All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1264: Thunder Tribulation

So with the help of that recovery Qing Pill, it basically returned to full state.

If you let others see this scene, I'm afraid you will be angry.

When Han Chen was said by Wu Yuan, her face was so wonderful that she secretly said that women are really hard to deal with.

"This is a treasure I collected. It has the effect of maintaining beauty and moisturizing. It is a pseudo-artifact with sea attributes. It is quite suitable for you." Han Chen hurriedly handed over the sea blue jade pendant as if offering a treasure.

Sure enough, Wu Yuan was on a whim when she heard that she was moisturizing, because when she was on earth, many good sisters spent a lot of money on this moisturizing product, and even many people who love beauty did various eyelid lifting, wrinkle removal, etc. Waiting for medical and aesthetic surgery, it can be said that everyone has lost their heads.

Now there is a moisturizing product that naturally makes Wu Yuan's heart fascinating.

Han Chen only found it funny. If Wu Yuan wants to keep her face moisturized, she only needs to cultivate to the form of mythology.

So Han Chen couldn't help but joked, "As long as you advance to the myth form, won't you achieve the same moisturizing effect?"

"Huh, what do you know. I'm only one line away from mythical form, but how many cultivators have been stumped by this line, and when I can take that step I don't know yet."

"Why don't you change your main practice? I have a practice from the beginning to the eternal realm. Compared with your previous practice, it is more suitable for this ancient battlefield." Han Chen said Only then did I reveal my true thoughts.

"Are you sure?" Wu Yuan asked suddenly, raising her eyes.

"Yes." Han Chen thought about it. Wu Yuan has never had that opportunity. It is very likely that it was restricted by the previous exercises, because the exercises in earth civilization and the exercises here are not the same.

We must know that the richness of divinity here is almost 100 times that of earth civilization. As a result, Wu Yuan was convinced even more.

He started to look at the rubbing jade slip of the sea attribute exercise technique given by Han Chen.

Han Chen felt relieved to see Wu Yuan believe in herself so much.

After another seven or eight days, everyone’s injuries have been recovered, and the force has recovered, and it is in the best state.

"Now that everyone has returned to the best condition, I will now take out the spoils of the previous battle and divide it up. According to my previous agreement, you can choose more, and I will lose about a third. "Han Chen is also generous.

But the most important thing is that these techniques and materials are not very suitable for him, only those few Shenyuan Dan materials make Han Chen more concerned.

"The Korean team, these people can be killed, most of them are your credit, or you should choose first." The rest of the people look at me, I look at you, and finally Jin Pangli takes the lead.

When Jin Pangli said so, everyone nodded. It should be.

"Since everyone is like this, then I should respect my fate. These exercises are shared by everyone. Anyone who wants to wait for you can rub the past. When our wealth is rich, we will also have successful internal achievements. Point, so that you can do the task in exchange for some suitable exercises to increase your enthusiasm. Among these treasures, I have taken the broken sword, jade pendant and a puppet, so you can allocate the rest. Here is the **** stone, I will only take one hundred yuan, and you will allocate the rest. As for the medicinal materials, you don’t think anyone can refine the Shenyuan Pill, just leave it to me. The rate of pill success here is not bad. It can be about ten."

Han Chen whispered, like a few Jiazhen, after all, Han Chen has read all of these.

When Han Chen said that his rate of pill formation could reach 50%, he was shocked. You must know that this Shen Yuan Pill is the closest to the Shen Pill. This is not an ordinary pill.

A trace of divinity must be added to it to be used as a **** pill.

It can be seen that this 50% is also a particularly high rate of alchemy.

But then Han Chen showed a smile, and the rest of the matter was ignored. They started to allocate it by themselves, presided over by Jin Pangli, and they divided it evenly.

This time it was mainly because of Han Chen that the law enforcement team was able to get all of them and they were able to save their lives. Everyone felt very lucky. Now there are treasures and treasures to distribute. Naturally, there will be no complaints about how many they have taken.

After a while, the assignment was completed. Han Chen took out the border map, unfolded, and said, "Next we have two more tasks. One is to help an indigenous person in the border resist a crisis, and the other is to go to the Hehuan League. The land of blood shadow destroys their blood shadow plan. But at present, we have spent nearly 20 days. It seems that we have to complete it in three months. We still have to fight against foreign enemies first. Because of this The foreign enemy does not know when it will arrive. If the foreign enemy advances, then our mission will fail. If we fail, we will go back to the mission hall to pick up the mission. This will undoubtedly increase time. What we lack most is time. Then we go first. Here are the natives here."

"Good!" Everyone agreed.

So everyone got on a swift boat seized from the law enforcement team. This is a magic weapon used for long-distance flights. It can pretend to be about ten people. It happens to be a law enforcement team.

Of course, it also meets the requirements of the Guards squad like them.

Although the defense of this swift boat is not very good, but fortunately at this speed, it is a bit faster than their own flight.

"There are still fifteen days to go to the indigenous Tulong territory. Let's get familiar with the new magic weapons and exercises on the boat."

Han Chen said, everyone found a place to meditate.

Suddenly a strange lightning flashed in the sky, sea-blue lightning. This makes Han Chen feel a little weird.

At this time, Sun Xue suddenly opened his eyes and said to Han Chen, "Hurry up, some of us are going to rush through! And because Wu Yuan hasn't cleansed her divinity, it is very likely that there will be a different thunder robbery. "

"You mean the five-color thunder robbery?" Han Chen showed a weird smile. This kind of thunder robbery Han Chen has resisted twice, but it was all Huang Mengmeng, and even the last time Huang Mengmeng advanced mythological form directly Here comes the Seven Color Thunder Tribulation.

Beating Huang Mengmeng into coke, so that Han Chen would have lingering fears in retrospect.

The feeling is quite deep.

"Not necessarily, the five-color thunder robbery and the seven-color thunder robbery are both possible." Sun Xue frowned and said.

"Well, let's lower our height first." Han Chen commanded.

Then quickly fell to a floating fairy mountain, where the gods are abundant, but it is a very good place to advance.

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