fall there.

In addition, some of the top-ranked mythological beasts that frequently haunt the Ice Cold Youlan area, with an ice attribute divine power technique, make people terrified.

Especially in the depths of the icy cold blue region, there is a possibility that an old monster of the eternal realm is dormant. If you are unlucky and run into it, you will definitely explain it there.

There have fallen a lot of powerhouses with mythological forms.

"Huh, isn't it the cold and blue region? I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of, go, this Han Chen now walks in such a weird place, he must want to defect to our Tianyuan City! Let me go, don't you want Do you want to get more Shen Yuan Dan? Do you want to resist the Fa without respect?"

The frosty man Feng Sen said indifferently that what he was cultivating was the divinity of the sea attribute, but it was somewhat compatible with the icy blue region, so naturally he was not afraid of the ice attribute inside.

With that said, Feng Sen threw a storage bag to the other party and said calmly, "Tell me, I will bring that traitor to justice..."

In the icy cold blue area, on a vast ice field, wind and frost and ice scum blew over, scraping the face like a knife.


The huge roar shook the low-level sacred beasts all around and fled.

They glanced at the behemoth behind with horror, and saw that the monster had four horns on its head, all of which were white and resembling a liger, but its head was the head of a parrot, and its wings were still made of ice and snow, a pair of ice crystals. The blast of eyes sent out an extremely cold icy light, turning everything I saw before my eyes into ice sculptures.

"Left and right Jin Pangli and Sun Xue keep up, and use your techniques to severely contain his actions!" Han Chen commanded his team members to face this mysterious ice **** wind beast that is close to the ice phoenix.

At first, Han Chen thought that the opponent had only cultivated the ice attribute, and never thought that he would directly have the wind attribute divinity.

It was beyond their expectations, but because it was a squad task, Han Chen did not let Huang Mengmeng take action.

The main task of the squad is to cultivate the tacit understanding of the squad, and this is the top-level creature in mythological form, and the risk is not high.

If you really want to play against Han Chen, Han Chen can easily crush him.

After all, that mysterious aura, so far, he has found that he can swallow the divine nature of the other party.

If you swallow the opponent's divinity, then the opponent basically has no resistance. It is like turning the opponent's most powerful weapon into scum in front of Han Chen, which is probably similar to this experience.

"Hora, Zhao Feiwu, you must be the main attackers and attack the opponent's eyes! Although it is the opponent's strongest attack method, it is also the weakest place!"

Han Chen continued to command.

The five people on the other side were Wu Yuan, Deng Bingzhong, Crab Demon, Feng Yue, and Feng Lan. They were driving the dragon sunglasses together.

Because that one happened to be a sea-attribute magic weapon, although it consumed mana, five people took turns to transmit mana, so that the sea-attributed magic weapon could emit energy many times and issue a series of attacks.

Although this attack was not very effective, every time the dragon raised its head and impacted, it could still damage the ice mysterious **** wind beast by a few points.

Han Chen had already known that this mythological form was slightly different from the time of earth civilization, because such sacred beasts no longer have flesh and blood bodies, and most of them have become energy bodies.

This is more like the energy monster seen on the earth.

So when the team members attacked it, the ice mysterious **** wind beast would lose a bit of energy.


Suddenly the Ice Profound Divine Wind Beast roared up to the sky, and burst out an unwilling roar.

"Be careful, everyone, this is the divine beast who is starting to work hard, burning her divine soul! Everyone, be careful of the terrifying ripples that burst out after she burns the divine soul!"

Zhao Feiwu has participated in many hunting operations, and knows a little bit about the life-saving methods of these sacred beasts. When these sacred beasts are about to die, they will burn their own souls and even explode their own inner core.

However, self-destruction of his own inner core is equivalent to completely destroying everything, and there will be no chance of reincarnation in the future.

"Retreat quickly, retreat quickly!" Jin Pangli hurriedly shouted, causing the surrounding players to retreat quickly to avoid this sharp edge.

But Wu Yuan encountered such a situation for the first time, and she still had a chance to enter the mythological form, so Wu Yuan was the weakest in it.

Can't avoid it!

The tyrannical red ice and snow rippled, and came to Wu Yuan in an instant, making Wu Yuan panicked and threw out several rays of light. The magic weapon was just touched and was directly broken.

"It contains the divinity of ice attribute and wind attribute, ordinary magic weapons are useless at all!" Sun Xue was also anxious, among so many people, that is, she is relatively close to Wu Yuan.

However, as the main force to contain this divine beast just now, she has not much energy in her own, so she wants to stretch her divine shield a little, but after trying hard, she can't cover Wu Yuan at all.

Seeing the tyrannical **** ice and snow ripples swept over, Wu Yuan almost cried.

"Naughty animal!"

Han Chen had already seen the situation here, and Teleport came to Wu Yuan's side, and opened a black hole with one hand. The black hole quickly absorbed the **** ice and snow ripples.

This is also a joint action between Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng, using the black hole to absorb the **** ice and snow ripples into the space cracks, and then using the mysterious aura inside to **** up the divine nature.


After the wave of ripples, the other players were not as lucky as Wu Yuan, and their mana was exhausted.

This is the explosive damage of the top-tier existence of a mythical form before death. They are very lucky to be able to save their lives. They will have enough to blow a pot when they return.

"Report to the Korean team that if we leave, we will go into the depths of the ice and blue area. We are very likely to be attacked by more sacred beasts!" The Hornet reluctantly supported her body, and Sun Xue just opened it. I removed the shield to help him resist, and expressed gratitude to Sun Xue.

"Then let's solve him here. Jin Pangli and Sun Xue, you take out the immortal ropes and try to restrain this ice mysterious wind beast. Don't let her explode her inner core! I will give you a blast to prevent Other beasts suddenly rushed out!"

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