All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1278: Detoxification Pill

As soon as the two men in red cloaks finished speaking, their heads collided with each other and turned into two broken melons. It was Han Chen who suddenly shot from behind.

Two ignorant spirits floated from the two corpses, but Han Chen waved and fell into Han Chen's hands.

"Ask God to raise your hand, and we will tell you everything we know! If you want a furnace, our Hehuan League has a lot of furnaces! And we have a base nearby..."

The two of them instantly understood their situation and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy.


"What I want to know, I will find it by myself."

As Han Chen said, he shot two bright lights from his eyes, and quickly hit the two souls.

Suddenly the two people experienced inhuman torture, and the expressions on their faces were extremely painful.

In a short while, Han Chen squeezed the souls of these two people.

They took out the red and blue pills from their pockets and said, "This one of you is still a relatively low-level version. Just take a red pill and wait two hours before taking the blue one. Is completely fine."

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and swallowed these antidote in the manner taught by Han Chen.

"This Hehuan League is really evil. It can be poisoned so unconsciously." Jin Pangli said angrily after taking the medicine before digesting it.

"No, they actually watched you very early, because the people who come here for a nap are usually from the Hehuan League, but you are dressed in the Gods' Domain Alliance, so you are being watched. Fortunately, They are busy, otherwise they will take you away a few days earlier."

Han Chen told the rest of the news he had learned from Soul Search.

But because these two people belonged to the disciples of the Hehuan League and were not middle and high-level people, they didn't know what the stronghold in Dashan was doing.

At this time, Han Chen's watch flashed a message.

Han Chen took a look, and it said:

Complete task one and task two, and receive rewards of 300 sacred stones and five sacred pill, which will be transmitted through the space formation later. Please find a relatively quiet environment.

Han Chen smiled, opened the barrier, shielding the people outside.

Then clicked to confirm, and soon there were three hundred divine stones and five divine essence pills on the compass in front of Han Chen.

After solving the two men in red cloaks, Han Chen and the others took a break and held a small meeting by the way. Han Chen probably informed the Tulong tribe about the handling situation and put their belongings together.

Of the five Shenyuan Pills, two of them were given to Jin Pangli, and the other three were given to Wu Yuan, Sun Xue, and Zhao Feiwu.

The three hundred sacred stones are evenly distributed.

But because Jin Pangli had the Shen Yuan Pill, he didn't receive the Shen Stone anymore.

Han Chen was given a hundred sacred stones this time.

At the same time, Han Chen took out the storage bags of the nine elders.

Although there are relatively few sacred stones and sacred essence pills in it, all kinds of strange materials are extremely abundant.

Han Chen finally found the control formula of the flame formation from it, but it was a pity that it was a fragment. This makes Han Chen a little unhappy.

But there are some subtle fire formations in this fragment.

Using the fire array is mainly convenient for obtaining materials and extremely easy to make.

The downside is that the formation of the formation is unstable, and it is easy to be detected in advance by the opponent with mental power.

It's easy to expose yourself.

Han Chen didn't mind, he saw that Jin Pangli and Zhao Feiwu were interested in learning, so he copied two copies to them.

There are also some secret techniques for manipulating flames, but these ranks are too low, and they are not suitable for the cultivation of cultivators of mythological form like them.

Suddenly, Han Chen's eyes lit up, and he actually saw a dragon summoning technique.

There is also a fire call.

However, for very important reasons, it was not directly put together with the flame formation.

According to the above statement, as long as you have the blood of the Tulong clan, you can use this flame summoning ritual to summon the dragon on the side of the Dragon Court.

But this process can only last two sticks of incense.

"This technique is good." Sun Xue didn't know when she came to Han Chen's back. He glanced at and commented.

"This is the treasure of the Tulong clan, but unfortunately it fell into my hands." Han Chen smiled and said that he made the jade slip a little more and distributed some teammates who were interested in learning.

In addition to the exercises, Han Chen also found a bottle of milky white slurry in the patriarch's storage bag.

As soon as Han Chen unlocked the lid, he smelled a rich divine brilliance and an incomparable spirit.

"This turned out to be the ten thousand year divine liquid! This is really the essence of divine nature." Han Chen whispered.

"Because this item is too precious, we feel that it will remain in our team and will not be handed in or distributed. In the future, if we encounter the critical situation under the cliff a few days ago, everyone can receive the Wannian Divine Spirit Liquid on the spot. To restore the whole body repair!"

"Okay!" The players had no objection.

Han Chen suddenly saw that these old men had two antidote medicines in their arms. Han Chen paid special attention to the fact that the materials used above belonged to these Tulong people.

My heart moved.

"Do you have any thoughts on the secret base of the Blood Fiend of the Hehuan League and his party?" Han Chen showed a trace of relief.

"The toxicity of the Hehuan League is too difficult to deal with. If there is no way, it is completely impossible to guard against." Jin Pangli retreated from the practice.

"We never thought of where we were poisoned by the other party." Sun Xue was also very distressed.

Han Chen smiled and said, "Hehuan League’s poison mainly relies on detoxification drugs. At present, I have got two sets of detoxification pills from the Tulong tribe. They seem to be pretty good. The materials above are simple, but the function description is not. Very complete. Because the things this time were collected from the patriarchs, it is obviously highly credible. Moreover, this Tulong clan specializes in the border of the Gods Domain Alliance and the Hehuan Alliance, and it will definitely be attacked by both sides, so there is some life-saving. means."

"Here, there are two bottles of the pill made by their clan. I asked about the taste of the pill, but it is similar to the pill medicine." Han Chen added.

"That means we can go straight to Huanglong!" Jin Pangli said excitedly.

"Don't worry, some of you haven't taken the antidote yet. Why don't you try it without this." Han Chen said, giving one to Zhao Feiwu and one to another team member.

Zhao Feiwu and others immediately meditated and digested. At first, the two frowned. As the effect of the pill came into play, the two quickly relaxed, and the expressions on their faces slowly relaxed.

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