All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1267: Amazing mythology...

"Oh," Jin Pangli said with a crooked mouth, "specifically, I feel that my current practice speed is more than ten times that of my previous meditation!"

"What!" The rest of the people were shocked. They knew what this meant.

This means that it takes ten or even a hundred years for others to rise to a level, and they only need one year! It's even shorter, because Fatty Jin said something...

"I still don't think I will encounter any bottlenecks. I feel that if I meditate for a month and a half at the first level of mythological form, I can directly hit the middle level of mythical form." Jin Fatty showed excitement.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present became like wood, which was too shocking. If they really follow this, then their cultivation base will be able to catch up with Young City Lord.

Maybe the cultivation speed is faster than that of Young City Lord.

You know that Young City Lord Shangguan Yuhui is a genius recognized by their generation.

Now they are all geniuses!


They just want to scream up to the sky.

Han Chen didn't expect such a great help to Jin Pangli. Han Chen felt that there was an improvement, but only two or three times the feeling.

Could it be because his cultivation is higher than Wu Yuan's?

"Friend Daoist Wu, I really appreciate you!" Jin Pangli came out of the cultivation state at this moment, and almost held Wu Yuan to talk.

If Han Chen were not here, Jin Pangli would have passed by.

"You, you have something to say well." Wu Yuan also stopped the mythological form, after all, she hadn't completely mastered the mythical form just after she advanced.

"Okay, now we arrange to come here to practice once every two days, and then, after five days, you will come again, because Wu Yuan has just advanced here, and may not be able to last that long at one time." Han Chen said.

At this moment, everyone nodded. With this situation, they felt more at ease.

Otherwise, I really thought it could continue like this.

But this is also good. Two days of cultivation is equivalent to twenty days of cultivation. This is also very scary.

Immediately everyone sat down and meditated cross-legged.

Han Chen glanced at Wu Yuan, Wu Yuan did not speak, and immediately opened up the mythological form, and immediately spread the faint blue light.

When Han Chen saw Sun Xue meditating in it, Han Chen communicated with him, and it was indeed not so obvious to their mid-level people.

It seems that Wu Yuan's cultivation level must be upgraded to the intermediate level as soon as possible.

But Wu Yuan also said just now that her divine origin is not entirely ocean attributes, so naturally the best.

After all, Shen Yuan Dan couldn't find the divine nature of ocean attributes to inject into it.

This divine essence pill was refined because it lacked divinity, so the most important thing was to obtain the relevant pure divinity.

The divine essence pill refined in this way will help the cultivator to improve his perception ability and cultivation speed as soon as possible.

For the next ten days, everyone was cultivating in this state.

Han Chen stretched his body, and it was the end of another two days. After Han Chen got up, his bones all over his body snapped.

When I walked to the side of Jixingzhou, I saw a sacred mountain floating without roots under the sky, and there were some divine fluctuations floating on this sacred mountain.

After all, there are many sacred beasts on the mountain.

Suddenly, a drink fell from the sky, and only listened to the creature saying, "Hurry up and slow down and get checked!"

Han Chen was stunned, his spiritual power radiated, and he saw a half-human creature with double horns, shouted, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He was approaching the clan of the earth dragon, so he didn't want any accident .

"Who is going to break into my earth dragon forbidden air!" The creature said again now.

"Everyone is up, we are here." Han Chen knew that this had reached the outpost of Tulong.

When Han Chen fell, the creature with double horns showed a trace of deep fear.

"Dare to ask where is the power of God, please show your token." This creature is only a primary mythological form, and when you encounter Han Chen, it is naturally said to be God.

"We are the forces in Tianyuan City, because we have received a mission issued by your patriarch. This is our token." Say, Han Chen took out the original team leader from his storage bracelet Token.

The other party held his token for a while, and then bowed deeply.

"God, please rest for a while. I will arrange for the clansmen to come and lead you to meet with my patriarch. Because I am on official business, I can't greet you."

At this time, the firstborn double-horned creature showed a smile to show welcome.

After all, he walked to the front and lit a bonfire. The location of the bonfire seemed to meet a certain ritual call.

Just as Han Chen was thinking about it, an old man with horns on his back and head appeared above the bonfire. This old man was wearing a fur coat and looked very primitive.

But across this bonfire, Han Chen could feel the strength in the opponent's body seemed unusual.

"This race, shouldn't it be based on the number of tentacles to determine its social status?" Fatty Jin said with a smile.

"Quiet." Han Chen immediately stopped the same ridicule, after all, we must respect the civilization of each race.

"Let you all laugh, this is our family's fire attribute summoning technique, but what I have just now is relatively low-end, it just summons an image. Some of our powerful clan elders, they can summon true dragons through this technique!" Said the former sentinel.

"What, real dragon!" Jin Pangli and the others were all shocked.

I didn't expect such a simple ritual to summon a real dragon, so the real dragon is too cheap.

You know that true dragons are a level of mythological civilization higher than Xuanwu, how can they be summoned so casually?

"They are not real dragons, but they like what we call them real dragons." Seeing these people so excited, the sentry blushed and explained, after all, it was not like this.

"That's also very powerful." At this time, Zhao Feiwu quickly ended the topic.

"Well, yes, the true dragons we summoned can sometimes summon the existence of the pinnacle of the mythical form. The pure physical confrontation can be compared with the people in the early eternity stage." The sentry doesn't know if it is too stupid, or Too naive to tell others such important information.

Han Chen and others were all ashamed.

They have no scheming at all.

Let them have a feeling of bullying the children.

However, Han Chen probably also knew some of the structure of this race. It seems that this race has patriarch and elders to rule.

They mainly practice ritual summoning. Even if their strength is not very strong, they can enhance their strength through summoning.

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