All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1279: enter

"Not bad!" Zhao Feiwu stood up gladly, "The effect of the medicine can suppress the poison in the body."

"Then let's take a break and set off at night." Han Chen said.

Han Chen and Wu Yuan sat together and said some thoughtful words.

At night, the triangular moon in the sky, but further away, the big sun is still there, as long as the speed is fast enough, the other side is still daytime.

Ten people dressed in black and set off neatly.

"Everyone gets three pills in his hand, first take one pill to prevent poisoning, and then two pill to spare. Let's go!"

Because they were afraid that the movement would alarm the people of Hehuan League, they didn't get on the speed boat, but walked directly.

Although the time is relatively slow, it is not easy to find.

Han Chen and others walked into the mountain. There was a strong smell of blood floating around the mountain. Jin Pangli, who knew the Hehuan League, said it was refining the blood magic pill.

"This kind of pill can double the human body's cultivation, but it has great side effects, and the materials used are also very strange. It must be extracted from the blood left by very powerful creatures to be useful."

When Jin Pangli said this, everyone was shocked.

Today it looks like there will be a fierce battle.

"Yes, we still have to be careful when that happens," Han Chen said.

No words all the way.

But Han Chen's heart moved, and a message came from the stellar device placed in the storage bag, and the opponent Ao Bai and Xueyan came to life.

"Master, we have recovered, if we need anything we can play!" Ao Bai said.

"Well, that's fine." Although Han Chen was calm on the surface, he was still surprised that the other party was injured so badly before that it took only four or five days longer than himself to be completely repaired.

This dragon body is awesome.

Han Chen thought so, their group had already entered the mountain of Hehuan League, and a barrier appeared.

"This is a great formation of protecting the mountains, I can't break it, it seems that I can only fight hard." Everyone took a look, showing helpless expressions.

"Let me come." Han Chen said suddenly.

Han Chen approached the mountain guarding formation, but contacted Xue Yan in his heart. It turned out that Xue Yan is the body of the spirit, following the powerful masters of the previous generation to practice many secret methods.

According to the secret method Xue Yan gave, Han Chen easily melted the mountain guard formation on the opposite side. Han Chen said, "Everyone, rush in from here!"

"Good!" Nine streamers rushed in.

Han Chen also rushed in.

As soon as I entered, I saw a poisonous barrier in front of it, which was filled with clouds and contained a lot of toxins. If it hadn't been for their bodies, they had already taken poison.

I'm afraid I will face the danger of poisoning as soon as I enter.

This piece of poison barrier is very peculiar. There is a feeling of thunder, with weird energy fluctuations floating on it.

Suddenly a small beast rushed in and was hit by a terrifying electric arc flashing on it, which turned into a mush.

"This swamp is very strange, everyone must pay attention to safety." When everyone heard Han Chen's reminder, they were all awakened.

Soon, they appeared at the entrance of a cave, none of them were complete, only Han Chen and Sun Xue had better clothes.

Jin Pang's clothes were broken all over his body. Thinking about what happened just now, they were really scared. Not long after they entered, they met the huge Thunder Rat King who could thunder, and then they met the Fire Phoenix who swallowed the sky with thunder and fire, making them embarrassed. Unbearable.

Finally got here.

"Let's go in!"

Just walked in a few steps.

Suddenly two people flashed out from the east gate, "Who are you?"

The two of them had not spoken, they were swiftly and quickly cut down by Han Chen, one by one, and the spirits floated out of their heads, and they were solved by Han Chen.

Inside the cave.

There was a very open place inside, and the cabinets around were filled with blood-red pills, and the whole room was whole.

"Haha!" A man stood in front of these cabinets, stroking his beard and smiled arrogantly, "Old Deng, the blood demon pill refined this time seems to be a bit purer than the previous ones! With those lower bounds The more the blood clan rises, the strength of our Hehuan League becomes stronger and stronger, but their impure divinity limits our power. Now with this blood demon pill, they can definitely rise to another level! , My position in the Hehuan League can be raised to a higher level, otherwise my seniors will always look down upon it, and it will feel uncomfortable."

"Hey, yes, the general will be able to advance to the princes. I didn't think where the blood puree you got from has such a concentration of blood evil power, which is a bit stronger than a demon god. Purify so many Blood Demon Pills." At this time, another old man who kept adding medicinal materials to the pill furnace stood up slowly and looked at his supplies carefully.

"You don't have to worry about it. You must know the power of the demon god's blood evil, but it is forbidden to pass it in the heavens! You can easily expose us to danger like this. And I just want to raise our strength to another level. "The bearded man's voice became smaller and smaller.

Suddenly a white light passed into the hands of the bearded man, and he crushed the white light, but his face was not very good.

"Did something happen outside? Call me here at this time!" Old Deng asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a few little furry kids who broke in." The bearded man took off his coat, took a few rows of **** pills from above, and said, "I'll let someone outside try it this time. Try the power of this blood demon pill!"

"I promise to satisfy the general!" Old Deng said with a sneer behind him.

Going further ahead, they found a **** smell that was many times stronger than those outside.

Suddenly there was a sound of da da da in the cave in front.

Han Chen naturally knew that the other party was here, but he didn't panic too much in his heart. He just whispered, "Come!"

Everyone was ready.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to break into your grandfather's cave house!" With this cry, more than ten people walked out from the open entrance opposite.

The leader has a big beard and his eyes are muddy. Although his face is still big, his eyes are sunken and he looks a little unstable.

It should be the expression after overdose.

However, the opponent is still at the top of the mythological form.

It's not that Han Chen and others have never faced the top level of mythological form, but they didn't expect that there would be a top level of mythical form in such a small stronghold.

This is quite outrageous.

So the good mood of Han Chen and others ends here.

I thought it was a relatively easy task. With the appearance of the man in front of him, Han Chen and others re-examined each other.

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