All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1270: White devil

At this time, the four old men in the Flame Cave Tianfudi began to talk.

"Let them face the white devil, will it be too rash? I think their leader is just a middle-level mythological form." At this moment, a person with sixteen diagonals behind him in the lower right corner said.

"Well, I also think this group of people may not be reliable. After all, this time the opponent, but even we have to stand up." Another twelve diagonal person said.

"There is no way, after all, this task has been suspended for so many days, and only such a couple dare to take it." At this time, the Tuyan clan elder who came back from the outside said.

The words were suffocated for everyone in the meeting.

In fact, the White Demon Sealed Ground has appeared strange again. Now they can only rely on this team.

"So, it's fine." Suddenly the Tuyan patriarch with 24 pairs of dragon horns behind said, his voice suddenly became unusually clear, and there was no such thing as the old-fashioned dragon bell.

"Well, we can only act according to the plan. Whether the genocide can be resisted or not depends on us. We communicate with our summoned true dragons as soon as possible. After all, this white demon is closely related to them. ..." Elder Tu Yan said, everyone was silent for a while, this topic was too heavy.

"By the way, how did you send them?" the sixteen diagonal man next to him asked.

"Oh, I asked Xiao Fei outside to follow up. I really don't have the mood for such a shrimp soldier and crab general." The Tuyan old man showed a weird smile.

"Then let them be cannon fodder." The sixteen diagonal man said coldly.

There was silence for a while, and finally the patriarch ordered everyone to communicate with the summoned true dragon, so everyone walked off their seats.

Around a strange summoning ritual pattern on the floor, a fire light lit up on everyone, and the fire light burned themselves.

Boom boom boom.

The flames soaring into the sky surrounded six long pillars of flames, rising to the sky, echoing the magma on the ground, and then a huge dragon head slowly emerged from the flames. The dragon head was a bit vague and unreal. .

But as soon as the dragon head appeared, there was a terrifying coercion.

"Tu Yan, what do you call me calling?" The dragon head spat out.

"Reply to Lord Dragon King, we ask Long Ting to lower his true body and help me eradicate the white demon!"

"Is the white devil making any new changes? It's only worth tens of thousands of years. Why did the seal loosen?" The dragon head said in a loud voice.

"Yes, there is a great momentum of turning over and devouring me, and now that white mist is less than 10,000 kilometers away from me." Chief Tuyan replied tremblingly.

"Hmph, that place was originally under the control of the Heavenly Court. When I waited for the people of Longting to go down, it is very likely that the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Court would discover it. Why not, I will lower my clone, carry my secret treasure, and completely wipe out the white demon. Keeping is always a curse..."

"Follow the dragon's order!"

The flames went out with a squeak, and the mana of the six people was completely exhausted, and all of them were exhausted.

Ever since Han Chen entered the fire pit, Huang Mengmeng's restlessness has become more and more obvious. This is why Han Chen wants to come out quickly.

Later, a tribe who claimed to be Xiaofei led them to play.

After wandering around, Han Chen found an excuse to go to rest, so they appeared in the big tent.

Huang Mengmeng communicated with Han Chen, and everyone was meditating and resting.

"What, did you feel the call of your body?" Han Chen showed a strange look. You are in this ghost place.

Could it be where it was sealed? However, seeing this clan's secret magic and magical powers are so weird, if they really want to be sealed here, he has nothing to do.

"I don't know, but I have the feeling. It may be something related to my main body. Now that I have arrived in this ancient battlefield, my strength has not returned to the eternal state, so I can't feel it. Once I am restricted and isolated, I I can't detect it. Only when I get very close can I have a chance to feel it."

Huang Mengmeng analyzed.

"In that case, let's wait for the development of things here quietly. If we can sense it, then when the chaos here begins, we will go out and look for it." Han Chen closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

Just like this one day passed.

On the second day and until the fifth day, someone outside the tent at the door suddenly shouted, "The patriarch summons you all."


Everyone was happy for a while. After finishing all these tasks, they need to rush to the next task, which can guarantee the completion of the task in three months.

Han Chen and the others came out, and saw a boy who came to introduce him. The few people were speechless, and then they came to the place they had visited last time.

However, the flames here didn't seem to be as strong as before, as if they had been drained.

"Sit down, everyone," said the Tuyan elder.

Others didn't notice, but Han Chen still saw a different feeling from the other's spirit.

Something must have happened to this man these days.

The divinity of the fire attribute on his body is more than twice as strong as last time.

"Today we are calling everyone because we decided to invite you to go to the enemy's lair." The Tuyan clan old man said calmly.

"But the mission said that we should resist the invasion, not to the enemy's lair." Jin Pangli immediately reacted.

"This is not to be afraid that you will spend too much time here, so we propose such a proactive strategy." Elder Tu Yan said.

"Then we have no opinion, let's talk about our mission first." At this moment, Han Chen was annoyed by Huang Mengmeng. Obviously Huang Mengmeng felt a familiar aura here again, so he urged Han Chen to do it early. .

"In that case, the old man won't bother to talk. Your task is to help us delay the enemy. The initiative is still us, but you do some reconnaissance and procrastination work. Go back and rest for a while, and we will set off at night." said the Tuyan elder. , They sent Han Chen and others away.

Han Chen and the others didn't think too much. When it was evening, Han Chen came to the village entrance as scheduled.

Eight people have already stood at the entrance of the village. It seems that two people are left to guard the tribe, and the rest have been sent out.

"It's up to you today. Let's go!" said Tuyan acting patriarch, and then seven or eight boys came out, carrying the old patriarch and began to leave.

The Tuyan veteran commanded the other two patriarchs, and soon started a bonfire, and then a strange light appeared on the bonfire.

Although the fire is small, everyone has experienced it and knows this kind of fire transmission.

More than twenty people here passed in turn.

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