All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1265: Seven Color Thunder Tribulation

Just now everyone got out of the swift boat, Han Chen put it away, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and after another moment, colorful rays of light appeared in the dark clouds.

"Seven Color Thunder Tribulation!" The faces of everyone present turned into pig liver color. They have heard of this unconventional thunder robbery, and they can survive less than two levels. Of course, all the people who have passed it are those with profound cultivation.

Wu Yuan felt a little bit, but also a little worried, but this time the Thunder Tribulation was caused by herself, and she had been trapped in the form of mythology for a long time, so that the Thunder Tribulation appeared smoothly.

Han Chen was thinking, didn't he give Wu Yuan the magic pill that he had eaten for more than three years. Is the effect not obvious, or what's wrong?

This made Han Chen a little surprised. It was possible that he had eaten the Element Demon Pill for more than three years, and he hadn't completely washed his divine nature.

But it's too late to say that, so quickly let Wu Yuan be careful, and leave the rest to Han Chen.

Han Chen was about to take a shot. Suddenly his sleeves trembled. Huang Mengmeng came out without her own command. She saw Huang Mengmeng turning around, revealing a playful expression, and said, "Good fellow, this time I can Satiated all at once."

After speaking, he entered the Seven-Color Thunder Tribulation.

Han Chen had just seen from Na Feng Sen's hand a method of converging the thunder bead in the thunder robbery, and his heart was quite moved.

Seeing Huang Mengmeng took a bite, he ate most of the colorful clouds. This surprised Han Chen, and hurriedly shouted, "Huang Mengmeng, don't eat alone, give me a little!"

This scene made Sun Xue and others directly stupid...

What is the structure of this Korean team and his spiritual pet?

Compared with these monsters, they are like docile lambs.

Others shunned these seven-color thunder catastrophes, and Huang Mengmeng leaned forward directly, seeming to have encountered very delicious food.

The clouds in the sky are dense, forming a seven-color cloud layer, resulting in a seven-color thunder calamity.

I saw Huang Mengmeng rushing up with a yelling, a mouth, and a vigorous inhalation. The clouds in front of me turned into a large whirlpool, and the whirlpool was tumbling. Those seven-colored thunders had not exposed their fangs before they were caught by Huang Meng. Moe sucked it in.


Huang Mengmeng had a big belly and burped contentedly.

The ten Han Chen players who watched this scene were stunned. This is too arrogant. Wouldn't the future Thunder Tribulation become Huang Mengmeng's mouth food?

There is no need to be afraid in the future, I am afraid that the three fading catastrophe of Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to help Huang Mengmeng at all.

"You guy, leave some for me." Han Chen had no choice but to give an order to tell Huang Mengmeng not to act randomly.

As a result, Zhao Feiwu and others saw an even more frenzied scene.

I saw that Han Chen did not turn into a mythical form. He rushed into the seven-color thunder tribulation, murmured words in his mouth, with a big hand in his hand, and the violent thunder tribulation bombarded Han Chen's arm. If it were an ordinary person, it would have already turned black at this moment. .

But how could Han Chen let this happen?

Seeing the black and gold looming on Han Chen's arm, he ejected the lightning into his body, some distance from the skin.

Then Han Chen used mana to crazily compress the group of seven-color thunder tribulations, and then continuously added it from the outside, knowing that this piece of mana had completely turned into a solid seven-color bead.

Han Chen has been soliciting these thunder and lightning, constantly compressing it, and then adding the seven-color thunder bead just now, not knowing how many times he repeated it.

"How destructive is the pearl made by the Korean team." Everyone was completely shocked when they saw Han Chen's hand.

The frightening Seven-Color Lei was destroyed by both Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng.

"What kind of freak is our captain?" Jin Pangli showed a wry smile.

The Seven-Colored Thunder Tribulation really couldn't withstand the toss of Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng. First, the huge Seven-Colored Thunder Orb was down angrily. It turned out that Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng seemed very happy, because the Seven-Colored Thunder Tribute disappeared directly.

Yes, it just disappeared.

Han Chen was stunned, the Seven-Color Thunder Tribulation still has spirituality?

"I blame you, I scared my food away!" Huang Mengmeng felt resentful and kept blaming Han Chen.

Han Chen showed a bitter smile.

At this moment, Wu Yuan suddenly let out a cry.

Bringing everyone's situation back to reality, everyone discovered that the protagonist of today's thunder robbery should be Wu Yuan.

Han Chen frowned slightly, saying that it was too late and that time, a magical decision fell into Wu Yuan's body. Han Chen said, "Don't be afraid of the demon, accept it calmly, and defeat him with strength."

When Wu Yuan was advancing, she suddenly felt a cool breath rushing up from her dantian, and she quickly settled the hot breath.

Wu Yuan slowly reached the key to advancement, and then slowly became abnormally smooth.

Han Chen and others also meditated on the side to prevent accidents.

After a while, Wu Yuan slowly turned some visions on top of her head. Some stars appeared on it, some birds and beasts, some monsters with great magical powers, and powerful elves.

Suddenly there was a deep blue sea above Wu Yuan's head.

As Wu Yuan stopped drinking, the sea water converged.

Another day passed, Wu Yuan opened her eyes, her pupils were dark blue and deep, so scary, Wu Yuan seemed to have noticed something, and she quickly converged.

"How is it?" Han Chen asked with concern, and the others stopped meditating and asked.

"Success!" Wu Yuan sighed lightly, and fell down when she said that she was complete. Although it was easier this time, it has gone through a lot of processes, especially the process of demons.

The only advantage is that Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng blocked Thunder Tribulation, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Han Chen helped Wu Yuan get on the speed boat, and the group speeded up again.

The others joined the retreat one after another after learning that everything was OK for Wu Yuan. You should know that they could say that someone had a lower cultivation base before, but now Wu Yuan has followed up, making them feel more urgent.

And Han Chen gave them so many training resources, it would be too sorry if they didn't get some results this time.

Han Chen didn't have much, sitting beside Wu Yuan, while meditating and adjusting, he took out the seven-color beads just now.

Looking closely, recalling the scene just now, it immediately felt worthwhile.

This thunder bead has compressed a lot of seven-color thunder and lightning, but because of Huang Mengmeng, he can be made into a seven-color thunder bead, and there is not enough raw material.

But it is really exhausting.

Han Chen meditated for this.

The next day, Wu Yuan woke up.

"How? Are you all recovered?" Han Chen asked with feeling.

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