All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1268: Tulong Clan

"Then are we also the real dragons summoned by your patriarch?" Fatty Jin said nonchalantly.

The atmosphere was immediately embarrassing.

"The true dragon is our god. Although you are very strong, you are not our real body!" The sentry said with confidence.

"The fat man doesn't apologize to others!" Sun Xue patted the fat man on the forehead angrily, making trouble.

"I'm sorry, the disaster just came out of my mouth." Jin Pangli said.

Listening to the content of Jin Pangli's words, Han Chen and others wanted to beat him up. How could anyone apologize so much? It's too straightforward.

"I received your sincere apology, so let's just let it go. But when you enter our main city, you should pay attention. They have less contact with you foreigners. Maybe they are not as avant-garde as I am, otherwise they may directly call the true god. Come to attack you."

It seemed that the sentry hadn't spoken so much to humans for a long time, so when he heard Jin Pangli's sincere apology, he recognized a friend, so he said a few more words.

In this way, it made Han Chen and the others embarrassed. This fat golden cat is really good at meeting dead mice.

"By the way, the patriarch will let our Tuyan clan elders come to pick you up. You need to wait a while, but it's not far from us, it's only a hundred thousand kilometers very fast." At this time the sentry said again.

Only one hundred thousand kilometers...

What this said, if it is in the form of mythology, at full speed, 100,000 kilometers is really not very far, and it will take an hour to fly.

Of course, you can reach the moment when there is a secret method.

If it is an ordinary person, it may take a long time.

While talking, there was a flicker on the abandoned stove just now, and a dazzling flame immediately appeared, and the flames skyrocketed.

So scared that Jin Pangli and others all hid behind Wu Yuan.

Instead, there was no one behind Han Chen.

This may be because Wu Yuan gave them a powerful illusion during cultivation.

But this is also excusable. After all, since Wu Yuan has the mother of Wan Hai, it is indeed easier to attract children. For example, Huang Mengmeng has completely fallen to Wu Yuan's side...

Everyone was surprised and curious.

However, the sentinel had a respectful expression. He had knelt on the ground early, and people who didn't know thought he had summoned the true god.

After a while, an old man with twelve-diagonal firstborn came out with a flash of fire. After the old man walked out, he took a cane in his hand and patted himself on him, and a lot of it was shaking off. Charcoal.

"I'm sorry, every little old man is late." With that said, the image of the little old man immediately plumped up.

"How much time did you spend here?" Jin Pangli was a bit speechless, did it take a while? It feels too fast.

Just now this little brother said 100,000 kilometers, and you are here during the conversation.

"It's a lot. After receiving the order, I ate dinner at home, took a shower, took a bath and changed clothes according to your human custom, and then added some fragrance. After this calculation, it seems that I really lost a lot of time. Then Go to Huoyan Mountain again, and shuttle over. After all, it took a meal to treat the distinguished guests, and I was really a little negligent..." the old man said verbally.

At this moment, everyone dare not say that this person is long-winded. The cultivation base of this person has reached the top level of the mythical form. According to the introduction of the sentry just now, it is possible for this person to summon a true dragon of the top level of the mythical form.

"Not too late, not too late..." Han Chen and the others hurriedly replied.

No wonder it was a miracle that such an aboriginal could survive between the God Realm Alliance and Hehuan Alliance in Tianyuan City for so long.

It seems that this situation is really pretty good.

"That's good." The old man said frankly. From this point of view, the people of this tribe are indeed relatively simple, and continue to say, "Since everyone said it is from Tianyuan City, but in order to confirm the identity, I still have to show me the token."

Han Chen and the others did not speak, so they took out the token, and the little old man disappeared for a while.

Han Chen was stunned. It turns out that this is the reason why the other party is so fast...

Less than three breaths, the little old man came out again, and then returned the token to Han Chen, and everyone who saw it was dumbfounded.

This person started things as fast as lightning.

If any company on the planet hires this person, ensure that the entire company has nothing to do.

So Wu Yuan thought.

Han Chen saw some doorways. This old man was very agile.

"Well, everyone, this is not a place to talk. Come follow me to our clan land, discuss together, and fight against powerful enemies." At this time, the old man who claimed to be the old Tuyan clan dragged everyone into the fire pit. .

"You go in with me, otherwise you may become ashamed." The old man Tu Yan said back.

When I said this, everyone felt novel and afraid of being really touched, especially Sun Xue and Wu Yuan, two beauty lovers.

Now Sun Xue was afraid of being caught by the flames, so she also untied her veil, revealing a shocking look.

Only a little worse than Wu Yuan.

In addition, Sun Xue's exercises have some glamorous skills. As long as a man is trapped by hers, it is estimated that he will not survive for a few seconds, and he will be dumb.

So when the sentry saw Sun Xue, he was immediately silly.

Han Chen's Hornet, Zhao Feiwu and others are not immune. However, Jin Pangli didn't seem to be surprised at all, making Han Chen wonder if this guy has a hobby.

"I met Sun Xue very early." Jin Pangli seemed to turn his head to explain to Han Chen.

When Han Chen heard what Jin Pangli said, his face was a little embarrassing.

She felt that her left kidney waist was about to be pinched off, and only heard a hum, Wu Yuan rushed into the fire pit alone.

Han Chen hurried up and didn't dare to half-hearted.

Fortunately, Sun Xue didn't use the fox-mei technique, and quickly reduced her aura, otherwise these men might all suffer.

Everyone in Han Chen's team followed in. The flames in front of him flashed and it was very dazzling. Han Chen felt a bit like the sun bursting with sunspots. The eyes were dark and the sky turned upside down, and soon a light appeared in front.

After a few of them breathed, they approached the exit, and their eyes suddenly opened up, and several of them jumped out of the fire pit.

When everyone looked back, they discovered that the Flaming Mountain looked like a natural active volcano, and they were currently at the top of the mountain pass.

Seeing everyone was shocked again.

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