All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1286: Arrived

"The enemy is less than five of us, do you know what to do?" Feng Hai Gongming said back.

"Destroy them!" everyone responded suddenly!

In an instant, the overwhelming aura transmitted from the nine people behind to Gongming Feng Hai! Nine Nine into one, Feng Hai Gongming turned into the team's most powerful dragon!

The monstrous water and the pervasive sea attribute energy instantly covered the entire formation!

"You, you actually used the Donghai Sea Clan secret method!" Hu Jun's face instantly lost blood!

"Yes, we Yuanbei came out of the Donghai Sea Clan? Now we just re-enlighten our previous beliefs, with a slight modification, and become the tactics of commanding the army!"

"You seem surprised? But you only have a few seconds left to sigh!"

"Sea God Dragon! Swallow!"

The sea water filled with sea attributes rose towards the sky, forming a sea water pillar several hundred feet high. That high head rose up into the sky, and then dived down one by one!


The whole formation is shaky!

The void has been torn apart!

"This is an impact that transcends the form of mythology! The divinity inside is pervasive, and we can't resist it at all!"

"Hu Jun! Let's withdraw!" Facing the opponent is the strongest blow, even surpassing previous cognition!

"No!" Hu Jun shouted wildly!

It completely radiated all the pressure from the battle method that devoured the Sea God Dragon!

"I believe in him!"

"Just as he believed me!"

Hu Jun furious!

"Okay, I'm fighting for this life, for the ancestor of the Hu family!" The black thin man and the three family members behind him also showed a desperate posture and started to burn their souls!

If you can't resist it, it's all over.

Hu Jun didn't know in his heart, but what could he do? How do you face your father and ancestors if you fail?

The soldier should die on the battlefield!

Under the pressure of the sky full of sea water, these five people sacrificed their beloved magic weapons, flew into the sea and exploded!

I want to stop it, but it's useless at all.

They opened their own barriers, and at the same time, five people stood back to back and took out their strongest attack.

The colorful rays of light attacked the deep sea dragon, as if trickling into the sea...

"Hu Jun, no! There is too much divinity in it, we are dead this time!"

"You have to stand and die!"

"We are not reconciled!"

While speaking, the arrogant sea water smashed toward the five people unstoppably!

"Hahaha..." Feng Hai Gongming's team has been laughing at this Hu family team!

"Really, in our sea clan warfare, the power of you people is too small. You are smashed into scum in the divine nature of the dragon!"

The rest of the people present showed a little unbearable.

Especially the people of the Hu family felt even more suffocated. Even Hu Jun’s father, Hu Bai, vomited several liters of blood and shouted, "My son!"

The void in the next room fluctuated, as if a sigh came from the void.

At this moment, the ancestor standing on the side of the Hu family moved his eyes.

Hu Bai looked at the ancestor's gaze, the tears on his face hadn't dried up yet, but a smile appeared on his mouth!

"he came!"

I saw that piece of sea water squeezed towards the Hu Jun team, but a person appeared in the mouth of the giant sea dragon!

Wearing a touch of green clothes, standing in front of the red team, it looks particularly dazzling!

He is holding a huge axe. The axe is too big. It is three times the size of himself!


"God-killing furious!"

That cyan figure slammed into the sky with a spell, and the giant axe spun into the sky, thus wiping out the divinity of the sea!

In this way, the water that has lost its divinity has become a meaningless beach.

At this time, the eyes of Feng Hai Gongming all fell off. Where is this sacred? It was actually able to stop the attack of ten people on his side!

This blow has surpassed the eternal realm!

But the battlefield is changing rapidly...

That cyan figure was worthy of a Fajue going up against the sky, slashing the sea dragon from its mouth to its head.

The cyan figure spinning in mid-air roared wildly!

"Pattern God! Killing God!"

At this time, Feng Haigongming realized that the situation was not good, and was about to dodge or open the protective cover, but he did not know where a strange force came out, and it got into his mind and let his mind. Absent instantly!


The huge giant axe changed again, and a gray knife shadow was split from the axe blade!

The knife shadow fell, and Feng Haigongming, who had no time to escape, was immediately split into two.

At this time, Feng Haigong knows that he is not good, his soul is out of his body, and he wants to escape his life and rebirth!

That cyan figure, when a Fajue passed, he wanted to wipe out this soul.

It's a pity that a dark green barrier appeared in front of him, blocking that magical decision.

"Friends of Taoism have already won, why bother to kill them!" At this moment, a voice from an old-fashioned man with dragon horns on top of the blue highest platform.

This voice fell into the cyan figure's mind and blasted, bringing unparalleled destructive power.

It seems that a sound can explode a person's mind!

"Old ghost, you actually did such a trick!"

At the same time, another voice fell into the cyan figure's mind, and a huge shock burst out in a moment. It took a while to stop.

But to outsiders, this cyan figure just stood on the court and froze for a while.

Then Feng Haigongming took advantage of the other side's stupidity, and moved away in a few moments.

Others saw that the captain was hit by a single second, and they naturally surrendered wherever they had the intention to continue.

The final word!

"Han Chen!"

The soul of Hu Jun burned a half, he just wanted to struggle for a few more seconds, never thought that Han Chen really appeared!

Still carrying such a powerful ability!

Checking the opponent's cultivation base, he has reached the pinnacle of the middle-level mythical form!

The black and thin man also looked at the man in front of him with complicated eyes. He didn't expect his life to be saved by this man.

"It's me." Han Chen knew what happened just now.

But I'm more curious. Didn't it mean that the ancestors of the Hu family are dead? How come out again. Is it the grand ancestor?

"It was the ancestor of our Hu family who just shot." Hu Jun seemed to see Han Chen's worry at this time and said.

After all, Hu Jun distributed the best healing medicines.

"Where are the other teammates?" Hu Jun asked Han Chen.

"They are still on the swift boat. I am seeing you getting more and more anxious about the message, so I came early." Han Chen took off his cloak.

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