All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1269: Magical formation

Sure enough, the ancient battlefield was extraordinary, in addition to the formation, there was such a magical fire formation. With such a technology, naturally there is no fear of the people of the God's Domain Alliance and the aliens on the Hehuan League.

"Come with me here, everyone." The old Tuyan clan who just came out patted the hot coal on his body, and then moved forward.

It's just that this step was incredible, and the old man disappeared in an instant.

"What the **** is this? How can we keep up." Jin Pangli was silly at first glance, which was even more shocking than Sun Xue's true expression.

The rest of the people also had the same thoughts as Jin Pangli, and there was no way to keep up with each other's pace.

The most critical problem now is that as the old man Tuyan left, they suddenly felt that they had no sense of direction.

"Team Korea, what should we do now?" At this time everyone turned their attention to Han Chen.

"What's so difficult?" Han Chen hadn't spoken yet, but Huang Mengmeng, who was hiding in Han Chen's cuff, came out on his own.

I saw Huang Mengmeng's exposed eyes, turning around slowly, and soon its eyes flashed with a golden light, seeing through the void, and then leading everyone forward.

"Friend Huang Dao, what did you see?" Jin Pangli quickly followed up and asked.

"What's the matter? I have a pair of see-through eyes, and I can see the traces of the spatial movement of the smelly old man just now." Huang Mengmeng straightened up and said confidently.

Han Chen showed a knowing smile. This Huang Mengmeng's head melon seeds are still very useful. He should have walked through the void just now, then went to their clan land, then turned around, and then led everyone in that direction.

But Han Chen did not reveal Huang Mengmeng's tricks.

So everyone walked all the way, quietly all around, obviously this place had been cleaned by the Tulong clan, so some monsters could not break in.

There are even places where the fragrance of medicine floats.

When they reached the edge, they could still see the abyss below the rootless floating sacred mountain. There was only a layer of gray haze floating under the abyss, and they could see nothing.

However, in the white mist, Han Chen could feel the existence of some unusual powers, which seemed very uncomfortable.

So everyone speeded up a few steps, and then followed Huang Mengmeng's movements to a place quickly.

Then from the mountain, you can see that some tents are built on the flat ground. They are dancing happily around a big bonfire in the middle.

Is it so primitive? Wu Yuan secretly said in her heart, isn't this just like the Bonfire tribe of the earth? However, it is also possible that only such a form has been retained, or the people here are just like the people on earth, just worshiping the **** of fire.

But since seeing that weird old man, Wu Yuan naturally knew that this race was extraordinary.

Everyone is watching to see if there is any danger.

Suddenly there was an old man standing beside them, wasn't it the old man with soil inflammation that ran fast just now?

For a while, everyone was speechless, surprised and delighted. What was surprised was how the old man rushed out. What was joyful was seeing the old man, indicating that he had come to the right place.

"It seems to you that the hands and feet are quite fast, which is considered qualified. It is not like a sneaky and slippery person." The old man said suddenly, and then walked forward.

Jin Pangli still wanted to complain about something, but the wasp had already pressed his mouth, not letting him say it.

After all, what the old man said was too much.

Isn’t it a sly and slippery hands and feet? Han Chen showed a weird smile, this Tulong is indeed a little weird.

However, everyone had the first experience, and they were afraid that the old man would once again run away with unpredictable pace. Everyone secretly opened the mythical form, and finally kept up with the other party's pace.

Huang Mengmeng had been hiding in Han Chen's cuff long ago, so none of these Tulong people found Huang Mengmeng's existence.

In this way, it saves a lot of effort.

Soon they came to the biggest bonfire in the middle.

Han Chen and the others thought they were here for the party, but when they turned their heads, they saw the Tuyan elder, rushing into the campfire.

Han Chen and others smiled bitterly, "Sure enough."

Then everyone had to follow in and through the campfire.

After walking through the dark and weird road, the front suddenly opened up, revealing a light, following the light, suddenly opening up.

After they walked out, what they saw was a real sea of ​​fire.

It's just that this sea of ​​fire has built a heaven and earth, surrounded by five people who look like old men.

They all have twelve pairs or sixteen pairs of horns on their backs.

But what surprised them most was the white-haired old man sitting at the top. He actually had twenty-four pairs of dragon horns on his body. Everyone who saw Han Chen was shocked.

Because they felt a strong divine fluctuation from this person.

"The old man approaching the eternal state!" Everyone was shocked.

"This is our patriarch, Tuyan!" said the old Tuyan clan elder.

Han Chen everyone recovered from the shock and said, "Good patriarch."

"Everyone, since you claim to be from Tianyuan City, please show me your token. This is my routine too."

Suddenly the high-ranking person made a buzzing voice, and it took a long time for Han Chen and others to recover from the shock.

Why is it that the first thing from a sentinel, to the clan elder, to the clan chief is to do this...

At this moment, Han Chen took out the token and showed it to the other party.

The Tuyan elder said to Han Chen only now, “We all have to go to the outpost to serve as soldiers. Everyone has been in that ghost place for tens of thousands of years, so this habit cannot be changed at this time, please forgive me.

Han Chen waited for you to look at me, and when I looked at you, there was a weird smile on his face, even such a weird race.

In this way, the sentry I met for the first time was probably the elder of the next generation, or the patriarch of the next generation.

They all thought it was an insignificant NPC... They didn't expect it to be a young patriarch.

But they didn't show anything on their faces, and the token was sent back after a while.

"Excuse me, please tell us this time, what is the so-called? Who is the enemy?" Han Chen asked aloud.

After all, along the way, there are more than ten mythological forms of people in this village, and their power is no more powerful than the power of a small team.

All of this still needs to mobilize manpower, which means that the opponent should be quite strong.

"Don't worry, you will finish our bonfire party first, let's have fun." The Tuyan clan elder said first, letting everyone go back the same way.

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