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Chapter 1266: The Sea of ​​Thousand Mothers

"Well, I have completely recovered. I feel that the strength in my body has increased several times compared to before. Ah, I can directly feel the existence of divinity! It turns out that divinity can be directly contained in mana, I Cultivating the magic power here will naturally possess divine nature."

Wu Yuan said in surprise, "I feel that my cultivation will speed up again."

"Does your talents and supernatural powers increase the speed of cultivation?" Han Chen was stunned.

"I don't know, I'll open the mythology form to show you." Wu Yuan showed a knowing smile.

This time she finally stood at the same level as Han Chen. Before, she didn't understand why Han Chen was not even afraid of the star behemoth. If she had evolved the mythical level at that time, she would naturally not be afraid.

The level of mythology can be said to be a qualitative leap.

Just thinking about it, Wu Yuan's closed eyes suddenly opened, her pupils were dark blue and deep, and there was a feeling of wanting to swallow people, and a light blue light burst out from it.

The blue pseudo artifact worn on his body also exudes light blue light, echoing each other.

Vaguely, behind Wu Yuan, a large sea area appeared layer by layer. In this sea area, there was a flood dragon hidden in the deep sea. When he explored inside, there was a lantern staring at this place with big eyes. A stare immediately made Wu Yuan's mythological form tremble.

But it didn't hurt anything in the end, it was just his coercion that finally caused Han Chen to stop exploring.

This coercion is too strong.

People at Han Chen's level were stark, especially the one opposite was just a virtual image. If this were true, it would be so scary.

Han Chen showed a weird smile and said, "Your mythical form has already been cultivated to the core level of Feng Hai's family."

"Looking at the description above, my mythological form is indeed more like the sea of ​​ten thousand mothers described in the Feng Hai family exercise method, but what makes me feel strange is that I can't feel any divine nature of the ocean now, as if I am practicing fundamentally. It's not ocean attributes." Wu Yuan showed a helpless expression.

"It is also possible that you are the Sea of ​​Myriad Mothers, and you are the source of the power of the entire ocean. Naturally, you will not rely on the ocean attribute divinity to improve your cultivation. After all, in the Feng Hai family's practice, for this level, They also only have a few words. Obviously, very few of them can achieve such high-quality power. You are trying to put the divine glory of mythological form on me."

Han Chen thought about it for a while, and then said this kind of myth form that might be legendary, this is the sea of ​​myriad mothers.

Then Wu Yuan pinched the tactics, and a faint blue light projected onto Han Chen.

Han Chen only felt that the whole body was warm, every divine nature in his body was extremely active at this moment, and it seemed very energetic. Han Chen absorbed some divine natures by meditation, and these divine natures were quickly absorbed by Han Chen.

In the past, it still needed to be purified, but in this faint blue brilliance, such a divine nature didn't need to be purified at all, only simple cultivation.

Then you can absorb and become your own divine power.

"This, this can really increase the speed of cultivation!"

Han Chen showed an incredible look, with some envy in it.

No wonder there will be a seven-color thunder robbery. I didn't expect that it was because Wu Yuan had acquired the mythical form against the sky.

"Really? I didn't feel it. I thought everyone was like me." Wu Yuan was very happy when she saw Han Chen happy.

"Haha." Han Chen was speechless for a while.

For a while, Han Chen said, "What state can you hold up to now?"

"When I open it, I can stretch four or five meters. According to my current divine support, I can probably continue to release this blue brilliance for only about two days." Wu Yuan gave a rough estimate. But I feel that I am still not good at it, "Unfortunately, it is too exhausting, otherwise it can be more durable."

"This is already very good," Han Chen was speechless for a while, simply envious of others, "Well, then I will call everyone together and let everyone practice for a day or two in your divine glory."

Han Chen walked out as soon as he said it, and a short message came out. After a while, the other eight people had gathered in this room.

Han Chen showed a mysterious smile.

"Team Korea, what are we so anxious about?" Jin Pangli and the others looked around, then said.

"Of course there are good things waiting for you, you all start to meditate." Han Chen said with a smile.

"Meditate? Is it such a small room?" Jin Pangli's face turned into a bitter face.

"Why, wronged you?" Han Chen said maliciously.

"Where, I'm too grateful..." Jin Pangli couldn't laugh or cry, and the others laughed miserably.

"Then I will meditate." Jin Pangli had to meditate. Suddenly, there was a faint blue light shining on his body, making him feel warm and divinely active.

This made Jin Pangli couldn't help but want to open his eyes, but Han Chen immediately stopped it, "Don't hurry up to meditate and absorb spiritual power and divinity!"

The others were also dumbfounded, but they weren't in the blue light, so there was no empathy for Jin Pangli.

I just felt that the power on my body was also affected to a certain extent, and the power above became very active.

According to Han Chen’s statement, Jin Pangli continued to meditate and practice. Then when the first ray of divine nature was absorbed, he found that this ray of divine nature was even purer than the one he had purified, and suddenly added to his body. , There is no stagnation, only need to operate the exercises, there is no need to care about the question of whether the divinity is pure or not.

As a result, Jin Pangli found that his divine absorption speed turned out to be more than ten times faster than usual!

What kind of concept is this, that is, Jin Pangli’s current cultivation speed is more than ten times that of usual. If he follows this schedule every day, he has a hunch that he can directly enter the peak state of the initial stage of mythological form as long as he meditates for another month and a half. Can attack the middle-level myth form at any time.

What is this ability? Isn't this going against the sky?

"How do you feel?" Han Chen suddenly asked at this moment.

"Excellent!" Jin Pangli blurted out without even thinking about it.

"To be specific!" At this moment, the other people became more anxious, because they felt the difference in their bodies even when they were next to the blue light. In addition, Jin Pangli's extremely comfortable look made them feel more heartbroken. Itchy.

This blue light must be of great benefit to them.

Just don't know what a good way, but this fat man only said such a high-level summary, so that they are very shameless.

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