All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1287: Kill with one blow

The giant axe in his hand has also shrunk to the size of a finger, and the reason for being late this time is because he is refining the giant axe!

This time, the soul crystal and thunder attributes have been added. In order to integrate the two, Han Chen also added a mysterious aura.

That's why this God Killing Axe has changed so much, the mysterious aura can dissolve the opposite attribute energy.

But just now only half of the attack power of this God Axe was exerted!

In terms of divine use, it is already a proper artifact.

It's just that the attack power is only the level of a pseudo artifact.

But this has made Han Chen very satisfied, and he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

"That's it, we rest for three days and wait for the last fight with the Gu Luo family three days later, so that we can win the place to enter the secret realm." Hu Jun said while adjusting his breath.

"Isn't all the places in the secret realm already allocated? Why are you competing here as early as possible?" Han Chen asked if he didn't know what had happened before.

Hu Jun calmed his breath a little better, and then explained it to Han Chen.

Only then did Han Chen know that because of his lateness, the quota had become public property. Now he needs to hold it in his hands again and he needs to defeat all the opponents.

"But don't worry, because the three of them have already sent the most elite teams into the secret realm, so their cultivation base this time will not be terrifying." Hu Jun added.

Han Chen showed a bitter smile, which is really self-reliant. Come a few days earlier.

But now it doesn't help.

"Are you Han Chen?" At this time, the old man on the highest platform of the Feng Hai family walked over with the help of two maids nearby.

"It's under." Han Chen's heart was shaken, although he knew that this person just wanted to plot against himself, he did not dare to break out at this time. After all, judging from the ability that the other party showed just now, it was absolutely suppressed for Han Chen.

I don’t even have any good fruits.

"Did you see my talented disciple Feng Sen? Their law enforcement team followed you into the blue ice wind region." The aging old man asked meaningfully.

"I really don't know it in Xia. Although I received a quest from the Youlan Bingfeng Region, we stayed there for a short time, and we left after completing the quest, less than three days later! So I really don't know about the noble genius student Feng Sen. "Han Chen answered cautiously.

"Humph." The senile old man was another divine attack.

Han Chen's head instantly grew bigger, and suddenly Han Chen was slapped on the shoulder. I don't know when an old man in red appeared beside him. The old man in red smiled and said, "Old ghost Feng Hai, why are you doing something to my junior again? "

In Han Chen's soul, he calmed down instantly, Han Chen was already prepared, and he was still so easily broken by the opponent.

It seems that there is a huge difference between the eternal state and the mythological form level!

And the other party may be the top existence of Eternal Realm.

And the old man in red next to him is probably the ancestor of the Hu family in Hu Jun's words.

"Huh, you old Hu, you always sing opposing scenes with me. This person is obviously a casual cultivator. Could it be that your Hu family is against me for this casual cultivator?" the old man said tremblingly. Obviously.

"This person is a member of our Soldiers and Guards Department. He is qualified to call me the old director. As a former officer, there is no problem with protecting his little soldiers." The old man in red is also haha. Laugh, said openly.

Turning around, he said to Han Chen, "Since you and I are predestined, are you willing to join our Hu family? Although our Hu family is a bit declining, at least it is the four major families."

"You old ghost will do business." Knowing that he can't attack Han Chen today, the old man said to Han Chen secretly, "Be careful of your head. I found the evidence that you killed Feng Sen. It's you. When the head falls."

He said that he didn't leave, as if to see if Han Chen wanted to join Hu's family.

Wouldn't Han Chen know the threat? Han Chen regretted it now. He knew Longtan Tiger's Den was here, so he didn't come here.

But this may be worthy of Hu Jun's kindness.

But now, the old man in red, the ancestor of the Hu family, came to make a fuss again by the threat of the ancestor of Feng Hai family.

By joining, he can protect himself.

If you don't join, maybe they turn around and leave.

But the question is, as far as Han Chen is concerned, he is used to being free, how could he agree to join the Hu family?

But fortunately, Han Chen, there are two eternal realm powerhouses inside the Stellar. When he really wants to fight to death, Han Chen can still escape.

So Han Chen said neither humble nor arrogant, "Thank you for the good intentions of the ancestors of the Hu family! But I am a casual cultivator. I am usually lazy and don't like being restrained! I prefer to be free!"

"Are you sure?" The red-clothed old man's face was obviously not so good. After all, although he had just used the threat and pressure from the Feng Hai family's ancestors to intimidate Han Chen, he would never owe Han Chen to the Hu family.

But never thought that Han Chen was so unsure of it.

"At this time, Han has already thought about it. Thank you for your kindness!" Han Chen refused again.

Even Hu Jun on the side was anxious for Han Chen, and he refused such a good opportunity!

You know that at this time, Feng Hai’s ancestor suddenly made a move, wouldn’t it be that your Hu family ancestor couldn’t rescue you either?

"Haha, interesting. Old Hu, there are also times when you are deflated." The old man seemed to see the Hu family ancestor making a fool of himself, but he was very pleased, so he didn't pursue anything in depth.

So people helped them and walked away. When they left, they turned their heads and passed them to Han Chen, "Help the Hu family find the Birth Soul Flower! If you find it, exchange it with me, the Feng Hai family’s relationship with you Gratitude can be wiped out!"

After finishing speaking, he left without waiting for Han Chen to answer.

Han Chen looked at the old man with a weird look.

"Since you rejected me, I won't be able to stay here anymore. Let the little guy Hu Jun explain to you the rest of the matter." With that, the old man in red also went away invisible.

At this time, both Hu Jun and Hu Bai were relieved.

Han Chen was invited to rest at the Hujiajun camp in Fenghuo Camp.

Hu Jun chatted with Han Chen and learned about the completion of Han Chen's three tasks. When he heard that the Hehuan League had an eternal realm powerhouse, he took a sigh of relief.

"I really don't know that the task is so dangerous, otherwise I won't give it to you." Hu Jun said apologetically, "I will give you these rewards now."

After saying that, he gave Han Chen a storage bag, and then explained the points for attention in the game three days later.

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